
文摘   情感   2024-10-01 19:00   江西  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  • "每次靠近你,我的心跳都像失控的鼓点,不是怕你听见,而是怕你不回应。""Every time I get close to you, my heartbeat feels like a runaway drumbeat—not because I’m afraid you’ll hear it, but because I’m afraid you won’t respond."

  • "你知道你有多厉害吗?不管你走多远,我的心都会像小磁铁一样被你牢牢吸住。""Do you know how powerful you are? No matter how far you go, my heart clings to you like a magnet."

  • "遇见你之前,我没想过会有人让我甘愿心甘情愿地失控,甚至希望你永远掌控我。""Before I met you, I never imagined there’d be someone who’d make me willingly lose control, and now I want you to hold me in your grasp forever."

  • "你的微笑是我心里的锁,锁住我所有的理智,让我只想为你疯狂。""Your smile is the lock on my heart, sealing away all my reason, leaving me wanting to go wild for you."

  • "如果你是游戏,我甘愿放弃通关,只求一辈子卡在有你的那一关里,永远不想结束。""If you were a game, I’d willingly give up trying to beat it, just to be stuck in the level with you forever, never wanting it to end."

  • "每次和你对视,我的呼吸都像被偷走了一样,只剩下靠你的笑容活下去。""Every time our eyes meet, it feels like my breath is stolen away, and I can only survive on the warmth of your smile."

  • "你是我眼中的禁区,越是想保持距离,越是想靠近你,心甘情愿犯规。""You’re the forbidden zone in my life; the more I try to keep my distance, the more I want to get closer, willingly breaking the rules."

  • "如果思念有声音,我的世界早就被你吵得不得安宁了,因为我的心一直在喊着你的名字。""If longing had a sound, my world would have been overwhelmed by noise, because my heart’s been calling your name non-stop."

  • "你的一句话就能让我彻底沦陷,明明该理智,却发现理智在你面前不堪一击。""Just one word from you can make me fall completely; I try to stay rational, but reason stands no chance against you."

  • "你知道吗?我的情话写不完,因为每当你靠近,我的灵感就像潮水般涌现,只为取悦你。""Do you know why my love words never end? Because every time you come near, inspiration floods in like a tide, all just to please you."



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