
文化   2024-10-15 10:48   上海  

明末清初中西文化交流的遺產:新名詞視角的考察 / 黃興濤

[提  要]明末清初,西方傳教士東來,中西文化之間發生首次較大規模接觸。其最直接的成果之一,就是在漢語中留下大量影響深遠的新名詞,包括天主教系列名詞,西學分類系列名詞,天文地理和國家地區系列名詞,邏輯學、數學、物理學和心理學等具體學科名詞等。其中,天文地理系列新詞攜帶時空新知與早期“全球意識”,具有特殊價值。那些專門添加“口”字旁的名詞,原本並不帶歧視內涵,“口”旁只是音譯符號而已。不少現被認為清末民初才創製或來自日本的新名詞,其實早在明清之際即已出現。三音節以上詞創製之多,遠超今人想象。帶“學”或“家”後綴的三音節詞,尤具示範效應。一些舊詞,在中西互動中被悄然賦能、學理化使用,具有新舊過渡性,同樣值得關注。

[關鍵詞]明清之際  新名詞現象  西學  時空新知  全球意識


The Legacy of the Sino-Western Cultural Exchanges in the Late Ming and Early Qing Periods: A Study through the Perspective of New Terms / Huang Xingtao (005)

Abstract: In the Late Ming and Early Qing periods, western missionaries came to the east, and the first large-scale contact between Chinese and Western cultures occurred. One of the most direct results of such contact was leaving behind a large number of new terms of far-reaching influence in the Chinese language, including a series of Catholic terminologies, and terms referring to the classifications of western learning, including, astronomical and geographical terms, names of different countries and regions, and various terms of specific disciplines such as logic, mathematics, physics and psychology. Among them, the series of astronomical and geographical terms were of extraordinary value as they carried new knowledge on time and space and “global consciousness”. Those terms to which the character “口” were specifically, added as the radical didn’t carry a discriminatory connotation in the first place, therefore, the character “口” was merely a phonetic symbol. Many of the new terms which were originally thought to have been created in the late Qing and early Republican periods or to have been imported from Japan, had actually made their first appearance in the transitional period of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The number of terms with more than three syllables far exceeds the imagination of the current generation. The trisyllable terms with the suffixes “xue” or “jia” (namely “discipline” or “expert”) had a particular exemplary effect. Some of the old words, in an almost imperceptible way, empowered and were scholastically used in the interaction between China and the West, possessing a transitional nature between the old and the new are equally noteworthy.

Keywords: Transitional period of Ming and Qing dynasties; phenomenon of new terms; western learning; new knowledge on time and space; global consciousness

澳門學術發展與價值共同體的形成 / 吳志良
[提  要]“一國兩制”是中國智慧對人類文明的貢獻和政治文明的偉大創舉,其實踐是前所未有的偉大事業,需要在港澳兩個特區不斷探索中逐步完善和豐富。港澳兩個地區的歷史演變不同步,回歸之後發展的態勢也存在差異。澳門之所以能夠相對平穩,其中一個重要原因就是能夠在政治轉折和制度變遷的過程中牢牢把握歷史話語權,致力構建新的宏觀歷史敘事,凝聚社會共識,增強居民歸屬感和家國情懷,建立新的價值共同體。從學術史的角度,縱觀澳門的社會思潮和學術動態,探討澳門學術發展與價值共同體形成的共生關係,澳門學術界有正確的價值導向和強烈的現實關懷,對核心共同價值的構建產生了積極而重要的影響,特別是伴隨澳門社會進步而構建起來的澳門學,對探討澳門的發展理論、制度和道路建樹良多。
[關鍵詞]澳門  學術研究  學術發展  澳門學  “一國兩制”  共同體價值

Academic Development in Macao and the Formation of a Community of Values / Wu Zhiliang(026)

Abstract: The principle of “One Country, Two Systems” is a Chinese contribution to human civilization and a great invention to aid political civilization, whose implementation is a great, unprecedented cause that requires gradual improvement in the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao. While historic evolutions have differed between the two territories, the difference in development trends after reunification has become even more apparent. One of the important reasons for Macao having achieved a relatively stable development has been that during the process of political and institutional changes, the Chinese academic community in Macao has dominated the discourse of history by developing a new community of values through the construction of a new narrative to promote social cohesion, and enhance a sense of belonging and identity among the population. From the perspective of academic history, through analysis of the symbiotic relationship between academic development and the formation of a community of values, the academic community of Macao has achieved objective value orientation and strong realistic care. This has heavily influenced the construction of the core common values of the Macao community, especially the initiative of Macaology, whose development in line with social progress, has contributed positively to the theory, institution, and path of Macao’s development.

Keywords: Macao; academic research; academic development; Macaology; “One Country; Two Systems”; values of the community

國際大都市視角下的澳門經濟多元演進——回歸二十五週年的實踐與啟示 / 劉成昆
[提  要]回顧澳門回歸25年的經濟發展歷程,其曾因單一產業結構而深受經濟周期或外部衝擊的影響,導致經濟增長波動大、城市韌性不足。為降低經濟體系對單一產業過度依賴的風險,澳門特區政府持續推動經濟適度多元化,逐步確立了“1+4”多元產業發展策略。同時,通過區域合作促進產業多元,特別是橫琴粵澳深度合作區的建設,為澳門優化多元產業結構提供了新的空間和機遇。展望未來,在國際大都市的框架下,澳門將繼續深化區域經濟一體化,在更廣泛的領域和範圍拓展經濟多元化,積極融入國家發展戰略,加快推進可持續高質量發展。
[關鍵詞]澳門  經濟適度多元  區域一體化  國際大都市

Macao’s Economic Diversification Evolution from the View of an International Metropolis—Practice and Insight 25 Years Since the Return / Liu Chengkun (040)

Abstract: After reviewing Macao’s economic development over the past 25 years since its return to the motherland, we see that it has been deeply affected by economic cycles or external shocks due to its single industrial structure, resulting in significant economic growth volatility and inadequate urban resilience. The Macao Special Administrative Region Government has continuously promoted moderate economic diversification and gradually established a “1+4” diversified industrial development strategy to reduce the risk of over-reliance on a single industry. At the same time, regional cooperation has been leveraged to promote industrial diversification, particularly the construction of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, providing new opportunities and space for Macao to optimize its diversified industrial structure. Looking forward, within the framework of an international metropolis, Macao will continue to deepen regional economic integration, expand economic diversification in broader areas and scopes, actively integrate into the national development strategy, and accelerate the promotion of sustainable and high-quality development.

Keywords: Macao; moderate economic diversification; regional integration; international metropolis


科技與藝術互動的順勢、逆勢及其超越——虛擬藝術史的三種書寫範式 / 楊光影  馬睿

[提  要]自1960年代以來,科技藝術逐漸成為當代藝術的重要部類;基於計算機科技而產生的虛擬藝術則是科技藝術的新興形態。虛擬藝術的發展帶來了關於藝術史的新思考。在此語境中,一些科技理論家在1990年代展開了虛擬藝術史的書寫。對虛擬藝術歷史的探討,必然會重點考慮科技與藝術的關係。面對科技主導社會發展的強勢地位,理論家產生了對於科技與藝術關係的不同理解,從而建構了三種書寫範式。其中,奧利弗•格勞基於科技推動藝術的“順勢互動”,建構出 “科技的藝術史”;史蒂芬•威爾遜基於藝術化用科技的“逆勢互動”,建構出“藝術的科技史”。相比之下,弗蘭克•波普爾以技術與美學“雙線合一”的敘事,強調“技術—美學”語境下科技與藝術的非線性互動,書寫了科技藝術的“開放性聯結史”。此外,波普爾還將虛擬藝術置於當代藝術的譜系中,改寫、補寫和擴寫了當代藝術史,區別於“藝術社會史”等藝術史的書寫方法和視角,為“重寫藝術史”打開新的維度。

[關鍵詞]科技藝術史  虛擬藝術史  書寫範式


The Pros and Cons of Technology-Art Interaction and Its Transcendence: Three Writing Paradigms of Virtual Art History / Yang Guangying & Ma Rui (054)

Abstract: Since the 1960s, technological art has gradually become an important category of contemporary art; virtual art, based on computer technology, is an emerging form of technological art. The development of virtual art has brought about new thinking about art history. In this context, some technological theorists started to write the history of virtual art in the 1990s. The exploration of the history of virtual art inevitably focuses on the relationship between science, technology and art. In the face of the strong position of science and technology dominating the development of society, theorists have produced different understandings of the relationship between science and technology and art, thus constructing three writing paradigms. Among them, Oliver Grau constructed “The Art History of Technology” based on the “homeopathic interaction” of science and technology promoting art, and Stephen Wilson constructed “The Technological History of Art” based on the “counter-trend interaction” of art using science and technology. Stephen Wilson has constructed a “technological history of art” based on the “counter-trend interaction” of art with technology. In contrast, Frank Popper, with the narrative of “two lines of unity” between technology and aesthetics, emphasised the non-linear interaction between technology and art in the context of “technology-aesthetics”, and wrote the “open connection history” of technology and art. In addition, Popper also places virtual art in the genealogy of contemporary art, rewrites, supplements, and expands the history of contemporary art, distinguishing it from the methods and perspectives of art history, such as “social history of art”, thus, opening up a new dimension for “rewriting art history”.

Keywords: Technological art history; virtual art history; writing paradigm

從人類世到負人類世:論斯蒂格勒如何在數字時代重思美學 / 夏開豐

[提  要]人類世的核心問題是熵,即能量消耗。對斯蒂格勒來說,人類世的問題是由技術造成的廢人化,即知識的喪失。但技術具有藥理學特徵,它既是熵的加速,也是負熵的增強。數字時代的來臨,一方面使我們走向廢人化的新階段,另一方面可以利用數字技術建立一個去廢人化的數字社會,這意味著“負人類世”的到來,它強調的是不大可能者,從而抵抗計算。康德所理解的美感判斷就是這種不大可能者的經驗,我們通過藝術作品而將自己提升到另一個平面中,從而獲得美感經驗。但康德沒有注意到器官學生成,不大可能者的經驗同樣需要技術物來支撐。藝術史就是普遍器官學和感性譜系學的聯結。斯蒂格勒把業餘愛好者作為負熵的典範,但他忽略了如果缺少某種引導的動因,業餘愛好者只能是一個平凡的實踐。當代藝術才是美學的器官學更為合適的典範,因為當代藝術內在地以違犯規則為目標,這正是普遍器官學的特徵。由違犯而產生的偶然性正是一種不大可能者的經驗,因此當代藝術家能夠逆轉人類世的邏輯而進入負人類世中。

[關鍵詞] 斯蒂格勒  人類世  負人類世  負熵

[作者簡介] 夏開豐,同濟大學人文學院副教授、博士生導師

From the Anthropocene to the Neganthropocene: How Stiegler Reconsiders Aesthetics in the Digital Age / Xia Kaifeng (065)

Abstract: The core problem of the Anthropocene is entropy, that is, energy consumption. For Stiegler, the problem of the Anthropocene is the proletarianization, the loss of knowledge, caused by technology. But technology has pharmacological characteristics, which are both an acceleration of entropy and an enhancement of negative entropy. The advent of the digital age, on the one hand, leads us to a new stage of proletarianization, but on the other hand, digital technology can be used to build a de-proletarianization of the digital society, signaling the arrival of the Neganthropocene, which emphasizes the improbable, thus resisting computation. Aesthetic judgment, as Kant understood it, is the experience of the improbable, and we gain aesthetic experience by lifting ourselves into another plane through works of art. But Kant fails to note that the experience of the improbable also requires technical support. The history of art is the nexus of general organology and the genealogy of the sensible. Stiegler takes amateurism as a model of negative entropy, but he ignores that amateurism can only be an ordinary practice without some guiding agent. Contemporary art is a more appropriate model of aesthetic organology, because contemporary art is intrinsically aimed at breaking rules, which is the characteristic of general organology. The contingency resulting from transgression is precisely the experience of the improbable, and so contemporary artists can reverse the logic of the Anthropocene and enter the Neganthropocene.

Keywords: Stiegler; Anthropocene; Neganthropocene; negentropy; the improbable

人工智能藝術創作工具論 / 盧文超

[提  要] 對於人類而言,人工智能不是創作的另一主體,而是創作的工具。在人類利用人工智能進行創作的過程中,選擇的重要性凸顯出來。創作模式呈現出人工智能隨機生成、人類精心選擇的新特徵。在此創作模式中,運氣和偶然發揮著重要影響。選擇者的美學素養和眼光成為影響創作的重要因素。人類通過創作賦予事物意義的模式發生了變化,這會引起人類創作的重大變革。

[關鍵詞]人工智能  創作  選擇  主體  工具


Artificial Intelligence as the Art Creation Tool / Lu Wenchao (076)

Abstract: For humans, artificial intelligence is not another subject of creation, but a tool for creation. In the process of human’s use of artificial intelligence, the importance of selection is highlighted. The model of creation presents a new feature that artificial intelligence generates the works randomly, which humans then select carefully. In this model of creation, luck and chance have an important impact. The aesthetic literacy and vision of the selector have become an important factor affecting the creation process. Humans have changed the models that give things meaning by creating. This will bring major changes in human creation.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; creation; selection; subject; tool


愛因斯坦的科學觀與宗教觀探幽 / 張志剛

[提  要]自近代自然科學於十六世紀興起以來,如何解釋“宗教與科學”的關係問題,隨即成為擺在東西方傳統文化、尤其是各大傳統宗教研究面前的一大理論挑戰,此難題堪稱“研討宗教信仰的第一道門檻”。二十世紀大物理學家、相對論創立者愛因斯坦對此難題頗為關切,他並未入流其同時代西方思想界佔上風的科學與宗教“衝突論”,而是力圖闡發二者“依存論”。作為二十世紀最有影響的自然科學家,愛因斯坦的此種思想傾向有何典型意義,其科學觀與宗教觀有何理論分量,尤其是他所傾訴的新宗教觀——“宇宙宗教情感”有何邏輯理路與精神實質,這些便是本文潛心宗教哲學視角所要深析的主要內容。

[關鍵詞] 愛因斯坦  科學觀  宗教觀  依存關係  精神實質

[作者簡介] 張志剛,山東大學猶太教與跨宗教研究中心、哲學與社會發展學院講席教授,北京大學博雅特聘教授,中國統一戰線理論研究會民族宗教理論甘肅研究基地研究員

Exploring Albert Einstein’s Views on Science and Religion / Zhang Zhigang (085)

Abstract: Since the rise of modern science in the 16th century, explaining the relationship between “religion and science” has immediately become a major theoretical challenge for traditional cultures in both East and the West, especially for the study of various traditional religions. This issue can be regarded as “the first threshold for studying religious beliefs”. Albert Einstein, the great physicist of the twentieth century and the founder of the theory of relativity, was deeply concerned with this issue. He did not follow the prevailing “conflict theory” between science and religion in the Western intellectual circles of his time, but instead sought to elucidate the “interdependence theory” between the two. As the most influential scientist of the 20th century, what is the typical significance of Einstein’s ideological tendency? And what is the theoretical weight of his views on science and religion, especially, what are the logical reasoning and spiritual essence of his new religious view—“cosmic religious feeling”? This article intends to deeply analyze these phenomena from the perspective of religious philosophy.

Keywords: Einstein; scientific view; religious view; interdependence; spiritual essence

偉烈亞力《中國文獻解題》所載基督教中文文獻來源考述 / 李真

[提  要]英國漢學家偉烈亞力(Alexander Wylie)的《中國文獻解題》(1867)著錄2,000餘種中國古代典籍,超過此前任何一部由西人編纂的漢籍目錄,為西方漢學史上第一部以西文撰寫的較完備的中文文獻指南目錄。該書首次採用四部分類法對中國古代典籍進行大規模詳盡介紹,以指導西方學者的漢學研究,同類著作此前在西方世界很少出現,因此在漢學史上具有劃時代的意義。書中所收除中文典籍和少量西學漢籍外,在“子部•雜家”類還彙集了逾90部基督教中文文獻,時間跨度從晚明到晚清,包括天主教與新教傳教士的宣教作品以及奉教文人的護教文獻,成為明清之際中西文化雜糅的重要見證。本文著重探討了這些宗教作品的作者背景、特點、版本等,考察了所載書目的知識來源和參考資料,初步釐清了明清基督教中文文獻目錄的源頭史料,明確了偉烈亞力在編纂過程中從選目到提要所採用的中西資料線索來源。

[關鍵詞]西方漢學史  偉烈亞力  《中國文獻解題》  基督教中文文獻  中西文化交流

[作者簡介] 李真,北京外國語大學國際中國文化研究院教授,北京中外文化交流基地研究員,江蘇科技大學外國語學院客座研究員,博士

A Study of the Sources of Christian Chinese Literature in Alexander Wylie’s Notes on Chinese Literature / Li Zhen (094)

Abstract: British sinologist Alexander Wylie’s Notes on Chinese Literature (1867) cataloged over 2,000 ancient Chinese texts, surpassing any previous Chinese bibliographies compiled by Western scholars. It stands as the first comprehensive guide to Chinese literature written in a Western language and holds epoch-making significance in the history of Western sinology. The book is notable for being the first to apply the traditional Chinese Four-Part Classification to provide a large-scale and detailed introduction to Chinese classical texts to guide Western scholars in their sinological studies. Similar works had rarely appeared in the Western world before, making this publication a landmark in sinological history. Besides Chinese classics and a few Western works translated into Chinese, the book also includes more than 90 Christian Chinese works under the category “Miscellaneous Schools of Thought.” These span from the late Ming to the late Qing dynasties, covering missionary writings from both Catholic and Protestant missionaries, as well as apologetic literature by Chinese Christian scholars, serving as an important testament to the cultural blending of East and West during the Ming and Qing periods. This paper focuses on the authorial backgrounds, distinctive features, and editions of these religious works, assessing the sources and references for these religious works. By examining the listed entries, it traces the historical origins of the cataloged Christian Chinese literature, and clarifies the Chinese and Western materials that Wylie used for both selection and annotation during the compilation process.

Keywords: History of Western Sinology; Alexander Wylie; Notes on Chinese Literature; Christian Chinese literature; Sino-Western cultural exchange

論王重民域外漢籍編目的探索與實踐——以《伯希和A藏B藏目錄》為中心 / 劉蕊

[提  要] 《伯希和A藏B藏目錄》是王重民在域外漢籍編目與整理方面的重要成果,它收錄了法國國家圖書館在二十世紀初入藏的由伯希和在中國購置的兩千餘種漢籍。此目以法國國圖《古恒目錄》為藍本,糅合四庫分類法,共分十類,並將叢書子目分列於各類之下;內容用法文撰寫,附注中文書名、人名等,注重描述和解釋書籍的內容及作者等信息;在尊重法國國圖舊有漢籍目錄的同時,又據中國傳統目錄學靈活變通,從而保證了專業性和準確性,體現了王重民在域外漢籍編目與整理方面富有開創性的探索與嘗試,在中國學者所編域外漢籍目錄中獨樹一幟。

[關鍵詞] 王重民  《伯希和A藏B藏目錄》  《古恒目錄》  編目方法

[作者簡介] 劉蕊,上海大學文學院副教授,博士

On Wang Zhongmin’s Exploration and Practice on the Compilation Method of Overseas Chinese Bibliographies: Focusing on the Catalogue of Collections of Pelliot A and B / Liu Rui (105)

Abstract: The Catalogue of Collections of Pelliot A and B is an important achievement of Wang Zhongmin in cataloging and organizing Chinese literature stored by foreign countries. It included over 2000 types of Chinese books that were purchased by Paul Pelliot in China, that were then stored in the French National Library in the early 20th century. In line with the method of Four-part Categorization and on the basis of the Catalogue of Chinese Collection of BNF Complied by Maurice Courant, this catalogue was composed of ten categories, with subitems classified under each category. It was written in French, with annotations of Chinese book titles, persons’ names, etc., alongside its description and explanation of the book’s content and author information. On the basis of the old catalogue of Chinese literature in the French National Library, flexible adaptations were made according to traditional Chinese bibliographies to ensure professionalism and accuracy, reflecting Wang Zhongmin’s pioneering exploration and attempt in cataloging and organizing Chinese books stored overseas. This catalogue is unique among foreign Chinese cataloging compiled by Chinese scholars.

Keywords: Wang Zhongmin; The Catalogue of collections of Pelliot A and BThe Catalogue of Chinese collection of BNF complied by Maurice Courant; cataloguing methods

試論學術期刊的有為和無為——兼評新世紀學術期刊改革的得與失 / 原祖傑
[提  要]中國自20世紀50年代建立的學術期刊體系在70年代末得以明確和強化,在很大程度上推動了學術期刊單位化與期刊編輯職業化。然而,進入新世紀以來中國學術期刊,尤其是人文社科類綜合性期刊的出版狀況卻讓學界和期刊界很多人憂心如焚。面對外部的批評和內部的窘迫,一批期刊人率先打破歲月靜好的無為狀態,走向有為的期刊改革。從統一註釋標準到明確投稿要求,從推動專欄建設到創辦網絡專業刊,從採用同行評議制度到不斷更新傳播方式,無不展示出投身改革的一批期刊編輯的積極進取精神。經過二十多年的努力,中國學術期刊無論是編輯制度的完善,還是傳播方式的創新,都取得了不俗的成績。然而,随着時間的推移,改革的邊際效益則似乎越來越低。繁複的制度監督和花樣翻新的傳播競爭造成的內耗和內捲讓我們不得不反思,有為的改革與進取是否應該在某些方面讓位於無為的信任與持守,讓學術期刊回歸到正常的學術服務角色,將改革的目標從強化制度監督調整到培養倫理和誠信機制,以促進中國學術生態的健康發展。
[關鍵詞] 學術期刊  學術評價  同行評議  編輯角色  學術生態
[作者簡介] 原祖傑,四川大學歷史文化學院教授、博士生導師,全國高等學校文科學報研究會副理事長,《四川大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》原常務副主編

The Role of Academic Journal Activism: an Evaluation of Journal Reforms in the New Century / Yuan Zujie (116)

Abstract: The academic journal system established in China during the 1950s, and further solidified in the late 1970s, fostered a trend towards the unitization of academic journals and the professionalization of journal editors. However, at the dawn of the 21st century, many academic journals, particularly comprehensive ones in the humanities and social sciences, faced significant challenges, raising widespread concern. In response to external criticism and internal discontent, a group of editors emerged as key reformers, spearheading a series of transformative initiatives. These reforms included standardizing annotation guidelines, clarifying submission requirements, promoting specialized columns, establishing online journals, adopting the referee system, and continually innovating dissemination methods. These efforts underscore the proactive role of editors in driving journal reforms. After more than twenty years of efforts, Chinese academic journals have made remarkable progress in improving editing systems and innovating dissemination methods; As time goes by, however, the marginal benefits of these reforms are diminishing. The increasingly complex institutional monitoring systems and relentless competition in dissemination, have led to considerable involution and internal friction. This situation prompts a reconsideration of the reform trajectory, suggesting a potential shift towards stabilizing the role of academic journals. This shift would involve moving away from continuous reform and instead focusing on fostering ethics and trust, thereby promoting a healthier academic ecosystem in China.

Keywords: Academic journals; academic evaluation; referee system; role of editors; academic ecology

學術期刊、學術評價與學術共同體的良性互生 / 張桃洲
[提  要] 以高校學報為代表的綜合學術期刊因受到內外因素的影響,在與學術評價、學術研究的對話交流中並未形成良好的學術共同體,甚至出現相互疏離與悖反,深刻地影響了學術生態環境的建設。解決這一問題的關鍵在於,在正確理解學術期刊定位、學術評價對學術期刊引導性質的基礎上,激發學術期刊參與學術評價的積極性,探尋學術期刊與學術評價的有機關聯及二者基於雙向主體性的對話和互動空間,由此共同參與一種良性學術共同體的構建。
[關鍵詞] 學術期刊  學術評價  學術共同體  良性互生
[作者簡介] 張桃洲,《首都師範大學學報(社會科學版)》主編、首都師範大學文學院教授

The Positive Synergy of Academic Journals, Evaluation and Community / Zhang Taozhou (129)

Abstract: Comprehensive academic journals, represented by university journals, have not formed a strong academic community in dialogue and exchange with academic evaluation and research due to both internal and external influences. This has led to mutual alienation and contradiction, profoundly affecting the construction of the academic environment. The key to addressing this issue lies in correctly understanding the positioning of academic journals and the guiding nature of academic evaluation in these journals. On this basis, it is essential to stimulate the enthusiasm of academic journals to participate in academic evaluation, explore the organic connection between academic journals and evaluation, and create a space for dialogue and interaction based on mutual subjectivity, thereby enabling the joint construction of a healthy academic community.

Keywords: Academic journal; academic evaluation; academic community; positive synergy

舊詩歌哭曙光兀降——兼論古今“詩史”類型 / 夏中義
[提  要] 現代舊體詩對世變的感應,往往與時勢的發展並不對稱。例如,舊詩對1976年的“粉碎四人幫”和1978年的“思想解放”似乎無動於衷,而稍後的“身份解放”卻掀動了舊詩在新時期的結集歌哭。這或是因為,“身份解放”是受难者生命的惟一憧憬,在几近绝望的幽暗时辰曙光兀降,帶來的心靈衝擊難以言喻。魯兵、程千帆、江辛眉等用舊詩表達了對“身份解放”的切身體認,成為詠懷範例。其中,江辛眉的舊詩不僅善於“詠懷”,且精於“詠史”,堪稱“1978”詩史歌哭之典範。與杜甫為唐朝由強轉衰的憂患拐點鐫刻“詩史”一樣,江辛眉也替當代“思想解放”的偉大拐點寫下了“詩史”。與“1978”舊詩歌哭同時的“傷痕文學”,儘管其思想價值與審美魅力顯然落在當時的舊詩之下,卻在文學史教材中不可或缺,而舊詩至今仍被文學史教程拒之門外,令人遺憾。
[關鍵詞] 舊體詩  詠懷  詩史  思想解放  身份解放  1978
[作者簡介] 夏中義,浙江越秀外國語學院教授,上海交通大學人文學院教授

The Lament of Traditional Poetry as Dawn Breaks Suddenly: A Discussion on the Genres of “Poetry as History” in Ancient and Modern Times / Xia Zhongyi (140)

Abstract: Modern traditional Chinese poetry’s response to societal changes often does not align with the development of the times. For example, traditional poetry seemed indifferent to the 1976 “Smashing of the Gang of Four” and the 1978 “Liberation of Thought,” but the subsequent “Liberation of Identity” triggered a collective expression of grief and lamentation in traditional poetry during the new era. This may be because the “Liberation of Identity” was the only hope for the victims’ lives, and in the nearly hopeless moments of darkness, the sudden dawn brought an indescribable shock to the soul. Poets such as Lu Bing, Cheng Qianfan, and Jiang Xinmei expressed a deep personal understanding of the “Liberation of Identity” in their traditional poetry, becoming exemplary of reflective poetry. Among them, Jiang Xinmei’s traditional poetry not only excels in personal reflection, but also in historical reflection, making her poetry a model of the “Poetry as History” genre that mourned the events of 1978. Similar to how Du Fu carved a “Poetry as History” at the turning point when the Tang dynasty transitioned from strength to decline, Jiang Xinmei also documented the great turning point of contemporary “Liberation of Thought” with her “Poetry as History”. Although the “Scar Literature” movement, which emerged alongside the 1978 traditional poetry, remains an indispensable part of literary history textbooks, its intellectual value and aesthetic appeal clearly fell short of the traditional poetry of that time. Unfortunately, traditional poetry continues to be excluded from literary history curricula to this day.

Keywords: Traditional Chinese poetry; personal reflection; poetry as history; liberation of thought; liberation of identity; 1978

新時期初的“現代文學”形象——以《新文學史料》創刊號為例 / 吳艷
[提  要] 《新文學史料》是“新時期”第一份以刊登現代文學史料為主的刊物,它承載著歷史轉軌之際“現代文學”如何重建自身的重要使命。對創刊號進行耐心、細致的梳理,有助於重新勾勒和描摹“現代文學”在“新時期”初的圖景,同時勘探作為文學期刊的《新文學史料》如何在“新時期”參與和重構文學秩序,它又承擔了何種功能。換言之,《新文學史料》創刊號敘述了什么,以及它是怎樣進行敘述的。
[關鍵詞] 《新文學史料》  創刊號  現代文學  形象  新時期
[作者簡介] 吳艷,西安交通大學人文社會科學學院中文系助理教授,博士

The Image of “Modern Literature” at the Beginning of the New Era: Taking the First Issue of New Literary and Historical Materials as an Example / Wu Yan (151)

Abstract: The first issue of New Literature Historical Materials was the first publication in the “new period” that mainly published modern literature historical materials, and bears the important mission of how to rebuild “modern literature” in a time of historical transformation. Taking the first issue of New Literature Historical Data as the research object, this paper intends to re-outline and trace the picture of “modern literature” at the beginning of the “new period” through patient and meticulous combing of the first issue and explore how New Literature Historical Data as a literary journal participates in and reconstructs the literary order in the “new period”, and asks what functions it assumes? In other words, this paper tries to answer the question of what the first issue of the New Literature Historical Data describes and how it describes it.

Keywords: New Literary and Historical Materials; first issue; modern literature; image; New Era

上海租界與“二次革命”新探 / 徐濤
[提  要] “二次革命”是影響中國走向、具備轉折意義的歷史大事件。對此等大事件的史學闡釋,百年已逾,仍難言完備。本文將上海租界這一前人著墨較少的重要參與方置於歷史敘事的舞台中央,將全球視野與在地反應同時納入考察範圍,分析上海一地在“二次革命”中所起過的重要作用。研究表明,上海“一市三治”的城市空間、外國租界內部的權力格局,以及複雜混亂的城市安全架構,皆對“二次革命”歷史進程產生了重大影響。“二次革命”決不只是中國人的政治內鬥,上海租界也是影響民國初年這場政爭最終結局難以迴避的關鍵場域。
[關鍵詞] 上海  “二次革命”  孫中山  租界  領事團  閘北
[作者簡介] 徐濤,上海社會科學院歷史研究所研究員,博士

Foreign Authorities in Shanghai and the “Second Revolution” / Xu Tao (165)

Abstract: The “Second Revolution” stands as a significant historical event that profoundly influenced China’s trajectory, marking a pivotal turning point. Despite over a century having passed, a comprehensive understanding of such major events remains elusive in historical scholarship. This paper aims to shed light on the pivotal role played by the Shanghai International Settlement and French Concession, a significant yet relatively understudied participant, in the narrative of history. By placing Shanghai Foreign Authorities within the central stage of historical discourse and incorporating both global perspectives and local responses, this study analyzes the role of Shanghai in the “Second Revolution”. Research indicates that the urban space characterized by the “One City, Three Administrations” model, the power dynamics within the Shanghai International Settlement and French Concession, and the intricate and chaotic urban security framework, all exerted significant influence on the historical trajectory of the “Second Revolution”. It is evident that the “Second Revolution” was not merely a domestic political struggle among Chinese factions; the Shanghai Foreign Authorities also emerged as a critical field that inevitably shaped the outcome of the political contest during the early years of the Republic of China.

Keywords: Shanghai; “Second Revolution”; Dr. Sun Yat-sen; international settlement; French concession; consular body; Chapei

通向現代史學之路:顧頡剛與今文經學關係研究的百年反思 / 范靜靜
[提  要] 歷經一個世紀,關於顧頡剛與今文經學關係的爭論早就應該劃上句號了。回看這場爭論,最初只是學術範圍內的正常討論,沒有人因為顧頡剛受到今文經學的影響而否定其現代史家的身份。隨著政局變化,顧頡剛與今文學家質疑古史的行為變成了一種“原罪”,他們的關係因此成為熱點,主流觀點是顧頡剛重蹈了今文學家的覆轍,不是徹底的現代史家。1980年代至今,延續此前路徑,評價沒有超出以上兩種意見的範圍。只不過之前的極端看法被普遍的折中態度所代替:既承認顧頡剛深受今文經學的影響,又承認他是現代史家。這種態度看似合理,其實不利於解決問題。綜而觀之,既有觀點多半是自說自話,甚至違背邏輯同一律。這從表面上看是學術受制於政治的體現,實則反映了現代學術意識的缺失。需要再次回到原點,先以現代史學的標準從根本上理清顧頡剛與今文經學的關係,再談其他,否則研究只會陷入低水平與無意義的內捲之中。究竟能否破冰,尚待研究者的共同努力。
[關鍵詞] 顧頡剛  今文經學  古史辨  現代史學  學政關係
[作者簡介] 范靜靜,清華大學歷史系博士後研究人員

The Road to Modern Historiography: A Century-long Reflection on the Relationship between Gu Jiegang and the New Text Study of Confucian Classics / Fan Jingjing (177)

Abstract: After a century, the debate on the relationship between Gu Jiegang and the new text study of Confucian classics should have come to an end long ago. Looking back at this debate, it was initially just a normal discussion within the academic community. No one denied Gu Jiegang’s status as a modern historian because he was influenced by the new text study of Confucian classics. As the political situation changed, Gu Jiegang’s behavior with modern writers questioning ancient history became an “original sin”, and their relationship became a hot topic. The mainstream view is that Gu Jiegang repeated the mistakes of modern writers and was not a thoroughly modern historian. From the 1980s to the present, continuing the previous path, evaluation has not exceeded the scope of the above two opinions. It’s just that the previous extreme views were replaced by a common compromise attitude: it was recognized that Gu Jiegang was deeply influenced by the new text study of Confucian classics, and he was recognized as a modern historian. This attitude seems reasonable, but in fact it is not conducive to solving the problem. To sum up, most of the existing opinions are self-talk and even violate the law of logical identity. On the surface, this is a manifestation of academia being controlled by politics, but in fact it reflects the lack of modern academic consciousness. We need to go back to the starting point again and first fundamentally clarify the relationship between Gu Jiegang and the new text study of Confucian classics according to the standards of modern history before discussing other considerations. Otherwise, the research will only fall into low-level and meaningless involution. Whether the ice can be broken through the joint efforts of researchers remains to be seen.

Keywords: Gu Jiegang; New Text Study of Confucian Classics; Ku Shih Pien; modern historiography; the relationship between academia and politics

央地關係視域下全面抗戰時期國立中學發展路徑述論 / 張晶
[提  要] 二十世紀初,中等教育在中國產生,此後一般由地方辦理。全面抗戰爆發後,迫於戰事影響,國民政府開始有系統地設立國立中學,以救濟由淪陷區撤退至後方的中等學校員生。國立中學的設立,打破了中央和地方的教育權責劃分,成為戰時中央辦理中等教育的重要嘗試。抗戰進入相持階段後,國民政府一方面限制國立中學的規模,導致其救濟功能有所弱化,另一方面又賦予國立中學救濟僑生和發展邊疆教育的新“使命”。抗戰勝利後,大多數國立中學重新劃歸地方辦理。國立中學的復員過程,同時也是教育部調整東西部中等教育資源配置的過程。在此過程中,國民政府還有意促進中學、師範和職業學校的均衡發展。
[關鍵詞]央地關係  全面抗戰時期  國立中學  國民政府教育部

Research on the National Middle School During the Comprehensive War against Japanese Aggression from the Perspective of Central Local Relations / Zhang Jing (189)

Abstract: In the early 20th century, secondary education emerged in China, and since then, it has generally been handled by local authorities. However, after the War against Japanese Aggression, the Nationalist government, under the influence of the war, began to establish national middle schools to relieve the secondary school students who had retreated from the occupied areas to the rear. The establishment of national middle schools broke the division of educational rights and responsibilities between the central and local governments, becoming an important attempt by the central government to handle secondary education during wartime. After entering the stalemate stage of the War against Japanese Aggression, the Nationalist government on the one hand, restricted the scale of national high schools, weakening their relief function, and on the other hand, endowed them with a new “mission” of relieving overseas Chinese students and developing border education. After the victory of the War against Japanese Aggression, most national middle schools were reclassified to local management. The demobilization process of national middle schools is also a process for the Ministry of Education to adjust the allocation of secondary education resources in the eastern and western regions. During this process, the Nationalist government also intended to promote the balanced development of secondary schools, normal schools, and vocational schools.

Keywords: Central local relations; Comprehensive War against Japanese Aggression; national middle school; Ministry of Education of the National Government
