CISGZ - Sherry Wu - Celebrating Girl Child
CISGZ - Michelle Wang - Bird in Cage
ISNS-Cindy L -Bridges of Friendship
Clifford-Bonnie Kim
In recognition of International Day of the Girl Child, the consulate hosted an illustration competition for high school girls under theme of Canada and southern China, girls' vision for the future, as part of the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of Canada’s presence in southern China.
Thank you to all the artists from the Canadian curriculum schools in Guangdong. In addition to the winner, Ethel T from the Canadian International School Guangzhou (CISGZ), our top 5 entries also includes students from Clifford International School and the International School of Nanshan Shenzhen (ISNS).
为了纪念国际女童日,领事馆举办了以 “加拿大与华南,女童憧憬的未来”为主题的女高中生插画比赛,以庆祝加拿大在华南地区成立办事处三十周年。
感谢所有来自广东地区加拿大课程学校的艺术家们。除了来自广州加拿大外籍人员子女学校的获奖者Ethel T,前五名的优秀参赛作品还包括祈福国际学校和深圳市南山外籍人员子女学校的学生们。