
楼市   2024-03-12 15:49   广东  






On March 11th, Ms. Shaz Bailey visited the Shenzhen Victoria Kindergarten (Le Parc) Campus. After visiting the classrooms and observing the teaching and learning happening in the school, Ms. Shaz Bailey had many positive things to say about the students, the teachers, the learning environment, and the overall school itself. Ms. Shaz Baily also complimented the school on its work and focus to integrate the school's Mossflower Reading and Writing Project program, within the overall framework of the IB PYP. Thank you to Ms. Shaz Bailey for her visit, and for her support to the school as it moves along and goes on in its own learning journey. 


Open Day is Coming!

凝聚专业力量,创建学习者社区, 帮助学生做好成为终身学习者和具有国际视野的全球公民的准备。