当下救灾和灾后重建工作时间均非常紧迫,面对这巨大商机,外贸小伙伴们应积极行动起来,在关注美国重建政策和相关项目消息的同时,迅速调整产品策略和报价策略,确保产品能够合规入关(质量要可靠,且符合美国对应行业认证标准)情况下,积极自主拓客。当然 ,对于灾情极为严重的当地来说,货物的交付时效也很重要。只要把握好这些商机,咱外贸人既可以在这场灾难中找到新的业务增长点,也可以为当地灾区重建工作贡献一份力量。至于寻求爆单需要联系的目标,其实和我们平时开发客户的方向大致一样,毕竟我们大多数人要卖的还是自己的产品,而不是跨行业营销。产品的需求并没有改变,只是增强了而已,而产品交付与交易的渠道还是这些,比如大型零售商、批发商、进口商、商超、建筑/医疗器械公司(依产品而定)等。那么外贸人该怎样写一封高价值的营销邮件,来展开合作呢?Your Partner in Rebuilding Los Angeles - ABV Company I hope this email finds you well amidst the challenges that Los Angeles is currently facing with. My name is Michael, the Sales Manager at ABV Company, a leading XXX company based in XXX Province China. Of course I don't wanna waste your time just letting you know who I am, but to offer some concrete value.We have been closely monitoring the devastating wildfires and the subsequent rebuilding efforts in Los Angeles, and we are deeply committed to supporting your community in this time of need.At ABV Company, we specialize in providing high-quality (你的核心产品), which we believe can play a crucial role in the reconstruction process. Our products are not only durable and reliable but also designed to meet the stringent safety and environmental standards that are essential in the aftermath of such disasters,the market demand is immense.Here are some of the key products we offer that align perfectly with the current requirements in Los Angeles:(这里不要写的太复杂,避免让邮件过于冗长,因为这封邮件比较特殊,本身就很难再去精简,否则无法传递足够的产品价值和情绪价值。你可以在第一封邮件发出后紧跟几封,附上具体信息。)
We understand the urgency and the scale of the rebuilding task at hand. That's why we have streamlined our processes to ensure rapid delivery and exceptional customer service. Our dedicated team is ready to work closely with you to understand your specific needs and provide customized solutions that fit your budget and timeline.Moreover, we are offering a special Discount/Incentive for all orders placed within the next XXX days to support the swift recovery of Los Angeles. This is our way of contributing to the community and ensuring that the rebuilding process is as smooth and efficient as possible.To give you a better idea of how our products can assist in the reconstruction, we would be more than happy to arrange a virtual product demonstration or send you detailed brochures and case studies. You can also explore our full range of offerings from next following emails or simply from our website.We are confident that our products and services will be a valuable asset in rebuilding Los Angeles. Let's join hands in this endeavor and help restore the city to its former glory. Please feel free to reach out to me directly by email or WhatsApp at +86152XXXX6988 to discuss further or to place an order.Thank you for considering ABC Company as your trusted partner in this crucial time. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you and contribute to the resilience of Los Angeles.我是Mike,希望这篇文章能为外贸小伙伴们提供一些有价值的参考,并帮助大家抓住这场巨大商机。接单赚钱了,不用请吃饭,心里记着Mike这份好就成,哈哈需要提醒的是,文章看了没用,内容懂了、逻辑通了、信息用了、实际去复利了,才是真有用,建议外贸小伙伴们转发收藏,抓紧用起来吧。
大家好,我是Mike, 一枚新晋奶爸,创业公司、工厂老板。去过很多城市,最后扎根在河北。不喜欢绕弯子,喜欢讲真话,已带领无数学员走向创业致富,年利润 30万+、50万+、70万+、100万+、200万+、500万+不等(“这门外贸课程,教你在外贸行业赚大钱”)。