Effects of NO2 and SO2 on the secondary organic aerosol formation from β-pinene photooxidation
Xiangyu Zang, Zhaoyan Zhang, Yingqi Zhao, Gang Li, Hua Xie, Weiqing Zhang, Guorong Wu, Xueming Yang, Ling Jiang*
Elucidating the effects of anthropogenic pollutants on the photooxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds is crucial to understanding the fundamental mechanisms of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. Here, the impacts of NO2 and SO2 on SOA formation from the photooxidation of a representative monoterpene, β-pinene, were investigated by a number of laboratory studies. The results indicated NO2 enhanced the SOA mass concentrations and particle number concentrations under both low and high β-pinene conditions. This could be rationalized that the increased O3 concentrations upon the NOx photolysis was helpful for the generation of more amounts of O3-oxidized products, which accelerated the SOA nucleation and growth. Combing with NO2, the promotion of the SOA yield by SO2 was mainly reflected in the increase of mass concentration, which might be due to the elimination of the newly formed particles by the initially formed particles. The observed low oxidation degree of SOA might be attributed to the fast growth of SOA, resulting in the uptake of less oxygenated gas-phase species onto the particle phase. The present findings have important implications for SOA formation affected by anthropogenic–biogenic interactions in the ambient atmosphere.
臧翔宇博士于2023年在大连理工大学化学学院获得博士学位,为大连理工与中国科学院大连化学物理研究生联合培养生。现任河南中烟工业有限责任公司助理研究员。主要从事香精香料品质控制技术、香精香料开发、香精香料生产工艺等相关研究。在Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Atmos. Environ., J. Environ. Sci. 等期国际刊发表文章8篇,申请专利技术6项。
江凌,研究员,博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,现任中国科学院大连化学物理研究所化学反应动力学全国重点实验室团簇光谱与动力学研究组组长。2007年于日本神户大学博士毕业。2007-2009年在日本产业技术综合研究所担任日本学术振兴会特聘研究员,2009-2011年在德国Fritz-Haber研究所做洪堡学者。2011年8月以中国科学院人才计划身份被引进大连化学物理研究所。曾获中国化学会张存浩化学动力学青年科学家奖等。主要从事大气雾霾形成机理和纳米团簇构效关系研究,专注研发团簇光谱相关技术。已在Science、PNAS、J. Am. Chem. Soc.等期刊发表论文170余篇。课题组主页链接:。
Xiangyu Zang, Zhaoyan Zhang, Yingqi Zhao, Gang Li, Hua Xie, Weiqing Zhang, Guorong Wu, Xueming Yang, Ling Jiang, 2024. Effects of NO2 and SO2 on the secondary organic aerosol formation from beta-pinene photooxidation. J. Environ. Sci. 136, 151-160.