
学术   2025-02-02 17:49   北京  

2025年1月29日(大年初一),河北大学生命科学学院韩兴国教授作为通讯作者联合北京林业大学庾强教授、美国科罗拉多州立大学等3个国家19家单位的科研人员在《Nature》发表了最新科研成果“Contrasting drought sensitivity of Eurasian and North American grasslands”,发现了中美草原生态系统截然不同的干旱敏感性,并揭示了响应机制。该研究对预测未来气候变化背景下草原生态系统对长期干旱的响应具有重要的指示作用,为应对气候变化和草原生态系统适应性管理提供了理论支撑。
极端干旱通常会降低草原生态系统的生产力,进而削弱自然对人类的贡献。然而,不同类型的草原在经历多年极端干旱时,这种负面影响会有多大差异,以及这种差异随时间如何变化尚不清楚。该研究通过极端干旱联网实验(图1)模拟了连续四年生长季干旱(降雨量减少约 66%),比较了欧亚草原和北美草原各六个具有代表性的草原生态系统的干旱敏感性。发现在欧亚草原中,干旱导致植物地上生产力大幅下降,下降的程度随着干旱的年限而增加,表现为累积效应;而北美草原中,植物地上生产力的下降幅度较小,下降的程度随着干旱的年限没有显著增加,表现为适应效应(图2)。干旱对物种丰富度的影响在欧亚草原从增加转变为降低,但在北美草原则从降低转变为增加,这些不同的变化是由非优势物种的变化驱动的。物种丰富度尤其是非优势物种的丰富度相反的变化,导致欧亚和北美草原具有截然不同的干旱敏感性。


北京林业大学草业与草原学院庾强教授为论文第一作者,河北大学生命科学学院韩兴国教授和科罗拉多州立大学Melinda Smith教授为共同通讯作者,北京林业大学草业与草原学院董世魁教授、顾倩博士为共同作者。


Extreme droughts generally decrease productivity in grassland ecosystems1,2,3 with negative consequences for nature’s contribution to people4,5,6,7. The extent to which this negative effect varies among grassland types and over time in response to multi-year extreme drought remains unclear. Here, using a coordinated distributed experiment that simulated four years of growing-season drought (around 66% rainfall reduction), we compared drought sensitivity within and among six representative grasslands spanning broad precipitation gradients in each of Eurasia and North America—two of the Northern Hemisphere’s largest grass-dominated regions. Aboveground plant production declined substantially with drought in the Eurasian grasslands and the effects accumulated over time, while the declines were less severe and more muted over time in the North American grasslands. Drought effects on species richness shifted from positive to negative in Eurasia, but from negative to positive in North America over time. The differing responses of plant production in these grasslands were accompanied by less common (subordinate) plant species declining in Eurasian grasslands but increasing in North American grasslands. Our findings demonstrate the high production sensitivity of Eurasian compared with North American grasslands to extreme drought (43.6% versus 25.2% reduction), and the key role of subordinate species in determining impacts of extreme drought on grassland productivity.



