9月6日,IBS Union的志愿者们组织了一场校园导览活动,带领新生们参观了北京外国语大学东西两个校区的各个重要地点。此次导览包括图书馆、教学楼、食堂和学生超市等,旨在帮助新生们尽快熟悉校园环,助力他们更好地适应新生活。感谢IBS Union的志愿者们的辛勤付出和大力支持。
On September 6th, after the new students had gradually completed their registration, the volunteers from IBS Union guided them through a campus tour. This tour visits to various corners of both the East and West campuses of BFSU, such as the library, classroom, canteen, and the student supermarket. We hope this tour provides the new students with a clear understanding of the campus environment and helps them adapt more quickly to new surroundings. Thank to IBS Union for the hard work and strong support .
Campus Tour
Looking forword to explore the campus together with them, make new friends, and enjoy a vibrant campus life in the upcoming orientation activities.