International News|英华9-11月国际教育交流专刊

教育   2024-11-08 09:10   天津  



9月-11月,英华人继续致力于“国际化教育”特色名片打造,积极“走出去”“引进来”,开展跨文化交流合作:我们在天津市人大常委会、市政协、市外办、市侨联以及武清区委、区政府等各级领导的支持下,在乌兹别克斯坦、蒙古国、保加利亚等各国有关部门的积极推动下,参与、组织跨文化教育交流活动;我们迎来了来自保加利亚、葡萄牙、马来西亚、乌兹别克斯坦等国的教育同仁我们与乌兹别克斯坦Hyper Partners集团达成战略协议,共同致力于国际学生来华留学通道构建;与世界冠军共话“一带一路”国际象棋教育前景,积极拓展以英华为圆心的跨文化交流、学习、互鉴渠道。在推动“一带一路”国际交流过程中,我们获得了人民日报、新华社、中央广播电视总台、中宏网等各级官方媒体、主流媒体以及海外媒体的高度关注和积极评价……


Taking General Secretary Xi Jinping's initiative of "Promoting the Construction of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind" as the development navigational, Yinghua Academy has taken a new footprint in this autumn.

From September to October 2024, Yinghua continued to be committed to creating a distinctive unique image of "international education" and with the strong support of various government departments we actively carried out several cross-cultural exchanges and cooperation. 

Let’s review together. 


Official Support




The Leaders of Tianjin Municipal People's Congress and Foreign Affairs Office of Tianjin Municipal People's Government Visited Yinghua for Research and Guidance


According to the arrangement plan issued by the Civilization, Religion and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Deputy Director of the Municipal People’s Congress, Li Hong led a delegation to Yinghua on the afternoon of September 24, 2024. The delegation conducted an in-depth study of Yinghua's international exchange and cooperation efforts.

▶ 天津市政协副主席张金英一行


The delegation led by the Vice Chairman of the Municipal CPPCC visited our school for research and guidance.



In November, Zhang Jinying, Vice Chairman of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the CPPCC and Chairman of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the China Association for Promoting Democracy, led the delegation visited our school to conduct in-depth research focusing on the cultivation of top innovative talent and educational exchanges under the 'Belt and Road' initiative.



Deputy Secretary of the Wuqing District Party Committee of Tianjin Visit Yinghua for research and guidance. 



In October, relevant leaders of the Wuqing District Government came to Yinghua for guidance and had a cordial exchange with Chinese and foreign teachers and students of our school. Mr. Wang focussing on issues such as ideological and political education guidance, international education exchange, the construction of schools with sports characteristics and the cultivation of cutting-edge innovative talents. 



Visit from Tianjin Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese


On September 12, 2024, the leadership team from Tianjin Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese visited Yinghua. In-depth discussions were held regarding educational exchanges and cooperation between Yinghua and the New Zealand China Friendship Society, specifically focused on China-New Zealand educational collaboration.


On October 14, 2024, the leadership team from Tianjin Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese visited Yinghua. Discussions centered on how Chinese-Irish students could study the Mandarin Chinese, deepen their understanding of Chinese culture and customs, and explored the potential for bilateral study tour cooperation between students from China and Ireland.


The First ‘Yinghua China-Uzbekistan Friendship Class’ Launched in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

2024年9月,首届“英华中乌友谊班”开班仪式在乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干市举行,天津市委教育工委常务副书记、市教委主任荆洪阳,乌兹别克斯坦塔什干市副市长Durdona Rakhimova、塔什干市教育局局长Husanboyeva Qosimboyeva等领导出席活动,26位来自乌兹别克斯坦的优秀青少年走进英华学习中文,感知中华文化。

On September 5, 2024, the opening ceremony for the first ‘Yinghua China-Uzbekistan Friendship Class’ was held in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. Senior officials attended the event , including Jin Hongyang - Executive Deputy Secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Education Committee and Director of the Tianjin Municipal Education Commission, Durdona Rakhimova - Deputy Mayor of Tashkent, and Husanboyeva Qosimboyeva - Director of the Tashkent Education. A cohort of 26 outstanding Uzbek students is set to join Yinghua to study Mandarin Chinese and experience Chinese culture.

▶ 我校受邀出席


Yinghua Was Invited to Attend the “75th Anniversary of China-Mongolia Diplomatic Relations” Embassy Dinner Reception

2024年10月,我校受邀出席“中蒙建交75周年”晚宴招待会。参会期间,我校留学生部校长贾宝玉、国际事务办公室主任周艳与蒙古国驻华大使馆大使Miyeegombo Enkhbold先生就中蒙文化教育交流进行了深切沟通。

Miyeegombo Enkhbold大使肯定了英华已做出的成绩,期望有机会到访英华看望蒙古国学生,并对英华的发展表示支持与期待。

On October 18, 2024, Yinghua's Principal of the International Student Department, Mr. Jia, and Executive Director of the International Affairs Office, Ms. Zhou, were invited to attend a dinner reception hosted by the Embassy of Mongolia in China in honor of the 75th anniversary of China-Mongolia diplomatic relations. During the event, they had the privilege of conversing with Miyeegombo Enkhbold, Ambassador of Embassy of Mongolia in China, on cultural and educational exchanges between China and Mongolia. The Ambassador affirmed the achievements made by Yinghua and expressed his hopes to visit Yinghua and our Mongolian students, as well as his support and anticipation for future endeavors.

▶ 加利亚教育和科学部副部长Lazarova携保加利亚教育代表团来访 

Visit from the Bulgarian Educational Delegation

2024年10月21日,保加利亚共和国教育和科学部副部长EMILIA TZVETANOVA LAZAROVA,带领保加利亚教师联盟主席Yanka Krumova Takeva及保加利亚多所学校校长,一行共22人莅临我校进行访问。代表团看望了我校中保友谊班的全体学生,了解学生在华留学期间的学习及生活情况。


On October 21, 2024, Ms. Emilia Tzvetanova Lazarova, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria, led a delegation of 22 members, including Yanka Krumova Takeva, President of the Bulgarian Union of Teachers, and principals from multiple Bulgarian schools, in a visit to Yinghua. The delegation met with students from our China-Bulgaria Friendship Class, learned about their academic and social experiences in China, then toured the campus. Both parties engaged in discussions on the development of the China-Bulgaria Friendship Class and future educational collaboration, expressing hopes for long-term partnership and friendship.


Educational Collaboration

在国家政策的支持下,英华编织起包容开放的国际教育合作网络。本学期,我们先后与乌兹别克斯坦Hyper Partners集团、河北大学国际交流与教育学院达成教育合作协议,在“一带一路”教育、文化、经济等领域的合作交流与友谊互信中持续发挥作用。

乌兹别克斯坦Hyper Partners集团


Yinghua Academy of Tianjin Signs Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Hyper Partners

9月,乌兹别克斯坦最大财团——Hyper Partners集团副总裁Askar中国区总代表吕旭波一行到访英华,并与我校签署战略合作协议,致力于在中国天津-乌兹别克斯坦塔什干市结成国际友好城市的背景下,进一步深化合作,为两国基础教育领域交流作出贡献。

After Hyper Partners, the largest conglomerate in Uzbekistan, decided to establish their China headquarters in Tianjin, Yinghua has communicated with Hyper Partners on multiple occasions regarding the willingness for strategic cooperation. Both sides are committed to making more efforts and contributions to the exchange of basic education between China and Uzbekistan in the context of Tianjin-Tashkent becoming an international friendship city. The two sides officially signed a strategic cooperation agreement on September 20, 2024, and will further explore deepening cooperation projects under the background of international friendship city exchange.



Visit from Hebei University


A delegation of leaders from the International College of Hebei University visited Yinghua, where both sides had a thorough communication on international student education, international student admissions, and the establishment of a student internship base at Hebei University. The visit concluded with the signing of a cooperation framework agreement.


International Exchange


▶ 马来西亚玻璃市州教育厅

副厅长Ahmad Sabri携教育团来访 

Visit from the Negeri Perlis Education Delegation of Malaysia

马来西亚玻璃市州教育厅副厅长Ahmad Sabri携教育团走进我校,展开友好访问,此次来访不仅加深了中马两国教育界的友谊,也开启了双方未来在教育领域的合作新篇章。在中马建交50周年之际,英华愿同马来西亚玻璃市州在国际教育交流与合作方面,共同探索友好发展机会。

A delegation from the Negeri Perlis of Malaysia visited Yinghua for a friendly exchange. This visit deepened educational ties between China and Malaysia, opening new avenues for future cooperation in the education sector. On the 50th anniversary of China-Malaysia diplomatic relations, Yinghua expressed a commitment to exploring collaborative opportunities in international education with Negeri Perlis.

▶ 马来西亚兴华中学董事长朱运铁


Visit from the Board of Directors of Hinhua High School(Malaysia)



On October 24, 2024, the Board of Directors of Hinhua High School visited Yinghua. The two schools have maintained years of online student interaction and academic discussions. During this visit, both sides held in-depth discussions on bilateral study tour, joint education program, and cultivating exceptional talent in science and technology innovation. The visit culminated in the official signing of the Yinghua International Education Community Agreement.

▶ 葡萄牙米尼奥大学孔子学院


Visit from the Directors of the Portuguese Confucius Institute

2024年10月,葡萄牙孔子学院院长张艳女士及外方校长Ana Isabel Marques Guedes莅临我校进行访问。双方就办学教育理念、中葡教育模式展开热切沟通,并探讨了双方国际联合培养的合作内容。

On October 21, 2024, Ms. Zhang, Director of the Portuguese Confucius Institute, and Ms. Ana Isabel Marques Guedes, the Principal, visited Yinghua. Both sides held extensive exchanges on educational philosophies and the education systems of China and Portugal, also discussed potential cooperation in international joint education programs.



Visit from the Women's World Chess Champion


On October 16, 2024, Women's World Chess Champion Ms.Xie visited Yinghua. Both parties engaged in discussions on chess and its influence, particularly focusing on the popularity of chess activities in Belt and Road countries, and communicated on initiatives for future exchanges and collaboration.


Media Focus


Yinghua international educational exchange activities have also received high attention and positive evaluation from official media at all levels such as China Daily, the Xinhua News Agency, China central Television, Tianjin Daily, Meili Wuqing, and mainstream media such as and Jinyun. Among them, the Xinhua News Agency reported our school's "Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Bulgaria" .

▶ 新华社等官方媒体报道我校

“庆祝中保建交75周年” 活动





▶ 乌兹别克斯坦最大的综合性新闻媒体网站kun.uz报道首届“英华中乌友谊班”内容

▶ 新华社、人民网、中宏网、澎湃新闻、






▶ 人民日报报道国际象棋世界冠军








