VR4ANIMALS Fundraise for FurryFriends

文摘   社会   2024-06-12 11:34   上海  



作为上海动物福利的长期倡导者,探蔬7030(70/30 食品科技)和小步Vegan精心策划了一场充满创意与同情心的活动,旨在为我们毛茸茸的伙伴们带来关怀。这次创新且充满心意的VR体验为大家提供了一个独特的,可以深入体验流浪狗的日常生活的机会,增进对它们面临的挑战与需求的理解。通过这项活动,我们想要为毛孩子们筹集至关重要的生活资金,帮助超过100只仍在等待领养的小可爱们,为它们提供应得的关怀与资源。

As longstanding advocates for animal welfare in Shanghai, Tanshu7030 (70/30 Food Tech) and XiaobuVegan have meticulously orchestrated a creative and compassionate event for our furry companions. This innovative and heartfelt VR experience offers participants a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the daily lives of stray dogs, fostering a deeper understanding of their challenges and needs. Through this initiative, we aim to raise vital funds to support more than 100 furry companions who are still awaiting adoption, enabling us to provide them with the care and resources they deserve.



🌿👀Ever wondered what life is like for stray dogs?

During a captivating 4-minute journey, participants will witness firsthand the struggles faced by these animals, while also catching glimpses of our shelter and the endearing little ones it houses. Our ultimate goal is to inspire empathy and solidarity within our community, rallying support for these vulnerable creatures and ensuring they receive the love and assistance they so desperately need. Join us in making a meaningful difference in the lives of these furry friends!


Millions of stray dogs around the world face harsh conditions every day, often lacking food, shelter, and medical care. This VR simulation vividly depicts their fight for survival on the streets, bringing their reality to life in a way that words alone cannot.

🎈🌱 为什么你不能错过这次活动:

- 独家全素Taco:一种对味蕾和地球都友好的美食创造。

- VR体验:一段感人的旅程,将加深你与我们毛茸茸朋友及素食生活方式的联系。

- 绝佳氛围:享受Tacolicious的活力氛围,非常适合朋友、美食爱好者和任何希望改变世界的人。

🎈🌱 Why You Can’t Miss This:

- Exclusive Vegan Taco: A culinary creation that’s kind to your taste buds and the planet.

- VR4Animals Experience: An emotional journey that will deepen your connection to our furry friends and the vegan lifestyle.

- Fantastic Atmosphere: Enjoy the vibrant ambiance of Tacolicious, perfect for friends, foodies, and anyone looking to make a difference.


Participants will wear VR glasses and step into the world of a stray dog. This powerful simulation creates a deep emotional connection, encouraging viewers to empathize with the dogs' plight and take meaningful action through donations. 🐕‍🦺

🌟 活动详情 🌟

  • 日期:6月15日(星期六)

  • 时间:下午2点至4点

  • 地点:TACOLICIOUS,静安区余姚路34号104-105号

  • 注册:扫描海报上的二维码

  • 参与费用:88.88元人民币(包括VR体验和植物基Taco套餐)

  • 宠物友好型活动🐶🐶!欢迎携带你们家的小朋友加入我们!

  • 联系方式:任何问题都可以添加MonicaXBVegan进行咨询。

🌟Event Details  🌟

- Date: June 15th (Saturday)
- Time: 2PM-4PM
- Location: TACOLICIOUS, No. 104-105, 34 Yuyao Road, Jing 'an District
- Registration: Scan the code on the poster to secure your spot.
- Participation Fee: 88.88RMB (includes VR experience and vegan taco meal set)
- Pet friendly🐶🐶! Welcome to bring your pets to join us! 
- Contact: Any questions? Contact us at "MonicaXBVegan".

🐶 活动流程 🐶

  • 2pm- 到达 

  • 2:20pm - 2:45pm - “有些动物生来就应该是食物吗?”辩论赛视频放映

  • 2:45pm - 4:00pm - VR体验,好吃的taco美食品尝,社交 

  • 4:00pm - 活动结束

🐶Event Flow 🐶
2:00pm - Arrival 🕑
2:20pm - 2:45pm - Screening of "Some Animals Are Born to Be Food, Agree or Disagree" Debate Video 🎥🍿
2:45pm - 4:00pm - VR Experience, Delicious Taco Tasting, Socializing 🌮😋👥
4:00pm - Event Ends 🎉

🐾 加入我们并帮助它们吧 🤝


💰 Join Us and Contribute 💰

We aim to raise 88,888 RMB through crowdfunding, blending online contributions with event donations. Every small amount counts towards essential resources for stray dogs. 

🤔 常见问题解答:关于“如何捐款?”❓

1. 那么,捐款这个事情到底怎么操作呢?





2. 太棒了,那为什么你们不把食品成本也捐给毛茸茸机构呢?




3. 好的,但是VR体验会不会是一个非常可怕的虐待动物的视频?我有点害怕...


4. 我有点怕VR视频...我可能会感到恶心...


5. 我戴眼镜/化妆/口罩呢,怎么戴那个笨重的大VR眼镜?


6. 我讨厌素食...


7. 我可以参加体验但是购买其他东西吃吗?

你可以吃任何你想吃的东西!vegan taco是对动物友好套餐,这是一个关于动物慈善的活动,所以请尝试一下这个套餐吧!

8. 我不在上海,我还能捐款吗?


9. 好的,如果我不喜欢这个活动怎么办?


10. 我只想捐款,甚至不需要通过体验,你能给我付款码吗?



🤔 FAQs on 'How to donate?' ❓

1. So, how exactly does the donation work? 

You buy the expereince! 100% of the experience sales goes to Furry Friends.

For example:

if you buy the experience for 48.88RMB, 48.88RMB goes to Furry Friends;

If you buy the experience along with food for 88.88 yuan, then all costs except for the food expenses will be donated to the Furry Friends organization.

2. Great, why can you not donate even the food cost to Furry Friends?

What a great question, and we thought  A LOT about that.

The whole experiences costs exceeded our expectations for the the equipment, hiring people to shoot the VR video, editing etc.

Our sponsors already covered that cost!

As a team, we think the best way to raise money is by donating the expereince sales!

3. Okay, but will the experience be like a very horrible animal abuse video? I am scared...

Absolutely not! We promise, it HAS A HAPPY ENDING! 😊🐾

4. I am afraid of VR videos....I may get nauseous...

We got that covered, we have a 2D version for you!

5. I wear glasses/makeup/mask, how will I wear that clunky AF headset?

Fear not, we have disposable covers and our headset is spectacles-friendly. 

6. I hate vegan food.....

Talk to Eve...😅(eve@7030tech.com)

7. Can I buy other food and still join the experience?

You can eat anything you want! Vegan tacos are animal friendly and it is an animal charity event, so please do try the vegan tacos!

8. I am not in Shanghai, can I still donate?

Absolutely yes! Buy the experience ticket and write a note "PURE DONATION!"

9. Alright, what if I hate the event?

Talk to Monica!

10. I just want to donate, not even through experience, can you give me payment coeds?

Scan the OR code below to do-nate online. Every little bit helps us provide food, medical care, and shelter for stray dogs. 

Your support means the world to us and to these animals, Let's make a pawsitive impact together. one donation at a time!

👥Meet the Organizers 认识组织者 👥

A passionate vegan media advocacy organization dedicated to promoting compassionate living. Through innovative events, educational content, and community initiatives, they inspire individuals to adopt vegan lifestyles. Their mission is to create a kinder world for animals, the environment, and people by advocating for plant-based solutions.



Our generous venue sponsor is a famous taco place in Shanghai, in shop and support impactful events. Tacolicious serves double-shell delights with classic fillings or adventurous options + veggie choices too + drink specials and a "Make Tacos Great Again" mission!


Our experience sponsor is a Shanghai-based tech company specializing in innovative plant and mycelium-based foods. Their mission is to promote a compassionate lifestyle while providing delicious and healthy food alternatives.


更多待领养猫狗信息  请进入FurryFriends公众号


Furry babies for adoption  Enter Furry Friends

click on menu “🐱🐶”—“领养adopt”


Wechat public account
(Sina Weibo)

FurryFriends毛茸茸是成立于2016年的流浪动物救助民间公益组织. Founded in 2016, FF is an all-volunteer, non-profit animal rescue organization.