
文摘   2024-09-15 08:01   黑龙江  


以下这段文本出自威廉·福勒(William Fowler)所写的关于苏格兰王子弗雷德里克·亨利(Frederick Henry)的文献,具体为《关于最卓越、至高无上的王子弗雷德里克·亨利受洗仪式最胜利和皇家成就的真实报道》(A True Reportarie of the Most Triumphant, and Royall Accomplishment of the Baptisme of the Most Excellent, Right High, and Mightie Prince Frederick Henry)。该文献描述了1594年8月30日举行的苏格兰国王詹姆斯六世(James VI of Scotland)的儿子弗雷德里克·亨利的洗礼仪式。


The Oath of a Knight


I Shall fortifie and defend the true Christian Religion, & Christs holy Evangel, now presently pre∣ched within this Realm, to the vttermost of my power.


I shall be leil & true to my soverane Lord the Kings Majestie, To all orders of Chievalry, and to the noble office of Armes.


I shall fortifie and defend justice at my power, and that without favour or feed.


I shall never flie from my soverane Lord, the Kings Majestie, nor from his Hienes Lieuetenants in time of mellay, and battell.


 I shall defend my natiue Realme, from all Allieners and strangers.


I shall defend the just action & quarrel of all Ladies of Honour, of all true and friendless Widowes, of Orphantes, and of Maidens of good fame.


I shall do diligence, whersoever I heare there is any Murtherers, Traytors or maisterfull Reavers, that op∣presseth the Kings Lieges, and poore people, to bring them to the Lawe at my power.


I shall maintain & vphold the noble estate of Che∣ualrie, with Horse, harnisse, and other Knightly abillzements: And shall helpe and succour them of the same order at my power, if they haue neede.


I shall enquire and seeke to haue the knowledge & vnderstanding of all the Articles and points contained in the book of Chievalry.

⚔我将探求并努力了解骑士之书(book of Chivalry)中包含的所有条款和要点。

All these premisses to obserue, keepe, and fulfill: I oblesse me, so helpe me my God, by my owne hand, so help me God, &c.








