Awareness has two
dimensions: one is the level of consciousness, and the other is the level that
transcends consciousness. After a certain amount of meditation practice, we
also need to let go of various setups, goals, and pursuits in order to
experience a mind like the void.
空和明,是心的两个特质。在修习皈依时,我会引导大家去看一看,自己的心到底是什么样子?有没有颜色,有没有形状?我们通过审视会发现,心是无形无相的。这时就能体会到它空的一面、了不可得的一面。Emptiness and luminosity
are two qualities of the mind. During the practice of taking refuge, I guide
everyone to see for themselves, what is the nature of their own mind? Does it
have a color, does it have a shape? Through introspection, we will find that
the mind is formless. At this point, we can experience its emptiness and ungraspable
但这种空不是什么都没有,同时还具有了了明知的作用。所以真正高明的修行并不需要做什么,当你不再陷入迷惑、烦恼、颠倒妄想时,就能见到心的本来面目。这个清净心一直就在那里,不生不灭,不垢不净,不增不减。However, this emptiness
is not non-existence; it also possesses the function of luminous knowing.
Therefore, truly advanced practice doesn’t require doing anything. When you no
longer become entangled in confusion, afflictions, or delusions, you can see
the original face of the mind. This pure mind has always been there, neither
arising nor ceasing, neither defiled nor pure, neither increasing nor
In the three levels of
meditation, the first is to select the object of attention in order to train
concentration and awareness. The second is to abide in awareness and bring it
into each present moment, which is the focus of the practice.
我们对世界的认识,包含能和所两方面。能是心理,所是对象。我们面对任何对象,都会产生一系列的心理。Our understanding of the
world includes both the subjective and objective aspects. The subjective
pertains to our mental state, while the objective refers to external phenomena.
Whenever we face any object, a series of mental processes are triggered.
Thus, we must not only
be aware of the object but also be mindful of various mental states, observing
what state the mind is in: is it greed, anger, jealousy, or pride? This
includes being clearly aware of various sensations that arise during meditation
– have we become attached to them or have we rejected them?当专注和觉察训练到一定程度,感觉心过于紧绷时,可以做一些放下的修行。没有任何目标,没有任何设定,心彻底地放下一切。When concentration and
awareness have been trained to a certain level, and the mind feels overly
tense, one can engage in the practice of letting go. Without any aim or
intention, the mind completely releases everything.
However, this kind of
letting go is not unconscious; it is a thorough awareness of all surrounding
phenomena and the activities of the body and mind. In Buddhist terms, the mind
is like a clear mirror – a huge mirror that can reflect everything, yet without
any attachment, without liking or disliking.作者:济群法师
Excerpted from:
The Essentials of Mindfulness Practice
By Master Jiqun