
学术   职场   2024-12-22 21:28   广东  

Validation deviations are just a part of life when you are working through validation protocols and test scripts; it’s highly unlikely that you will ever complete a full validation project without raising the odd validation deviation here and there.


Simple Deviations


Simple deviations are usually classified as documentation or protocol errors, these errors are usually found prior to execution or are “obvious” errors or typos. These deviations have no impact on the validation and offer to real risk to the validation process.


Examples of simple deviations include:


  • Incorrect specification for product

  • 产品标准不正确

  • Loss of power to the equipment being tested

  • 被测试的设备断电

Non Critical Deviations


Non-critical deviations are errors in the protocol or execution of the validation which have no impact on the validation, there errors are normally found during or after the execution. It is good practice to carry out an assessment to determine if the deviation has any impact.


Examples of non-critical exceptions include:


  • Operator not trained to perform the operation

  • 操作人员未接受操作培训

Critical Deviations


Critical deviations are errors which have an impact on the validation, these errors are found during or after execution. It is good practice in this scenario to carry out an assessment to determine the impact if any.


Examples of critical exceptions include:


  • Acceptance criterion failure

  • 不符合接受标准

Deviation Process Flow


SME involvement throughout the deviation process is critical. A CAPA may not be needed for simple events, but consider a CAPA if there are many of them or the same ones repeatedly.


General Process Considerations


It is advisable to commence with the resolution process as soon as the event is observed. Involve the SME’s/QA throughout the process as appropriate and get agreement on next steps and/or results prior to execution, or after the completion. Immediately notify the relevant SME/QA if there is any potential Product/Material impact. Conduct a risk assessment to determine the impact and actions to be taken.

一旦观察到事件,建议立即开始解决过程。在适当的情况下让SME /QA参与整个过程,并在执行前或完成后就后续步骤和/或结果达成一致。如果有任何潜在的产品/物料影响,立即通知相关的SME/QA。进行风险评估,以确定影响和应采取的措施。

Types of Deviations


Typographical errors


These errors are found prior to execution or are “obvious” errors or typos.


External Issues


Failures caused by factors external to the process or system under test.


Execution Errors


Failures to follow instructions within the Test Document or referenced procedures.


Document Generation Errors


Incorrect detail in procedures, acceptance criteria or referenced documentation.


Acceptance Criteria Failures


Pre-defined acceptance criteria have not been achieved.


Should the Testing Stop?


This is always a questions that raises a lot of debate within the validation testing world. The decision to stop a validation mid-execution is something that will cost of the company both time and money so a process needs to be in place to make a critical decision like this.


Initially the Impact Score should be analysed to determine the severity of the deviation (Event severity X Testing Stage = Impact), then a consultation with the SEM’s and QA is required to see if they are willing to live with such a failure. Usually this will open more questions than it solves so be prepared to have your own timelines impacted as a result.


Example l


Deviation - Product temperatures are recorded during the validation run using 10thermocouples placed in the product, evenly distributed throughout the load and linked toa data logger. At the completion of the cycle, it is discovered that one of thethermocouples has fallen out of the product container it had been placed in.


Investigation & corrective actions - The other 9 thermocouples have provided valid dataThe location of the thermocouple that fell out of the product container is assessed todetermine if this location is a "worst-case’location within the load. If it is a worst-caselocation, then repetition of the study may be warranted. If not, then it may be possible to write a rationale that explains why the missing data point does not negate the validation.


Example 2


Deviation - In the process validation of a solid oral dosage product, 3 samples are to betaken from each shift (beginning, middle and end) during compression. The compressionstep for the proposed batch size takes on average 8 shifts to complete. During validationbatch #2, the samples are forgotten during the night shift.


Investigation & corrective actions - A temporary corrective action is put in place toensure that all samples from all shifts are collected for the remainder of validation batch#2 and #3. It is determined that a sufficient amount of data has been obtained to allowextrapolation of the data to cover the 3 missing samples from validation batch #2.particularly since samples were neither the start nor the end of the batch. Had the missingsamples been from a potentially critical stage in the compression the deviation may haverequired a 4th batch to replace the missing samples.





  • 专业的GMP合规性研究组织


  • 国内外制药行业GMP监管动态;

