京A“八乘八” | 号外,有新酒厂加入了!

文摘   2024-09-15 11:56   山东  





第八届京A 8X8将聚焦英国地区,有着丰富酿造历史的英国,将给我们带来怎样的惊喜呢?随着8X8步入第八年,今年我们有了更大的场地更多的玩法,和更新鲜的空运方式,一切都以给你提供“更优质的啤酒节体验”为首要目标!

本周是合酿款剧透的最后一周,因为一些不可抗力,Burnt Mill不得不退出今年的8X8,我们火速邀请到了来自兰开夏郡的十年老厂Rivington与深圳佳卡哈组队,高效的他们已经开始合酿了!现在就跟我一起,了解一下酒厂的故事和他们的创意合酿吧!

TripSmith成立于2013年,从贵阳余家巷的小酒馆里出发,成为现在年产1000 吨的精酿厂牌,并推出了TS90计划,启动罐装生产线,只为留住啤酒的最佳赏 味时限。当橡木桶进入生产车间,我们开始采集本地野生酵母,进行本土风味的过桶酿造,无数次狂热与失败,冒头又沉没的灵感中,产出了让精酿爱好者 印象深刻的30余款产品,遍布全国100多个城市。是的,你们在近处或远方,用酒杯碰撞我们的梦想。我们能闻到大地流淌着酒香,听见每一粒泡沫的炸响,你们交盏的杯光是我们的信仰。一如我们用3000余锤的日夜,把昔日的痴人,愚人,妄人,狂人,炼成了今日的匠人。10000年前,人类驯化了小麦,8000年前,酒驯化了人。在漫长的将来,我们终将与酒一起,驯化时间。




我们是一家成立于2014年的Rivington的现代精酿酒厂,专注创新现代风格,同时从历史中汲取灵感。我们的灵感来自于世界,但我们的专注力更集中在本地,我们致力于为本地社群酿造最棒的啤酒。在Ben于北卡罗来纳学习后建立了Rivington Brewing Co,我们从社群、酿酒厂和强大的独立酒厂氛围中深受鼓舞。酒厂到今年已经有十年的历史,我们的酒吧在今年11月也即将五岁。我们拥有跑步、骑行和徒步俱乐部,同时每年我们都会举办一场名为Farm Trip的啤酒节。

Rivington 的团队是啤酒花专家,他们酿造创新现代啤酒。因为佳卡哈的酿酒师Nick非常喜欢喝传统类型的啤酒,所以从一开始探讨酿造IPA或皮尔森,然后想为什么不把两者的优点结合起来,酿造一款西海岸皮尔森呢?它既有IPA的丰富口感,又有皮尔森的清爽饮性。为了增加一种独特的本地原料来增强其柑橘风味,而不添加甜味,双方决定加入一些原产于长江流域的香柚皮

截止到本周,今年京A 8X8合酿计划的16家中英酒厂及8款合酿酒款我们已经全部介绍完毕,在这8款即将全球首发的合酿酒款之外,每家酒厂还会在两天的活动时间带来自家的8款经典生啤集中在8X8呈现给酒友们,关注我们下周的推文,最令人期待的完整酒单即将公布,see you next week!

2024年 京A 8X8合酿计划





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8 Chinese Craft Breweries

8 U.K. Craft Breweries

Early bird tickets are sold out!

Hurry and purchase your tickets now!

This year's 8X8 will focus on the UK, a country with a rich brewing history. What surprises will these British breweries bring? As 8X8 enters its eighth year, we're going bigger than ever with a larger venue, more interactive experiences, and the freshest kegs shipped by air to ensure you the highest quality festival experience!


This week is the final sneak peek of the collaboration brews. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Burnt Mill has had to withdraw from this year's 8x8. But no worries! Luckily, Rivington from Lancashire has stepped in to team up with Shenzhen's Craft Head. They've already started their collaboration brew!


Join us now to learn more about the brewery's story and their exciting creative collabs!

Founded in 2013, TripSmith started as a small pub in Guiyang’s Yujia Lane and has grown into a craft brewery with an annual production of 1,000 tons. With the launch of the TS90 project, we started a bottling line to capture beer at its peak flavor. When oak barrels entered our production, we began collecting local wild yeast to create barrel-aged brews with a distinct regional character. This journey, filled with moments of passion and failure, inspiration and setbacks, is a testament to our dedication to our craft. We’ve crafted over 30 remarkable products that have reached more than 100 cities across the country. Whether you are near or far when your glasses clink, they resonate with your dreams. We can smell the beer flowing through the land and hear every bubble burst. The light reflecting off your raised glass is our faith. Just as we have shaped ourselves over thousands of hammer strikes day and night—transforming dreamers, fools, madmen, and rebels into today’s artisans. Ten thousand years ago, humanity tamed wheat. Eight thousand years ago, beer tamed humanity. As we look ahead, we will one day tame time itself with beer by our side.

Cloudwater is an independent brewery focused on exciting new beers, and hearty community experiences. Founded in 2014, we brewed our first beers on February 14th, 2015. Throughout our brief yet vibrant history, we've crafted an extensive array of beers spanning the spectrum of old and new styles, embracing both classical and imaginative inspirations. This journey has been a constant evolution of our brewing expertise, a refinement of our sensory evaluation techniques, and a series of trials exploring fermentation and process innovations—all in the relentless pursuit of elevating the quality of our beer to new heights. 

TripSmith and Cloudwater - just combining their names sounds like something destined for greatness. It was inevitable that we’d collaborate on a brew. This time, we decided to step away from our signature hazy IPAs and dive into a more niche style - hoppy lagers. Craft beer’s sensory impact comes from the fusion of flavor and texture, and a hoppy lager combines the bold hop aromas and bitterness of an IPA with the crispness of a lager, creating a razor-sharp experience that’s both elegant, intense, and swift-like playing a top-tier action game. Craft beer connects us to the world in unique ways. We hope you, too, can find this connection soon.

Craft Head was founded in 2014 by husband and wife team Nick and Penny with support and encouragement from friends and family in Shenzhen. We have never owned a robot, but our first brewing kit definitely seemed alive with a heart for hops and an affinity for experimentation. Following our initial nano brewing project, we have grown organically to build our own production facility in Zhejiang through both the support of our fans and the persistence, hard work and dedication of our small team. Continually rolling out different beers, ciders and kegged cocktails that are well received by customers around the country, we have also recently developed non-alcoholic beverages such as cold pressed fruit tea drinks and kombucha. Our ethos is to try something new, be flexible and have fun with fermentation.

We are a modern craft brewery and tap room founded in 2014 in Rivington. Focusing on innovative modern styles, while drawing inspiration from the past. Our inspiration comes from all over the world, but our focus is very much local. We concentrate on making the best beer in styles we love, for the people in our local communities. Rivington Brewing Co was started after Ben studied in North Carolina.  We were inspired by the community, brewery tap and strong independent beer scene. The brewery is now 10 years old, and the taproom 5 years in November.  We also have a run club, cycling club & walking club from the taproom.  We also have an annual festival called Farm Trip.

The team over at Rivington are wizards with hops, crafting innovative modern beers. For this collaboration, Rivington and Craft Head started out wanting to brew either an IPA or a pilsner, then thought why not combine the best of both worlds and brew a west coast pilsner.  Desiring to add a unique local ingredient to amplify its citrus notes without adding sweetness, they chose to add some yuzu peel native to the Yangze River Basin.

As of this week, we’ve introduced all 16 breweries from China and the UK and the eight collaboration brews for this year’s Jing-A 8x8 Collaboration Project. In addition to these eight exclusive global debut beers, each brewery will also bring eight of its classic draft beers to be poured at 8x8 over two days. Stay tuned for next week’s post, we will reveal this year’s full beer list!

2024 Jing-A 8X8 Collaboration Project

Early bird tickets all sold out

Act fast to book your ticket!





