京A“八乘八” | 酸啤和皮尔森怎么玩出花来?

文摘   2024-09-07 09:41   山东  





第八届京A 8X8将聚焦英国地区,有着丰富酿造历史的英国,将给我们带来怎样的惊喜呢?随着8X8步入第八年,今年我们有了更大的场地更多的玩法,和更新鲜的空运方式,一切都以给你提供“更优质的啤酒节体验”为首要目标!

本周,我们继续带来2组配对酒厂的介绍,合酿酒款已经开始酿造,我们会泄露一些小剧透哦~ 现在就听酒厂们讲讲他们的故事和合酿创意吧!

Yardley Brothers的故事开始于创始人Luke Yardley家的客厅,伴随着香港精酿的成长,Yardley Brothers也成为了拥有香港最大桶陈设备的酒厂。对于创新与实验性,我们一直保持热忱,对于东西方原料的融合、发酵实践与酿造技术,我们也一直不断探索,期待给予客人最佳的、最有趣的啤酒体验。在Yardley Brothers的门店及The beer Shack你都可以喝到我们的啤酒,在香港的众多餐厅和酒吧也可以看到我们的身影。同时,我们也获得了众多本地、区域及国际范围内的啤酒奖项。

Yardley Brothers有一款叫做Quit Your Job的经典赛松,每年我们都有一个特别的“Quit Your Job日”,在当天如果你带着你最近的一封辞职信到店,就可以获得免费的啤酒!

2008年,创始人Sam踏上了骑行环游世界之旅,他的足迹遍布5个大洲、25个国家,总计骑行里程超35000英里,这段经历也是Track Brewing Company名字的起源。回家之后,Sam从旅途中去到的那些酒吧和酒厂中汲取灵感,将啤酒视为一种反馈、链接与分享的方式。在英国啤酒行业中摸爬滚打了数年后,2014年,Track诞生了!在此过程中,我们通过实验与合作,酿造出很多我们引以为傲的啤酒,这其中就包括我们的明星产品,一款叫做Sonoma的淡色艾尔。我们的目标是带你踏上啤酒的旅程,无论是酒花浓烈的IPA、清爽的拉格、还有浓重的帝国世涛,我们希望这些啤酒能够带给你极致的享受与难忘的回忆。




Northern Monk是一家独立酒厂,我们专注于打造世界级别的优质啤酒体验。2013年,两位创始人在父母的地下室开始,到现在已经拥有了超过一百名雇员,Northern Monk是英国北部发展最迅速的饮品公司。创意、社群与合作是Northern Monk的业务核心,我们与乐于分享热忱与价值的人共事。我们定期与国内及国际的酒厂合作,为我们带来了的积极的变化。Northern Monk是首家在世界啤酒冠军杯的IPA门类获得奖牌的英格兰酒厂,这个记录维持至今。

目前国内和国外近些年围绕浑浊IPA大做文章,想必大家也有一些审美疲劳,很多酒厂也在怎么增加酒花香气方面各显神通,通过不断的增加酒花投量,和尝试运用不同形态的酒花,来达到爆炸的酒花香气。所以这次京A 8X8我们想着做一款易饮性更强,酒体轻盈干净,酒花香气柔和,同时添加红茶和绿茶作为增味的一款西海岸皮尔森。酒花来自西方,热情、奔放;茶叶来自东方,优雅、内敛,这款茶增味西海岸皮尔森,十月等你来喝!

2024年 京A 8X8合酿计划





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8 Chinese Craft Breweries

8 U.K. Craft Breweries

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Tickets are limited, First come first serve!

This year's 8X8 will focus on the UK, a country with a rich brewing history. What surprises will these British breweries bring? As 8X8 enters its eighth year, we're going bigger than ever with a larger venue, more interactive experiences, and the freshest kegs shipped by air to ensure you the highest quality festival experience!

This Week, We're Continuing with Introductions to 2 Paired Breweris. As the collaborations begin, we can share a few teasers! Join us as we explore their creative collaborations for this year's event.

First brewed in Luke Yardley’s Lamma Island living room, Yardley Brothers has grown alongside the Hong Kong craft beer scene, opening a 7 hectolitre brewery in 2016 and new 40hL facilities in 2023, including Hong Kong's largest barrel-aging facility. We experiment with Asian and Western fusions, fermentation practices, ingredients, technologies and processes to make the best, most interesting beer possible. Beers are available at Yardleys Taproom and The Beer Shack, as well as widely available in bottle shops, fine restaurants and bars. Yardley Brothers’ beers have won many awards at local, regional and global competitions.

One of the first beers we produced is a saison, which we still produce, called Quit Your Job; every year, we do an annual anniversary party called Quit Your Job day, where if you bring in a recent resignation letter, you get free beer!

In 2008, founder Sam took a two year cycling trip around the world. The name ‘Track’ is inspired from the cycling journey our founder took before starting the brewery, crossing 5 continents, 25 countries and travelling 35,000 miles. He returned home full of inspiration from the many small Taprooms and Breweries he’d come across on his journey, where the beer was a way to reflect, connect and share. After gaining years of experience working in the UK beer industry - Track Brewing Co was born in 2014.  Along the way we’ve been able to experiment, collaborate and make some beers we’re truly proud of, including Sonoma; our flagship Pale Ale. Our aim is to brew beers that take you on a journey, whether it be hop-forward IPAs, crisp Lagers or indulgent Imperial Stouts - we hope you enjoy them all, and give you something to remember.

When we first started speaking about possible collaborations, we let our minds run wild and came up with a big frame. As we started to narrow it down, we thought about some more inventive styles we’ve both done and found overlap in sours inspired by traditional British puddings, so we decided to think about how to do something in this style that brought together both Hong Kong and British influences.

Established in 2015 in Wuhu, China, Myth Monkey Beer is among the pioneering domestic brands specializing in barrel-aged craft draft beer, boasting an independent brewery and brewing system. Committed to artisanal brewing and flavor exploration that sets it apart from the mass market, the brand aims to impart the independent spirit and unique flavors of craft brewing to countless enthusiasts. The founding team and brand have consistently upheld a resolute attitude of 'independent brewing, daring innovation, leading the trend'." Although being a brewery, Myth Monkey Beer, born from the "BAIJIU," inherently carries the natural characteristics of the "BAIJIU" element. The innovative fusion of beer and liquor has been consistently maintained since the establishment of the brand. In 2020 and 2023, Myth Monkey Beer introduced the distinctive "800 day Tan" series of domestic craft breweries, drawing inspiration from Chinese BAIJIU with an extended tan aging process and incorporating Daqu secondary fermentation. The limited edition tan series not only reflects the development of the brewery but also captures the passage of time from a unique perspective as a winery.

Northern Monk is an independent brewery focused on creating the best beer experiences in the world. From two people in a parent’s cellar in 2013, to more than a hundred employees, Northern Monk is one of the North’s fastest growing drinks companies.  Creativity, community and collaboration are at the core of Northern Monk’s business, they focus on working with the people that share their passion, and their values. They regularly collaborate with national and international breweries, businesses and causes to help strengthen the North for positive change.  Northern Monk were the first English brewery to win a medal in the IPA category at the World Beer Cup with Eternal, which is still made today.

In recent years, there's been a lot of buzz domestically and internationally around hazy IPAs, which may have left some of you with a bit of 'hop fatigue.' Many breweries have pushed the envelope by adding more hops and experimenting with different hop forms to achieve explosive aromas. But for this year's Jing-A 8X8, we're aiming for something more drinkable: a light, clean West Coast Pilsner with a gentle hop aroma, enhanced with black and green teas. The hops are bold and expressive, while the teas bring a subtle, refined touch. This tea-infused West Coast Pilsner is ready for you in October. Come and enjoy!

2024 Jing-A 8X8 Collaboration Project

Early bird tickets all sold out

Act fast to book your ticket!



