In September 2024, the Guangdong Soong Ching Ling Foundation (GDSCLF) “Aesthetic Education Classroom” came to ASJ to conduct the 16th lecture of the Scholars' Lecture Hall.
The Foundation invited Prof. Zhang Hong and Ms. Li Lina to ASJ to give a wonderful public lecture on aesthetic education to the students.
在秋高气爽的金秋九月,张弘老师携着《从长卷画<岭南春早图>中认识湾区、读懂广东》讲座走进 ASJ 校园。张弘老师的风格亲切自然,恰似这秋风送爽的九月一般,使得现场的气氛格外活跃。
In the cool and refreshing autumn of September, Mr. Zhang Hong came to the ASJ campus with his lecture “Understanding the Bay Area and Guangdong from the Long Scroll Painting ‘Spring and Morning in Lingnan’”. Mr. Zhang Hong's friendly and natural style, just like the fresh September breeze, made the atmosphere particularly active.
Accenting key messages, Mr. Zhang Hong continued to explain the cultural connotations of Chinese landscape painting, guiding the students to learn how to appreciate the paintings and understand the meaning they contain. The lecture made the students realize that paintings also have a unique life and need to be evaluated for their emotions and thoughts.
The lecture “Walking in Lingnan: Festivals and Delicacies of Lingnan”, hosted by Ms. Li Lina, led us to appreciate the unique charm of Lingnan culture.The traditional culture of Guangdong Province has a long history and is like a colorful picture scroll in front of us. From the ancient Lingnan architecture to the exquisite Lingnan crafts, every detail carries the memory and wisdom of history.
When you think of traditional Cantonese culture, the first word that comes to mind must be lion dance. The lion dance is a magnificent performance in which the lion seems to come to life under the control of the dancers, demonstrating courage, vigor and unity.In addition, traditional dances are the jewels of Lingnan culture, with different styles of traditional dances from different parts of Guangdong, blossoming in the Lingnan region.
Ms. Li Lina explained to the students the traditional dances of different regions of Guangdong, such as the Long Drum Dance, the Ying Ge Dance, the Stool Lion and the Kaobing Dance, etc. The students appreciated and discussed these dances with great interest, and were deeply impressed by the variety of traditional dances of different ethnic groups. At the end of the lecture, the students couldn't get enough of the teacher's works and enjoyed and discussed them enthusiastically.
初中部 童同学
Through the two courses, I learned that there are many different kinds of festivals and cultures in Lingnan, and I felt the special flavor of the Lingnan culture. About the special festivals in Guangzhou, I found out that besides the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, New Year's Day and so on, there are also many other special festivals unique to Lingnan.
初中部 宋同学
Intangible cultural heritage is an important basis for reflecting the soul of our nation. In this lecture, I learned how traditional festivals are formed, what are the special festivals in Guangdong and the origin of folk dances, etc. The teacher introduced the intangible cultural heritage of Lingnan to us through the two aspects of “Festivals of Lingnan” and “Dancing in Lingnan”.
初中部 尹同学
Guangdong has a rich variety of non-heritage, including all kinds of dances, lion dances, etc. I was dazzled by all kinds of festivals, festivals and festive ceremonies. Culture is one of the ways of communication between China and the world, and it is also the root of our culture. It is the embodiment of our national culture, and we should protect it and pass it on.
初中部 郑同学
Mr. Zhang Hong's works reproduce and recreate the history of Lingnan in ink and wash, making the landscape of the times leap out of the paper, with both artistic and cultural values. In Mr. Zhang's explanation, I learned that the people, objects, and scenes in the paintings are all physically and legally correct, making the pictures full of a rich urban atmosphere and a sense of life.
“During the three years of study, this activity has been as silent as the spring rain in infiltrating students' pursuit and perception of beauty.
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