
文摘   健康   2024-06-25 20:35   北京  

在《母胎医学杂志(英文)》2024 年第 2 期中,刘慧姝教授团队报道了 1 例胎母输血综合征合并绒毛膜癌的病例,旨在研究胎母输血综合征和早期转移性绒毛膜癌之间高度相关的潜在原因。

How to cite this article: Lv Z, Pan X, Gu C, et.al. Villous Capillary Malformation and Intermediate Trophoblast Invasiveness: Histopathologic Findings From Fetomaternal Hemorrhage with Gestational Choriocarcinoma. Maternal Fetal Med 2024;6(2):115–119. doi: 10.1097/FM9.0000000000000223..


胎母输血综合征 (Fetomaternal hemorrhage, FMH) 是指胎儿血液进入母体循环,通常涉及超过 30 ml 的出血量。这一现象可迅速触发胎儿心率呈正弦波,有可能导致危及生命的胎儿贫血,甚至死亡。

绒毛膜癌 (choriocarcinoma, CC) 的在妊娠中的发病率 1/20000~40000其中约一半发生在看似正常妊娠后 1 年内。尽管对妊娠期 CC 的早期形式缺乏明确定义,但既往文献中的结果提示,妊娠期 CC 通常表现为晚期产后出血伴转移。

据报道,约 40% 的早期妊娠 CC 病例与产时 FMH 同时发生。然而,到目前为止,没有研究阐明 FMH 和早期转移性 CC 之间高度相关的潜在原因。因此,本研究旨在调查这种关联,并揭示在该病例的胎盘中存在不典型中间型滋养细胞 ( intermediate trophoblasts, ITs)。


女性,30岁,孕 2 次,孕40+2周,因“持续强烈宫缩疼痛”就诊。孕期产检未见异常。在13小时的分娩过程中,胎心监护持续显示严重的变异减速,胎心率变异消失,胎动减少(图1)。人工破膜后约3小时,患者经阴道分娩一活男婴。新生儿体重 3 120 g、皮肤极其苍白。该婴儿的外周血氧饱和度水平为 45% ~ 60%,1 min、5 min和10 min的 Apgar 评分分别为 8 分。Hb 电泳检测示母体循环中胎儿血红蛋白占7.9%,为胎儿输血提供了初步证据。新生儿出生时脐动脉血分析提示代谢性酸中毒 (pH = 7.150)、极重度贫血 (血红蛋白浓度为47 g/L)、低氧血症 (blood gas tensions = 4.00 kPa)。经过重症监护,患儿病情好转,于出生后第16天出院。

5天后,患者因“过去2日阴道明显出血”再次入院。急诊检查发现阴道后穹窿处有20 ml 鲜红色血液积聚。清理后,超过100 ml 鲜红色的血液迅速从宫腔流出。盆腔检查显示子宫正常、大且可活动。立即静脉输注催产素,出血情况未好转。入院后约 6 h,估计失血量达1 090 ml。...... ......




Figure 1The review of the disease course. Red arrows indicate multiple high-density pulmonary nodules in the bilateral upper lobe and right lower lobe. Yellow arrows indicate spotted high-density signals at the pineal region and posterior horns of the bilateral lateral ventricle. The black arrows indicate crucial treatment time-points. β-HCG: Beta subunits of human chorionic gonadotropin.

Figure 2The fetomaternal hemorrhage placenta characteristics: fetal vascular malperfusion. A Representative HE staining images of a normal placenta and the corresponding placenta from the FMH case collected at delivery. The FMH placenta is characterized by decreased vascular density and pronounced vessel dilation. Nucleated red blood cells are visible within the placental vessels of the FMH sample. Green arrows indicate these atypical cells. B The FMH placenta shows a discontinuous endothelial lining and a lack of perivascular smooth muscle compared to the normal placenta. Statistical analysis was based on multiple photographs of placental bed, measured by Fiji Image J (Open-source Version 2.7.0, National Institutes of Health, USA), and data present as mean ± SEM; **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001 versus normal group. FMH: Fetomaternal hemorrhage; SEM: Standard error of the mean.

Figure 3: Identification of perivascular trophoblast cells with invasive and destructive tendencies. A Representative H&E staining images show atypical intermediate trophoblasts with unequal nuclear division and polykaryon formation in the FMH-complicated placenta, confirmed by the analysis of nuclear-to-cytosolic ratio and the number of nuclei. B-D Intermediate trophoblasts from decidual cells by immunohistochemical staining for cytokeratin, inhibin-α, and HLA-G. Syncytiotrophoblast densities were used as loading controls for relative expression calculations. Red arrows indicate ITs. Staining intensity quantification utilized Fiji Image J (Open-source Version 2.7.0, National Institutes of Health, USA), with syncytiotrophoblast intensity as the control. Intensities presented as mean ± SEM; ns, not significant. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001 versus the normal group. FMH: Fetomaternal hemorrhage; ITs: Intermediate trophoblasts; H&E: Hematoxylin and eosin; SEM: Standard error of the mean; STB: Syncytiotrophoblast.



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