博后 | 年薪税后30W+,比利时根特大学招收博士后

文摘   2024-12-01 11:07   德国  



有需要博士后职位发布的教授/PI,也欢迎通过相同方式, 添加叫兽微信,免费发布职位!



    Title:   Postdoc Position

    Location:  Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33 Ghent, Belgium

    Published:  2024-11-29

    Application deadline:  2025-01-31 23:59 (Europe/Brussels)

    Job type:    Postdoc



About the position

The Photonics Research Group (about 100 people) is an associated lab of imec and is part of the Department of Information Technology of Ghent University. The group is headed by Prof. D. Van Thourhout and has been active in photonics device research for many years. The other professors in the group are R. Baets, P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts, S. Clemmen, A. Curto, B. Kuyken, N. Le Thomas, G. Morthier, G. Roelkens, K. Van Gasse. The main research directions are silicon(-nitride) nanophotonics, heterogeneous integration, optical communication, quantum optics, photonic (bio)sensors and photonic integrated circuits for biomedical applications in the near-infrared and mid-infrared wavelength range. The silicon(-nitride) nanophotonics work focuses on the design and fabrication of SOI-based photonic devices using standard lithographic techniques compatible with CMOS-processing. This happens in collaboration with imec.

The Photonics Research Group has been coordinating the network of excellence ePIXnet and is involved in several EU-projects, including the H2020 projects TOPHIT, TeraBoard, PIX4Life, MIRPHAB and Phresco. Furthermore, the group is partner of the Center for Nano- and Biophotonics of Ghent University and the group has been awarded eight ERC Independent Researcher Starting Grants, one ERC Consolidator Grant and one ERC Advanced Investigator Grant.


Your Tasks

  • For this project you will be working in a multidisciplinary photonic integration team led by Prof. Kasper Van Gasse within the Photonics Research Group of Ghent University and imec.

  • The estimated breakdown of the research activity is approximately 50% clean room work and process development, and 50% optical simulations (Lumerical, mode solvers, FDTD, inverse design, …) and optical experiments. The focus will be on fabricating novel devices and measuring them in the state-of-the-art laser lab built in the framework of ERC StG LASIQ. The Photonics Research Group clean room has unique equipment for heterogeneous laser integration and micro-transfer printing.

  • You will be responsible for:

    • Developing novel fabrication methods to enable the micro-transfer printing of nanophotonic solid-state gain materials

    • Testing and characterizing on-chip solid-state lasers

    • Modelling and design of PIC narrow linewidth CW lasers for trapped ion/cold atom/color center quantum control

    • Modelling and design of PIC femtosecond lasers for frequency metrology

  • We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc to develop novel on-chip laser systems that will enable scalable quantum systems based on trapped ions, cold atoms and solid-state defects.

  • Current photonic integrated laser systems, such as III-V laser diodes and Kerr frequency combs, have shown great promise to realize scalable quantum systems. However, the performance of these laser systems is still far from what is possible using tabletop free-space or fiber laser systems. During the ERC StG LASIQ we will research novel photonic thin-film materials to create beyond state-of-the-art on-chip laser systems. This work will build on the novel thin film laser technologies developed at Stanford University and the existing state-of-the-art micro transfer printing capabilities of the Photonic Research Group


What we want and What we offer


  • We are looking for candidates who meet the following criteria:

    • A PhD in Photonics, Applied Physics, Laser Science, or Quantum Optics.

    • Experience in laser design and/or photonic integration technologies.

    • Extensive cleanroom fabrication expertise.

    • A strong motivation to enable the next generation of laser systems.

    • Fluency in English.


  • We offer you a contract of a definite duration for a period of one year that can be renewed for another year.

  • Your contract will start on 1/07/2025 at the earliest.

  • Your remuneration will be determined by salary scale WM1 to WM4 (if you hold a Master’s degree) or salary scale PD1 to PD4 (if you hold a doctorate).  Click here for more information about our salary scales.

  • If the candidate can apply for an intake as a postdoctoral researcher in international mobility and meets the conditions, UGent can deviate from the vacancy and will offer a tax-free postdoctoral grant, which can be renewed for two extra years.

  • All Ghent University staff members enjoy several benefits, such as a wide range of training and education opportunities, 36 days of holiday leave (on an annual basis for a full-time job) supplemented by annual fixed bridge days, bicycle allowance and eco vouchers. Click here for a complete overview of all the staff benefits.


More information

For more information about this vacancy, please contact Prof. Kasper Van Gasse (kasper.vangasse@UGent.be, +32(0)9/3314813). Important: do NOT send your application by e-mail but apply online.

Do you have a question regarding the online application process? Please read the FAQ or contact us via selecties@ugent.be or +32 9 264 34 36





· The  End ·

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