双语 | 面具背后的你

文化   2024-09-15 07:51   福建  

The maxim “Know thyself” occupies a central role in Western philosophy. Yet, despite our daily self-attention, self-care, and self-obsession, the question arises: do we truly know ourselves? Let’s strip away all thoughts, concepts, and definitions and ponder: what was the state of our life before a single thought emerged? Have we ever engaged in such deep introspection?


Chan practice encourages us to explore questions like “Who is actually reciting the Buddha’s name?” “What was my original face before the rise of thought?” and “What was my original face before my birth?” Indeed, if we truly understand ourselves, we will be able to recognize our Buddha-nature.


When we explore life with wisdom and continuously question, “Who am I?” and “What defines my existence?” we come to realize that all we have considered as “me” only has a temporary relationship with us. Our body, emotions, identity, or wealth—which of these can we keep forever?


But due to our ignorance and attachment, we automatically view our body, emotions, identity, wealth, and all sorts of other things that are not “me”as “me,” which creates attachment and dependence. The issue is that these things we regard as “me” are impermanent and constantly changing.


If we think that the body is “me,” we will fear death and the loss of the physical self. If we believe that identity is “me,” we will dread losing it and be badly shaken without it. Similar to wearing a mask for so long, we mistake it for our actual face; once the mask is removed, we feel disoriented.




Excerpted from:

Happiness Comes from the Mind

by Master Jiqun
