【数字印尼】Indonesia Market Monthly Report 印度尼西亚市场月报

民生   2025-01-11 10:22   印度尼西亚  
Indonesia Market Monthly Report 
一、政经动态 Political and economic trends
(一)政府动态 Government news
(二)经济要闻 Economic news
(三)主要经济指标 Main economic indicators
二、主要行业动态 Major industry dynamics
三、金融市场动态 Financial market dynamics
(一)印尼盾汇率走势 Indonesian rupiah exchange rate trend
(二)市场资金利率行情回顾 Review of market capital interest rates
(三)基准利率及外汇储备情况 Benchmark interest rates and foreign exchange reserves

 一、政经动态 Political and economic trends
(一)政府动态 Government news
•President Prabowo: 12% VAT Imposed Only on Luxury Goods, Services.The Government has decided that the 1 percent increase in the value-added tax (VAT) rate from 11 percent to 12 percent will be imposed specifically on luxury goods and services. Apart from those goods and services, the VAT rate on other goods and services remains in accordance with the rate that has been in effect since 2022, which is 11 percent.The decision to increase the VAT rate for luxury goods and services was stated first-hand by President Prabowo Subianto in his press statement at the Office of the Ministry of Finance in Jakarta, Tuesday (12/31).“For example, private jets are classified as luxury goods that are utilized or used by the upper-class community. Other examples are cruise ships, motor yachts, and very luxurious houses whose value is above those belonging to the middle-class community,” said the President.Furthermore, the President emphasized that goods and services that constitute basic necessities of the community are still subject to a 0 percent VAT rate.
President Prabowo Affirms Education and Health as Top Priorities in 2025 State Budget.President Prabowo Subianto emphasized the government's commitment to making education and health the main priorities in the 2025 budget allocation. This was conveyed by the President in his remarks at the digital Submission of the Budget Implementation List (DIPA) and the Transfer Allocation Book to Regions (TKD), as well as the launch of the Electronic Catalog version 6.0, at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Tuesday, December 10, 2024."Indonesia's largest allocation is education. Thus, we place education as a priority and we believe that education and health services are the real way out of poverty,"
President Prabowo Subianto emphasized that financial industry players are at the forefront of maintaining the nation's sovereignty and independence. The President reminded financial industry players to carry out their mandate wisely, responsibly, and with integrity to protect the interests of the Indonesian people.The affirmation was conveyed by President Prabowo in his remarks at the 2024 Bank Indonesia Annual Meeting at the Bank Indonesia Office Complex, Jakarta, on Friday, November 29, 2024.The Head of State said that the trust given to the financial sector is a great responsibility because it is a very vital part of the nation's sovereignty. The President also quoted a political figure who said that destroying a country can start by destroying its financial system.
(二)经济要闻 Economic news
• Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expanded 4.95% annually in the third quarter ,slightly below market expectation and compared with 5.05% growth in the second quarter。
• Indonesia's domestic economy remains solid on the back of domestic demand. Positive investment growth is projected in the fourth quarter of 2024, underpinned by the completion of various national strategic projects (PSN) and private investment in response to government incentive support. Household consumption is projected to maintain growth, supported by solid consumer confidence and the positive impact of local elections contested in various regions. Government consumption is increasing in line with higher spending activity towards the end of the year. Meanwhile, non-oil and gas exports are expected to moderate as a corollary of the sluggish global economy. By sector, growth is primarily supported by the manufacturing industry, construction, as well as wholesale and retail trade. Overall, economic growth in 2024 is projected in the 4.7-5.5% range, before accelerating to 4.8-5.6% in 2025.
(三)主要经济指标 Main economic indicators
二、主要行业动态 Major industry dynamics
•国有企业部长(BUMN)艾立克·托希尔(Erick Thohir)表示,印尼已准备好建立黄金银行或金条银行,特别是在自己能够生产的金条之后。艾立克透露,这项准备也得到PT Antam和自由港(PT Freeport Indonesia)合作并支持在印尼加工金条。
•投资和下游部长/投资统筹机构(BKPM)主任罗桑·罗斯拉尼(Rosan Roeslani)评估,中国对印尼的新投资潜力仍然很高。周五(20/12),他在中国北京告诉安塔拉社,“中国是最大的FDI(外国直接投资)国家之一。我们看到未来潜力依然非凡。”
•零售企业,尤其是在购物中心领域的企业,充满担忧展望2025年,预计明年零售业将面临严峻的挑战。日前,印尼购物中心管理协会 (APPBI) 主席 Alphonzus Widjaja 阐明,引发该担忧的主要因素之一是增值税 (PPN) 增至12%,该税率将于2025年1月1日起生效。该政策不仅影响奢侈品,该增长也有可能影响整个民众的购买力,包括中小微型企业的产品在内。他也强调,直至2024年第四季度,民众购买力尚未完全恢复,在这种情况之下,增加增值税将为零售业带来进一步压力。
三、金融市场动态 Financial market dynamics
(一)印尼盾汇率走势 Indonesian rupiah exchange rate trend
In December, the Indonesian Rupiah depreciated by 1.79% against the U.S. Dollar, with the exchange rate shifting from a range of 15,848 to 16,132 IDR per USD. This depreciation occurred as Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell delivered a hawkish interest cut of 25 basis points to the 4.25% to 4.5% range. Additionally, the U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s policies to impose tariff on import goods may slow economic growth and raise unemployment and ongoing geopolitical conflicts in the Middle East further contributed to the volatility in the global markets.
The Indonesian Rupiah fell to its four-months low to the level 16,313 due to the impact of the U.S. Federal Reserve’s policy outlook. Indonesia’s central bank stood pat at its December policy meeting, continuing to hold its benchmark seven-day reverse repo rate at 6% aiming to support the country’s economic growth, maintain the rupiah’s stability and keep inflation within the 1.5% to 3.5% target range in 2024 and next year.

(二)市场资金利率行情回顾 Review of market capital interest rates
The BI Board of Governors Meeting agreed on 17-18th December 2024 to hold the BI-Rate at 6.00%, while also maintaining the Deposit Facility (DF) rate and Lending Facility (LF) rate at 5.25% and 6.75%, respectively. The decision is consistent with the direction of monetary policy to control inflation in 2024 and 2025 within the 2.5 ±1% target corridor, while supporting sustainable economic growth.
Foreign Investors Record Buying Positions Towards End of 2024. Stock trading data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 23-27 December 2024 was mostly in the positive zone. The highest increase occurred in the average daily transaction volume of the Exchange for a week of 27.15% to 24.40 billion shares from 19.19 billion shares in the previous week.
The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) this week also increased by 0.75% to 7,036.571 from 6,983.865 last week. The increase was also experienced by the Exchange's market capitalization by 0.60% to IDR12,264 trillion from IDR12,191 trillion in the previous week. However, the average daily transaction frequency of the Exchange changed by 10.48% to 970 thousand transactions from 1.08 million transactions last week. During the week, the average daily transaction value of the Exchange changed by 13.13% to Rp10.64 trillion from Rp12.25 trillion in the previous week. Foreign investors today recorded a net purchase value of Rp759.38 billion and foreign investors recorded a net purchase value of Rp15.97 trillion throughout 2024.
印尼央行董事会(RDG)12月17日至18日会议的决定是维持基准利率为6%,保持存款指导利率为5.25%,贷款指导利率为6.75%。该决定与控制2024年和2025年通货膨胀在2.5 ±1%的目标范围内,同时支持可持续经济增长的货币政策方向一致。

Indonesia Goverment Bond Interest Yield

Interest Rate Refrence
(三)基准利率及外汇储备情况 Benchmark interest rates and foreign exchange reserves
BI maintain the BI-Rate at 6%。
Indonesia's foreign reserves rose to $155.7b in December from $150.2b in November, according to Bank Indonesia according to Bank Indonesia. The Reserves were equal tp 6.7 months of imports, above international standards and adequate to support Indonesia’s external resilience and maintain macroeconomic and financial stability 。
根据央行数据,印度尼西亚的外汇储备从11月份的1502 亿美元下降至11月份的1557亿美元。印尼央行12月初声明,12月底的外汇储备可以覆盖 6.7个月进口量,在国际标准之上,足以支持外部弹性并保持宏观经济的稳定。
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