【征稿】学会会刊JCEBS: “碳中和”专刊

文摘   2021-05-29 07:00  


JCEBS Call for Papers on

 Carbon neutrality and socio-economic development


Journal: Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies 《中国经济与商业研究》


Topic: Carbon neutrality and socio-economic development


Guest Editors:

Zhifu Mi, University College London, United Kingdom.Email: z.mi@ucl.ac.uk

Yuning Gao, Tsinghua University, China. Email: gao_yuning@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Hua Liao, Beijing Institute of Technology. Email: hliao@bit.edu.cn


Submission deadline: 31st October 2021


Carbon neutrality means abalance between emitted and absorbed carbon from the atmosphere in carbon sinks.Statistics from UNFCCC shows that more than 100 countries and regions havementioned carbon neutrality, climate neutrality, net zero emissions or net zerocarbon emissions in relevant documents, among which 29 countries have declared officialcommitments in formal channels, accounting for more than 50% of global carbonemissions. How to achieve carbon neutrality is a major issue for the worldtoday. It is crucial pathway for the global realization of the 2 °C and 1.5 °Cgoals.



Most countries commit toachieve carbon neutrality in the middle of 21st century. On theClimate Ambition Summit 2020, China has announced its ambition to scale up its nationally determined contributions (NDC), adopt morevigorous policies to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030, and achievecarbon neutrality before 2060. Specific measures include lowering its carbondioxide emissions per unit of GDP by over 65% from the 2005 level, increasingthe share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25%,increasing the forest stock volume by 6 billion cubic meters from the 2005level, and bringing its total installed capacity of wind and solar power toover 1.2 billion kilowatts. Achieving these goals willproduce extensive, important and sustained co-benefits, including reducing airpollution, improving health and safety, facilitating long-term technologyinnovation, and promoting environmental protection. Through concrete actionplans formulation, China will contribute to the global fight against climatechange by sharing the lesson learnt along its endeavour.



National commitments toachieving carbon neutrality or net zero are of extraordinary significance. Itis a major way for countries to clearly propose a long-term decarbonizationtarget and an important milestone of countries to participate in global governanceof emissions mitigation. This special issue will focus on the impacts of carbonneutrality on the socio-economic system, as well as the role of economicmethods in carbon neutrality strategies. Topics of interest of this specialissue include, but are not limited to, the following:



·  The socio-economic impactsof carbon neutrality

·  The co-benefits of carbonneutrality

·  The pathways to achievecarbon neutrality

·  City pathway analysis

·  Sector pathway analyses

·  Carbon neutrality and SDGs

·  Carbon neutrality and ESG

·  Carbon neutrality andinternational trade

·  Carbon neutrality policiesat national and local levels










欧洲/英国中国经济学会CEA (Europe/UK):

CEA (Europe/UK) 是一家由学者、学生和企业代表发起的非营利研究组织,专注与研究中国的经济发展。学会成立几十年来,已经成为海外最具影响力的华人学者学会之一。

英国中国经济学会(CEA UK)于1988年成立,自此成为英国推动中国研究的国际领先学术组织之一。CEA的历年会议吸引了来自全球的高水平学术机构,政府组织,产业界,银行界,以及中英媒体界的广泛关注, 自2001年以来,(CEA UK)会各在英国和中国的一所著名学府举办年度平行会议。

欧洲中国经济学会(CEA Europe)于2008年在挪威奥斯陆成立,CEA(Europe)是英国中国经济学会在欧洲的重要扩展和延伸。CEA(Europe)的主要目标是促进学术交流,并担负起在欧洲的中国相关经济和商业研究的带头作用。自2009年在爱尔兰都柏林举行的首届会议以来,CEA(Europe)已在欧洲各地与CEA(Europe)联合举办了多次年度会议。


JCEBS是欧洲/英国中国经济学会(CEA Europe/UK)的官方会刊,也是专门研究中国经济和商业问题的国际英文期刊,根据SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank)对于2010-2020引用率和影响因子的分析, JCEBS已经进入该数据库的最高分区:1区(经济与金融领域)。该期刊成为了中外著名学者发表最新研究成果的重要平台。吴敬琏,林毅夫,张维迎,刘遵义,张军,Gregory Chow,Peter Nolan,Wing Thye Woo,Gary Jefferson,John Knight等中外经济学家先后在本期刊发表学术观点。

JCEBS每年四期,由国际著名出版商Taylors & Francis出版发行。提交到JCEBS的文章将经过严格的编辑审核与同行评议。JCEBS欢迎针对中国经济与商业问题的理论与实证研究。研究主题包括但不局限于:转型经济理论,经济发展政策,农业的经济改革,国有企业,财政与金融系统的改革与治理,研发与技术创新,劳动与人力资本,商业战略,国际贸易与外商直接投资,中国与世界经济,新兴与转型经济比较研究。

期刊主编 (Editor in Chief):侯文轩教授


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Chinese Economic Association (Europe/UK)致力于提供学术交流平台。