新刊推荐 | JCEBS Vol 19 Issue 3,2021

文摘   2021-09-29 10:35  


Vol 19 Issue 3,2021

Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies (JCEBS)(《中国经济与商务研究》)期刊2021年第三期现已出版。这是一期以“新美国行政体制下的全球贸易体系:中国、美国和欧洲”为主题的特刊。欢迎您通过访问杂志官网在线查看最新文章!(点击“阅读原文”获取更多信息)



Guest Editor: K. C. Fung

Introduction to special section on global trading system with the New American administration: China, United States and Europe






Rudolf Furst

China and Central Europe: cooperation in difficult times during the Covid-19 outbreak


波兰、捷克共和国、匈牙利和斯洛伐克,这四个被称为维谢格拉德集团(V4)的中东欧国家,参属中国主导的“17+1合作“多边跨区域合作平台,以寻求提升其成员相互经济和交通基础设施的联系。这篇文章通过比较案例研究的方法追溯了自欧洲爆发 Covid-19 以来 V4 国家与中国的关系,并探讨了现有的这种“ 17 + 1” 多边合作形式能够在多大程度上通过加强与中国的医疗合作来抗击疫情。研究结果表明目前的双边关系优于制度化的“ 17+1”多边合作,这种多边合作的一致性较低,中东欧国家与中国的关系也将持续模糊。




Henry Gao & Gregory Shaffer

The role of law in Chinese value chains






Guanzhong James Wen

Virtuous globalization, the three-zeros policy, and China’s choice






Xi Chen & Annie Fan

The COVID-19 pandemic and the transformation of health policy: a syndemic perspective

COVID-19 和卫生政策的转变:一个综合的视角

2019 年的新冠病毒正在使人类社会面临百年一遇的变化。三个关键特性将 COVID-19 大流行升级为一种综合现象。为了解决这个三重危机,本文探讨了将更加公平的社会政策和医保政策与早期、有针对性和协调的公共卫生措施相结合,以重建对医保市场主要参与者的激励措施的重要性。本文通过借鉴以往和现在流行病的治理经验,并比较中国、美国以及其他国家在应对当前突发性公共卫生事件方面的差异,以期在下一次大流行来临之前做好卫生健康领域的政策转型。



Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Volume 19, Issue 3

#1 K. C. Fung

Introduction to special section on global trading system with the New American administration: China, United States and Europe

In this Introduction to the Special Ilssue on Global trading system with the New American Administration: China, United States and Europe, three excellent papers are presented. The first paper highlights the central and eastern European countries’ views on their relationships with China in the era of the pandemic. The second paper by Gao and Shaffer (forthcoming) presents a detailed legal discussion on the global value chains, including new development in intellectual property rights laws in China. The third paper by Wen (forthcoming) proposes that China should continue to participate in the global trading system and further reduce unnecessary government interventions in trade, investment and innovation. Finally, the Introduction highlights various important papers published by this Journal that are relevant to the theme. For example, Fung, Aminian, Fu and Tung (2018) and Fung, Amininian, Fu, Rhee and Tung (2020) are the first to introduce a formal, analytical digital firm model in the discussions of U.S.-China relations. Other outstanding papers include Lau (2019a), Cheng, hitten and Hua (2019), Garcia Herrero (2019) and Lin and Wang (forthcoming), all published in this Journal.

#2 Rudolf Furst

China and Central Europe: cooperation in difficult times during the Covid-19 outbreak 

The four Central and Eastern European (CEE) states, namely Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia, known as the Visegrad Group (V4), belong to the multilateral China-led 17 + 1 subregional platform that seeks to upgrade its members’ mutual economic and transportation infrastructure ties. This comparative case study traces the V4 states’ relations with China since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe and explores how far the existing multilateral format 17 + 1 was able to utilize its potential for strengthening China’s presence through healthcare cooperation to work together in fighting the pandemic. The findings reveal the prevailing bilateral ties being preferred over the institutionalized multilateral platform 17 + 1, a sustained ambiguity in the CEE states’ relations with China, and a poor coherence of the 17 + 1 format.

#3 Henry Gao & Gregory Shaffer

The role of law in Chinese value chains

Since starting its economic reform four decades ago, China has been highly successful in integrating its economy into regional and global value chains (GVCs). This started with simple assembly and processing, then expanded to low-end labor-intensive manufacturing, and gradually moved up to technology-intensive and capital-intensive industries. This article analyzes the development of Chinese law, legal institutions, and international and transnational legal initiatives to support the development of GVCs, which we divide into five phases. The article does not idealize law in terms of ‘commitment’ or ‘rule of law,’ but rather, in the legal realist tradition, views law as an important, contributing factor in economic change. It presents law as a signalling and coordinative device that serves to channel private conduct for business planning and coordination. The article provides insights for understanding current developments in the trading system and their implications for regional and global value chains.

#4 Guanzhong James Wen

Virtuous globalization, the three-zeros policy, and China’s choice

Economic globalization is generally desirable and beneficial to a great extent, but not necessarily virtuous. Modern history has proven time and again that economic globalization may go astray if rivalry among big powers are not coordinated and regulated in a timely manner. Thorny issues arise inevitably when globalization involves big economies such as China, whose resource allocation mechanisms deviate significantly from that of a typical market economy. This paper will focus on: 1) What is virtuous globalization? 2) Why should big powers adopt the goal of three-zeros (zero tariff, zero barrier, and zero subsidy) as a necessary condition for achieving the goal of virtuous globalization? 3) Why should China in particular set a leading example to adopt and implement this policy to make a real contribution to the building of global institutions that are conducive to virtuous globalization as well as its domestic economic reforms.

#5 Xi Chen & Annie Fan

The COVID-19 pandemic and the transformation of health policy: a syndemic perspective

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is bringing about once-in-a-century changes to human society. Three key properties escalate the COVID-19 pandemic into a syndemic. To address this triple crisis, we discuss the importance of integrating early, targeted and coordinated public health measures with more equitable social policy and with a health-care policy that realigns incentives of the major players in the health-care market. Drawing on evidence from past and present epidemics as well as comparing variations in response to the current health emergency between China, the US and beyond, we navigate long-awaited health policy transformation in areas that help us better prepare for the next pandemic.

欧洲/英国中国经济学会CEA (Europe/UK):

CEA (Europe/UK) 是一家由学者、学生和企业代表发起的非营利研究组织,专注与研究中国的经济发展。学会成立几十年来,已经成为海外最具影响力的华人学者学会之一。

英国中国经济学会(CEA UK)于1988年成立,自此成为英国推动中国研究的国际领先学术组织之一。CEA的历年会议吸引了来自全球的高水平学术机构,政府组织,产业界,银行界,以及中英媒体界的广泛关注, 自2001年以来,(CEA UK)会各在英国和中国的一所著名学府举办年度平行会议。

欧洲中国经济学会(CEA Europe)于2008年在挪威奥斯陆成立,CEA(Europe)是英国中国经济学会在欧洲的重要扩展和延伸。CEA(Europe)的主要目标是促进学术交流,并担负起在欧洲的中国相关经济和商业研究的带头作用。自2009年在爱尔兰都柏林举行的首届会议以来,CEA(Europe)已在欧洲各地与CEA(Europe)联合举办了多次年度会议。


JCEBS是欧洲/英国中国经济学会(CEA Europe/UK)的官方会刊,也是专门研究中国经济和商业问题的国际英文期刊,根据SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank)对于2010-2020引用率和影响因子的分析, JCEBS已经进入该数据库的最高分区:1区(经济与金融领域)。该期刊成为了中外著名学者发表最新研究成果的重要平台。吴敬琏,林毅夫,张维迎,刘遵义,张军,Gregory Chow,Peter Nolan,Wing Thye Woo,Gary Jefferson,John Knight等中外经济学家先后在本期刊发表学术观点。

JCEBS每年四期,由国际著名出版商Taylors & Francis出版发行。提交到JCEBS的文章将经过严格的编辑审核与同行评议。JCEBS欢迎针对中国经济与商业问题的理论与实证研究。研究主题包括但不局限于:转型经济理论,经济发展政策,农业的经济改革,国有企业,财政与金融系统的改革与治理,研发与技术创新,劳动与人力资本,商业战略,国际贸易与外商直接投资,中国与世界经济,新兴与转型经济比较研究。

期刊主编 (Editor in Chief):侯文轩教授


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文字 | 王   喆

 编辑审核 | 李轶瑶




CEA Europe UK
Chinese Economic Association (Europe/UK)致力于提供学术交流平台。