《中国经济与商业研究》摘要解析( Vol 19 Issue 2,2021)

文摘   财经   2021-07-06 07:00  


Vol 19 Issue 2,2021

Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies (JCEBS)(《中国经济与商务研究》)期刊2021年第二期现已出版。欢迎您通过访问杂志官网在线查看最新文章!(点击“阅读原文”获取更多信息)



Jiandong Chen & Ming Gao & Shasha Huang

Application of remote sensing satellite data for carbon emissions reduction


为了应对全球气候变化,减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的排放是必须 ,这是全球共识。遥感卫星数据有易获得性、高分辨率、广覆盖范围等独特优势,已经成为监测碳排放的重要手段,并且在碳监测与固定中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文综述了遥感卫星数据在帮助实现减轻碳排放目标的主要应用,并对未来相关研究进行了展望。




Christopher Culver

Chinese investment and corruption in Africa






Ying Zhang & Marcel Ausloos

Financial pre-factors for post-performance of cross-border mergers & acquisitions






Siyang Li & Christer Ljungwall

Access to knowledge and knowledge production: the case of China


本文利用2008年至2016年的省级数据估算了中国经济的知识生产函数。研究发现: 第一,R&D研究人员的数量、科研经费、以及全球知识储备的可获得性对普通专利申请与发明专利申请均有显著的正向影响;第二,知识积累对知识生产效率的影响程度是可观的;第三,国有部门在根本性创新中具有重要作用。最重要的是,知识的可获取对于实现知识非竞争的好处非常重要。因此,中国政府采取开放创新的方式,继续推进改革开放的计划是至关重要的(除了NSO外,其他资源都应该在网上发布,使其可以应要求提供)。



Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Volume 19, Issue 2

#1 Maho Shiraishi & Go Yano

Do ‘zombie firms’ emerge among private firms in China? A survival analysis approach that pays attention to the reception of trade credit

We investigated whether ‘zombie firms’ emerged among private firms in China, by using the survival analysis of private firms. We found that receiving trade credit allowed poor-performing private firms to survive in markets in China. This type of survival of private firms was more pronounced for large-sized private firms. There was evidence of the existence of zombie firms among private firms in China, which were generated from unsound trade credit finance, an informal type of finance. Poor-performing private firms in China avoided exiting the market with access to an informal debt finance in non-negligible cases.

#2 Junhua Jiang

Can real estate regulatory policies constrain real estate risks to banks? Evidence from China 

This study investigates the effects of real estate regulatory policies on the real estate risks to banks in China. The study shows that real estate control policies issued by the policy makers in China cannot constrain the risks of the real estate market to banks. Real estate stimulating policies, however, could raise the risks of the real estate market to banks, which mainly results from the effects of tax-related stimulating policies. The study also shows that real estate control policies affect the discount rate risks of the real estate firms to banks, while both the real estate control policies and the real estate stimulating policies show some effects on the overall risks of the real estate firms to banks.

#3 Xinxin Ma & Ichiro Iwasaki

Does communist party membership bring a wage premium in China? a meta-analysis

In China, despite the drastic economic transition from a planned system to a market economy, the influences of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s organization on firm management in both the public and private sectors are still remarkable. This study performs a meta-analysis to examine the impact of CPC membership on wage levels in China using 622 estimates extracted from 71 English and Chinese papers. The results of meta-synthesis suggest that CPC membership positively affects wage levels. They also reveal that the effect size of CPC membership is greater for state-owned enterprises, urban regions, female workers, and regular wages, as compared with privately owned enterprises, rural regions, male workers, and performance pay. The test results of publication selection bias based on the FAT-PET-PEESE approach indicate that the collected estimates contain genuine evidence of the wage premium of CPC membership, and its true impact takes a value within a range of 0.0414 to 0.0431 in terms of the partial correlation coefficient.

#4 Muhammad Shahin Miah

Does IFRS convergence bring improvement in firm performance? An empirical analysis

This paper investigates the impact of IFRS adoption on Chinese listed companies. More specifically, this study shows the empirical evidence of the effect of a new set of Chinese accounting standards (CAS) introduced in 2007 on firms’ performance. Analyzing 7020 firm-year observations, this study finds that, compared to pre-IFRS adoption regime, firms’ performance significantly improves after IFRS adoption. A set of sensitivity analysis provides consistent findings about the impact of new CAS on firms’ profitability. As for the implication of international accounting standards, these findings suggest that adoption of global accounting standards is bringing positive change in the capital market through firms’ development in terms of profitability.

JCEBS是全欧全英中国经济学会的官方会刊,编辑部位于牛津大学,由国际著名出版商Taylors & Francis出版发行。JCEBS位列SJR Scimago Journal & Country Rank 1区。CiteScore为1.1,在228本经济学和金融期刊中位列第95。

文字 | 程    汉

编辑 | 赵若然

 审核 | 李轶瑶




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