Giorgio Locatelli 教授
胡毅 副教授 宁延 教授
In management journals, qualitative research has become increasingly important, and mastering these methods is essential for producing high-quality research that can make a real impact. First, I will discuss what qualitative is concerned with exploring and understanding the complexities of human experiences, behaviours, and social phenomena. It emphasises capturing rich and detailed data through methods like interviews, observations, and analysis texts. Qualitative research is often exploratory in nature, seeking to uncover new insights and perspectives. Therefore, formulating open-ended questions that allow for in-depth exploration is vital. Next, it’s important to select the most suitable methods for data collection. This could involve conducting interviews with participants, observing their behaviours in natural settings, or analysing documents and texts. Each method has its strengths, and selecting the right one is essential. Once the data is collected, the process of analysis begins. Qualitative data analysis involves carefully reviewing and interpreting the collected information to identify patterns, themes, and key findings. This can be done through thematic or content analysis. To get published in leading journals like PMJ or IJPM it’s essential to maintain rigor and transparency. Documenting your research decisions, keeping an audit trail of your analysis, and involving multiple researchers for validation and peer review are all ways to enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of your findings.
报告人现为米兰理工大学管理学院教授,项目管理领域权威期刊Project Management Journal(SSCI)主编,国际项目管理协会(IPMA)卓越研究贡献奖获得者,全球前2%顶尖科学家(斯坦福大学与爱思唯尔发布),从事基础设施项目治理方面的教学和科研工作,围绕“零碳基础设施”、“基础设施退役”、“标杆项目管理”等主题主持欧盟和英国的基金10余项,总课题经费达到150万欧元,担任国际项目管理协会(IPMA)咨询委员会委员、International Journal of Project Management、International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience等期刊编委,并为国际原子能机构、欧盟和英国提供战略咨询。
Giorgio Locatelli 教授
胡毅 副教授 宁延 教授
本体论、认识论和理论透镜: 用简单的语言解释最难的概念
In today’s academic world, publishing in leading scientific journals requires strong and clear Ontologies, Epistemologies, and theoretical foundations. For example, in project studies, until a few years ago, it was acceptable to submit atheoretical papers to leading journals such as IJPM and PMJ. However, this has changed, and papers without a theoretical basis and clear Ontologies or epistemologies are often desk-rejected. I developed this speech to train authors for success in this changing landscape, using simple words and a lot of examples. Having clear ontologies, epistemologies, and theoretical lenses in social science and management research and publishing ensures conceptual clarity, methodological coherence, and theoretical advancement. It enables researchers to engage in meaningful scholarly dialogue, build upon existing knowledge, and contribute to the development of robust theories and practical implications. Furthermore, transparently communicating these foundational aspects enhances the rigour and credibility of research, allowing other researchers to replicate, critique, and extend the findings, thus facilitating the growth and progress of the respective fields. This speech aims to equip the audience with a clear understanding of Ontologies, Epistemologies, and theoretical lenses. By providing a strong understanding of theory and its applications, students will be well-equipped to produce high-quality research publishable in leading scientific journals.
报告人现为米兰理工大学管理学院教授,项目管理领域权威期刊Project Management Journal(SSCI)主编,国际项目管理协会(IPMA)卓越研究贡献奖获得者,全球前2%顶尖科学家(斯坦福大学与爱思唯尔发布),从事基础设施项目治理方面的教学和科研工作,围绕“零碳基础设施”、“基础设施退役”、“标杆项目管理”等主题主持欧盟和英国的基金10余项,总课题经费达到150万欧元,担任国际项目管理协会(IPMA)咨询委员会委员、International Journal of Project Management、International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience等期刊编委,并为国际原子能机构、欧盟和英国提供战略咨询。
美编 | 马国萍
责编 | 李梦爽、唐迪明