People in Education -- Shane Leaning

文摘   2024-01-18 08:30   北京  

Today marks our third interview, and this month we are pleased to hear from the host of the Global Ed Leaders podcast, Shane Leaning.

今天是我们的第三次访谈,在这个月,我们很荣幸地邀请到了Global Ed Leaders(全球教育领袖)这档播客的创始人及主持人,Shane Leaning

Shane Leaning

Host of the Global Ed Leaders podcast



What mattered the most to you when you were in school?


ShaneAs a podcaster, I love a good question and this one is awesome! I was a proud geek at school and loved learning – I still do. But my best memory was music – I played the trumpet in the school band and spend every lunch practicing in the music room. When I was young, I was painfully shy, and music became my social outlet. I’ve been passionate ever since about creating safe and welcoming spaces for all learners in our schools. I believe that when a child feels truly safe, creativity and confidence flourish.



Tell us about your podcast.


Shane: Global Ed Leaders is a weekly podcast for international school leaders, whether they be head teachers, department leads or aspiring leaders. Every other week, I speak to the teachers, leaders and innovators making a difference in education around the world. And in between I release bitesize episodes with leadership strategies. The podcast has grown into a worldwide community and now attracts some of the biggest names in education.

肖恩:全球教育领袖(Global Ed Leaders)是一个每周更新的,面向国际学校领导层的播客,包括校长、部门领导和教育界有远见的领导者。每隔一周,我都会和世界各地在教育领域有所作为的教师、领导者和创新者对话,并在对话间隙发表一些关于领导策略的小插曲。现在,这档播客已经成长为一个全球性的社群,并吸引了很多教育界的大腕。


How can people get involved with the Global Ed Leaders community?

人们怎么才能参与到Global Ed Leaders(全球教育领袖)社群呢?

Shane: Community is at the heart of the podcast. I’m always looking for ideas for my next episode or guest and would love people to get in touch. I host live spaces and can often be seen hanging out on LinkedIn. The best way you can get involved in the community is to contribute to the Global Ed Leaders LIVE Spaces. These take place every Thursday evening and anyone can contribute the discussions there. Have a listen to the podcast and follow me to join the next Space!

(Find more information on Shane's podcast and LIVE Spaces here: or click "Read more" at the bottom!)‍‍

肖恩:社群是这档播客的核心。我一直在为我的下一期播客或下一位嘉宾寻找灵感,非常欢迎大家和我联系。我主持互动活动,并且经常在领英上发表观点。参与社群的最好方式就是为全球教育领袖互动活动(Global Ed Leaders LIVE Spaces)做贡献,活动在每周四晚进行,任何人都可以参与讨论。收听我的播客,并关注我以加入下一次的互动吧!

(通过这个链接了解肖恩的播客与LIVE Spaces: 或是点击文章下方的“阅读原文”!)‍‍


Describe your perfect day in China.


Shane:My wife, Emma, and I adore living in Shanghai, but always crave the countryside. So, for me, there is no better way to spend time than to jump in a car with Emma and our two miniature schnauzers and head into the Moganshan bamboo forests for a weekend of peace. The local village food, the fresh air, the stunning scenery – what’s more perfect than that?


Based on the celebrated series “Humans of New York”, we want to share the most exciting people in education that China has to offer.

受到著名摄影系列作品“人在纽约”(Humans of New York)的启发,我们想分享中国教育界最令人激动的人物。

Hear from people from across the globe who have found their passion in the education sector. What makes them tick; how did they reach such heights; what is their perfect day out in China?!


Please stay tuned to our "People in Education" series! 


About Venture Education


Venture Education empowers international education exchange in China through research, projects and consultancy. Our team is filled with people who love making creative ideas happen, are passionate about building community,and care deeply about quality education.


Follow our co-founder Zhubei for insightful dialogues and inspiring stories about education both in school and at home.


Venture Education
We empower education in China.