Bilingual schools are the norm

文摘   2023-05-05 08:00   北京  

Bilingual schools are the norm

Some may think of bilingualism, especially in the English-speaking world, as something rather niche.

But there are over 3.3 billion bilingual speakers on earth.

Including huge numbers of young people who: 

  • #1 Study two languages, 

  • #2 Are instructed at school in a different language from the one they speak at home, 

  • #3 Have had to move to a different region or country because of their parents' job in a multinational corporation or to escape conflict and violence, 

  • #4 Intend to pursue higher education in a language that is not the one they use with their friends, 

  • #5 Or learn a new language simply because there are so few speakers of their native tongue and adding another is rather helpful for their future.

Diverse language learning needs have created new momentum for the growth of bilingual schools. Even when we only consider English, there are about 13,000 English-medium international schools around the world, 38% of which are bilingual in 2022. 

Combined with the estimated 8% compound annual growth rate for bilingual international schools, multi-lingual offerings are a necessity for the future.

Facilitating bilingualism at your school

Understanding how to effectively operate a bilingual school is not just because you teach in a so-called "bilingual school" now. Instead because understanding how to make bilingualism work most effectively in education will positively impact half of all the young people on this planet.

Join us with renowned bilingualism in schools strategy expert Dr Robert Sharples in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou in June to stay well ahead of the curve and connect with others to make a global impact.

Scan to register before 14th May to get the early-bird discount! 

Click "Read more" to access the workshop brochure and learn more about our event offerings. For any question or inquiry about the workshop, please contact us at 

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Venture Education empowers international education exchange in China through research, projects and consultancy. Our team is filled with people who love making creative ideas happen, are passionate about building community,and care deeply about quality education. 

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