Find Your Niche release!

文摘   2023-12-18 18:04   北京  

Choosing a university major can be challenging. Just from the age of 17, students are already required to choose their university major which might determine what their future will be.


The problem is that each year, the majority of students do not have any clear vision for their future yet. More than half of them end up choosing a field of study because of the job market, family or friends’ influence, or the information they get from social media.


But what if you could have a bit of vision about your future before deciding on a field of study? This is what we want to achieve at Venture.


We have produced a guide aiming to empower millions of students in China by helping them find their niche. "Find Your Niche" is published in both Chinese and English and showcases niche higher education options for students and school counsellors.


Some of the niches we provide for you are:

  1. Challenge hungry

  2. Zen in life

  3. Foodies

  4. Music lovers

  5. Sports Devotees

  6. Social media fanatics

  7. Mountain explorers

  8. Beach enthusiasts

  9. Planning to go around the world (France, Finland, Saudi Arabia, and more countries)

  10. Saving the world

  11. And more to discover!


  1. 喜欢挑战的人

  2. 追求人生宁静的人

  3. 美食家

  4. 音乐迷

  5. 体育爱好者

  6. 社交媒体狂热者

  7. 山区探险者

  8. 海滩爱好者

  9. 计划环游世界的人(法国、芬兰、沙特阿拉伯等国)

  10. 致力于拯救世界

  11. 还有许多模块等你探索!

If you are curious about the niches we provide, click “Read more” at the bottom of this article:


Email if you would like your university to be on this guide!


About Venture Education


Venture Education empowers international education exchange in China through research, projects and consultancy. Our team is filled with people who love making creative ideas happen, are passionate about building community,and care deeply about quality education.


Follow our co-founder Zhubei for insightful dialogues and inspiring stories about education both in school and at home.


Venture Education
We empower education in China.