
文摘   2021-07-06 13:58  


近日,专业从事教育人才服务的欧洛斯咨询,在对中国100多家国际学校及6500多名双语教师进行调研后,编撰了中国双语教师发展趋势报告 。BISE对报告进行编辑及整理,将从国际学校人才需求和教师求职偏好两个方面分析后疫情时代中国双语教师职业发展的更佳途径。我们欢迎更多教育工作者分享他们的观点。

Introduction: At the Sub-forum of the Annual Conference of China Education Development Strategy Academy held at the end of 2020, Cen Jianjun, former Minister Counsellor of the Education Department of the Chinese Embassy in the United States pointed out that the global pandemic of 2020 has brought disruptive changes to the international education sector in China: as foreign headmasters and teachers being unable to enter the country, this created a large demand for bilingual Chinese teachers and school managers. During the pandemic, the Chinese management team is more aware of Chinese parents' demands and was able to take effective solutions in a timely manner, which also accelerated the shift from foreign to Chinese leadership in schools' management.

Recently, Eurus Consulting, a professional firm focusing on education personnel services, compiled a report on the trends of bilingual teachers in China, based on interactions with over 100 schools and over 6500 qualified teachers in China. Edited by BISE, this article tries to shed some light on the better career routes of bilingual teachers in China. We welcome more educators to share their views.


Multiple challenges facing international schools


然而,在双语教师招聘的过程中学校面临着一系列问题,包括:优质、高效的招聘渠道有限;双语教师候选人的英文授课能力有待进一步提高;具备IB/AP/A Level等主流课程体系经验的双语教师相对较少;候选人的教学方法需要更加丰富和严谨;以及家长期望学校的教师配备以国际教师为主。

According to Eurus, schools in China had a turbulent year in 2020 with teacher supply and the repercussions will continue beyond. While there will always be a necessity for international teachers, the pandemic has accelerated the need for schools to look closer to home to build sustainable staffing models. According to theIndependent Schools Council's data, by 2023, there will be a shortfall in demand of about 20,000 bilingual teachers in China. The entry of international teachers into China has been hampered by the global pandemic, it is inevitably not enough to rely solely on international teacher recruitment to meet the demand for teacher numbers in schools. The increased demand for bilingual teaching staff in schools will certainly be the trend in the post-pandemic era and become the norm in the future.  

Schools however are facing a series of challenges in the recruitment of bilingual teachers. These challenges include limited high-quality and efficient recruitment channels; the English teaching ability of local teachers needs to be further improved; there are relatively few bilingual teachers with experience in mainstream international curricula such as IB/AP/A Level; the pedagogy skills of candidate needs to be richer and more rigorous in line with the standards expected at an international school; parent expectations for schools to be staffed by international teachers.

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Curriculum and teaching experience are the career bottleneck 


此外,学校经常会优先那些熟悉国际课程体系和有教学经验的教师,相较于应届毕业生以及有非主流课程体系经验的候选人,具备主流课程体系经验的教师候选人竞争力更大。据欧洛斯调查数据显示,IB、AP及A-Level作为国际化学校主流的课程体系,对其授课教师有更高的要求,对教师的需求也有所不同。例如,A Level课程体系教师需求占比37%,IB课程体系教师的需求占比29%,AP课程体系教师需求占比11%。此外,国际化学校的教师需求主要集中在有教学经验的候选人。其中要求具备2-5年经验的教师占79%,5年以上经验要求的占13%,而接受应届生的岗位只占15%左右。这对于许多经验不足或教学水平不够高的双语教师来说,是很难突破的职业瓶颈。因此,许多双语教师通过获取更多职业资格证书、参加教师培训项目等来完成职业进阶。

Bilingual teachers refer to teachers who are able to teach a subject in a foreign language other than Chinese as the main language in the classroom. In the Chinese international education sector, the vast majority of teachers currently use English. This requires teachers to be able to deliver knowledge in correct and fluent English but not to the absolute exclusion of using Chinese so as to avoid the obstacles to students' thinking and understanding due to language lag. In addition to language requirement, schools also have certain requirements for bilingual teachers in terms of their individual character, ideological integrity, professional ethics and pedagogical qualities. In China generally, international schools assess bilingual teacher candidates in terms of educational background, subject specialism, teaching qualifications, years of teaching and curriculum experience.  

Moreover, international schools often prioritise teachers with curriculum and teaching experience. Candidates with experience in the mainstream curriculum are more competitive than fresh graduates and candidates with experience in the non-mainstream curriculum. According to the Eurus' survey, mainstream curriculum such as IB, AP and A-Level in international schools tend to have higher requirements for teachers, the demand for teachers also varies: A Level curriculum teachers account for 37% of demand while IB curriculum teachers account for 29%, and AP curriculum teachers account for 11%. In addition, the demand for teachers in international schools mainly focuses on candidates with adequate teaching experience: 79% of positions require teachers with 2-5 years of teaching experience; 13% require more than 5 years; only about 15% accept fresh graduates. This is a career bottleneck for many bilingual teachers who have little experience or deficient teaching ability to breakthrough. As a result, many bilingual teachers seek career progression by obtaining professional qualifications and participating in teacher training programmes.

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帮助增加薪资 英式证书渐受欢迎 

Leading to increased salaries, British certificate are increasingly popular

作为教师个人自我提升的动力之一,获取职业资格与证书是否能提高薪资待遇是教师普遍关心的一个维度。欧洛斯调查数据显示,获取PGCE/iPGCE 证书可增加薪资的国际化学校占比最高,为53%,其次是IB课程认证,占比为47%。 



As one of the motivations for teachers' self-improvement, whether obtaining professional qualifications and certificates can have a wage hike has become teachers' concern. According to the Eurus report, the percentage of international schools that reflect PGCE/iPGCE certificates on increased salaries was the highest, which is 53%, followed by IB certification at 47%.  

In addition to professional qualifications and certificates, British teacher training programmes are becoming increasingly popular among international schools in China. According to a recent TES report, ‘nearly two-thirds of survey respondents said they had actively worked to support local teachers to gain UK teaching qualifications such as PGCE/IPGCE, or Assessment-Only QTS in the past two years.'  

In the UK, university-led initial teacher training programmes are assessed by the ‘Good Teacher Training Guide’ which has been published every year since 1998 by the University of Buckingham. The Guide evaluates teacher training courses using Government data about employment rates, qualification entry requirements for courses and Ofsted ratings. Even though currently such a guide is not available for the teacher training programmes in China, more and more British universities are providing various school-centred ITT (initial teachers training) and degree courses for both new and experienced teachers.

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从东西方博采众长  满足行业人才缺口

Combining the best of East and West to address the industry gap




While a minority of schools implement equal pay for equal work, the salary of international teachers is higher than bilingual teachers in most international schools. To narrow this gap, it is necessary not only to train bilingual teachers with targeted abilities and qualifications but also to provide Chinese bilingual teachers with clear career development paths in order to cultivate and retain excellent talents. The senior management at international schools is generally promoted from the teaching position. Other positions seem hard to reach senior management due to a lack of understanding of curriculum teaching. With the rapid development of international schools in China, it is difficult for the cultivation of talents in international schools to keep pace with the growth of international schools. Therefore, more and more industry insiders began to explore the career development path of bilingual teachers. 

Practical pedagogy is the essence of teacher training in the United Kingdom. Buckingham International School of Education (BISE) works in partnership with the School of Education, University of Buckingham in England to provide high-quality teacher training and education programmes for both - new teachers and more seasoned practitioners at all stages of their careers. These programmes seek to combine the best of Eastern and Western teaching and learning and to integrate the development of international teaching skills with the competencies required in the Chinese education system.  

The School offers a wide range of MA degree courses and Postgraduate Certificates in China – including PGCE-China, MA Education, MA Residential Education, MA Education Teaching and Learning, MEd Educational Leadership and Management, as well as a certificate in Special Educational Needs Coordination. The full set of courses will be able to support the theory and practice of building bilingual schools in China.

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An Introduction of PGCE-China Programme at the University of Buckingham

源于英国顶级私校  针对中国双语人才

From top UK private schools for Chinese bilingual educators

作为英国老牌学府,白金汉大学成立于1976年,受到了中国教育部批准承认。其教育学院成立于2002年,是英国提供教师培训和专业发展项目的领军机构之一,每年有超过1300名教师和学校领导在此深造。学院现任院长Barnaby Lenon教授是英国独立学校委员会主席,曾任英国哈罗公学校长,并在中国创办了两所哈罗分校。白金汉国际教育学院是其唯一官方合作伙伴,负责大学海外课程的设计和推广,现任院长Davide Mansfield曾任北京德威学校校长和上海包玉刚学校执行校长。       

基于教学实践开展的PGCE-China(国际教师资格研究生证书-中国)课程是白金汉大学最新的旗舰项目,该课程围绕着英国教师标准,拓展学员的教学知识、技能与综合能力。课程基于诸多知名私校选用的PGCE教师培训课程,通过一整套实践、观察、指导、反思和学术研究方案来提高学员的教学质量,已在全球范围内得到认可。课程目前以英文授课,但也为中国同仁开发了完整的双语版本。PGCE课程既适合新晋教师,也适合追求教学技能多样化的资深教师。  课程也提供参加英国教师资格证(QTS)评估项目的机会。对于符合英国教育部要求的学员来说,这一QTS课程将无缝对接白金汉大学的PGCE课程,帮助PGCE课程毕业生实现职业进阶。

As a prestigious higher education institution in the UK, the University of Buckingham was established in 1976 and has already got authorisation from the Ministry of Education of China. The School of Education at the University of Buckingham was founded in 2002. With over 1,300 teachers and school leaders studying there in any one year, the School of Education has become one of Britain’s leading providers of teacher training and professional development. The School is led by Professor Barnaby Lenon CBE, also the Chairman of the Independent Schools Council (ISC) who was the headmaster of Harrow School and started two schools in China. Buckingham International School of Education is its only official partnership for the design and promotion of the University's overseas programmes. BISE is headed up by David Mansfield, former Headmaster of Dulwich College Beijing and Executive Headmaster of Y.K. Pao School in Shanghai.  

One of the new flagship course of the University is the practice-based PGCE - China, which supports the development of the skills, knowledge and competencies required by the UK Teaching Standards. The PGCE - China course is shaped around the acclaimed PGCE used by leading independent schools in the UK. It is demanding but has been proven globally to improve the quality of a trainee’s teaching with a full programme of practice, observation, mentoring, reflection and academic study. It is currently available only in English but will be developing a fully bilingual version for Chinese colleagues. PGCE is suitable for new entrants to the profession as well as those seeking to diversify their pedagogical skills.  The Programme also provides an opportunity to gain the UK’s Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) via an Assessment Only route. This will build seamlessly from the University of Buckingham PGCE course as the next step in the career progression for those candidates who meet the criteria set out by the UK Department for Education.

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Accreditations and Partners

通过体验式学习周期  实现英国教学标准

Meeting UK teaching standards through experiential learning circle

白金汉国际教育学院PGCE项目专为培养教授1至12年级阶段的双语教师,提供在线学习的形式,学制为一年。课程提供一种基于校本教学的就业途径,非传统大学主导的硕士课程。学员基本上独立学习,并由他们工作学校任命的在校导师(mentor)指导工作,每周接受辅导,以审查进展和设定目标。PGCE培训围绕英国教学标准(UK Teaching Standards) 只有受雇于英国/国际学校的教师才能申请。每周的课程重点将是英国教师标准的某一特定方面,教师将其实际应用于教学,随后进行教学反思。 



The BISE PGCE programme is designed to train bilingual teachers from grades 1 to 12. It is a school-based employment route to teaching and is not a traditional University-led taught Post Graduate course. Trainees study largely independently and will work under the guidance of a mentor (appointed by the school in which they work) and receive weekly tutorials to review progress and set targets. PGCE training is based on meeting UK teaching standards. During each week, the focus is on a particular standard or an aspect of the standard and practically implementing that into teaching, then reflecting on how successful the teacher has been doing that.  

The subject specialists this year are from the following fields: Art, Music, Design Technology, Food Technology, Business Studies and Economics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Computer Science, English, Drama, Classics, Modern Languages, Geography, History, Psychology, and Physical Education.  

The course has been designed according to the principles of Kolb’s learning cycle to give trainees a coherent and balanced approach to learning the craft of the classroom. Trainees learn by doing, reflecting, receiving feedback, observing and through study. The course is divided into one professional practice module and three essay writing modules. Through the design of the course framework, three major curriculum elements have been highlighted:

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选择量身定制的PGCE课程支持 - 三个方向

Choose the PGCE additional support that suits your needs - three streams


The PGCE programme at the University of Buckingham was specifically designed for teachers working in China at international/ bilingual schools, which aligns best with their teaching career aspirations. It is currently available in English but also offers optional local support as well as a bilingual version for Chinese colleagues.

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The Buckingham International School of Education offers online PGCE China-led teacher training programmes and Masters of Education programmes for educators at all career stages. Why not follow us and learn more about these programmes by clicking "Read More" !

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