TeachBetter is back, with experiential learning!

文摘   2023-05-12 08:00   北京  

Oh my god, we’re back again.
Backstreet Boys ❌
TeachBetter ✅

That’s right, everybody’s favourite free professional development series is back! This being TeachBetter’s seventh series, we are excited to be focussing on the topic of Experiential Learning.

Outdoor education has been in the spotlight this past month in Chinese media, with study tours and off-campus learning experiences quickly gaining momentum. Over this past year, 6 million people of all ages have taken part in study tours, even higher the pre-pandemic number of 4.8 million in 2019.

If you want to make sure that your school is staying on top of a quickly changing sector, want to learn from some of the industry’s leading experts from across the world AND become part of a passionate and supportive teaching community in China, then scan to register and put these dates in your diary.


Tuesday 16th May

Action for Sustainable Futures: Bringing interactive and student-led Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into the classroom.

Dr. Laura Smith

Lecturer in Sustainability and Business at the University of Leeds


Thursday 18th May 

Experiential education in China: How to push the limits while staying safe and compliant

Charlie Williams

Programme Director of Beijing Field Studies

Josh Kernan

Managing Director of The Hutong


Tuesday 23rd May

Innovating Experiential Learning: Opportunities for practice on your doorstep and beyond 

Dr. Heidi Smith

Programme Director Outdoor and Environmental Education at the University of Edinburgh 


Thursday 25th May

Regenerative Leadership with Permaculture: Beyond sustainability: Learn from nature and its regenerative principles to apply them to both the classroom and your life

Hannah Eckert & Julia Eckert

Trainers & Educators for regenerative development at Forum ViA

Full bio of our speakers can be found here 👇

Lastly, if you haven't signed up for our free newsletter,  you should do that today! Simply click ‘Read more’ at the bottom.

And… give us a thumbs up while you’re there!

About Venture Education

Venture Education empowers international education exchange in China through research, projects and consultancy. Our team is filled with people who love making creative ideas happen, are passionate about building community,and care deeply about quality education. 

Follow our co-founder Zhubei for insightful dialogues and inspiring stories about education both in school and at home.

Venture Education
We empower education in China.