People in Education -- Lillian Lan from RSL

文摘   2024-02-08 14:00   山东  

Today marks our fourth interview, and this month we are pleased to hear from the Vice President for RSL Awards Limited, Lillian Lan.


Lillian Lan 蓝晓英

Vice President for RSL Awards Limited



What mattered the most to you when you were in school?


Lillian: I enjoyed being selected to perform in and outside of school. I found it very stressful if the concerts took place before exams days, so I used to bring my textbooks with me and would study backstage while I waited for my turn. It’s from this personal experience that I answer parents who ask about the worth of music education. I often hear “why should I spend so much money for my kid to study music when my kid won’t enter that industry in the future?”. My reply is always that music training goes beyond being a career musician. That time I spent studying in the wings waiting to perform, I was independently pushing myself. My passion for music taught me how to balance my workload, work under pressure and self-motivate. I was lucky that my parents always encouraged and supported my music, it’s supported my development way beyond exams and schooling.



Tell us about your company.


LillianRSL Awards Limited (formerly known as Rockschool) is a London based private company, and an exam board that was the first one in the world to create rock music graded exams. 

蓝晓英:RSL Awards Limited(原名Rockschool)是一家总部位于伦敦的私有企业,也是世界上第一个创建摇滚音乐分级考试的考试委员会。


How can people get involved with your company?

人们怎么才能参与到RSL Awards Limited中呢?

Lillian: We have a few upcoming events that families can join:

-  Wycombe Abbey Nanjing Battle of Bands, late March (see below)

-  RSL High Achievers Concert at Wycombe Abbey Nanjing School, late March

-  Guitar workshop in May with UK tutor on tour in China (TBC)

-  Music China Expo, Shanghai, October

Our website:

-3月底:RSL高成就者音乐会, 南京威克姆阿贝学校




Describe your perfect day in China.


Lillian: Taking a walk in the winter sun or feeling the quiet moment of winter morning when the sunshine comes through the window, and leaves the artistic shadow of the window frame on the wall. It would be even more perfect if I were joined by my team cat sleeping under that winter sun in my warm house, as I start my work day with my remote UK team.


Based on the celebrated series “Humans of New York”, we want to share the most exciting people in education that China has to offer.

受到著名摄影系列作品“人在纽约”(Humans of New York)的启发,我们想分享中国教育界最令人激动的人物。

Hear from people from across the globe who have found their passion in the education sector. What makes them tick; how did they reach such heights; what is their perfect day out in China?!


Please stay tuned to our "People in Education" series! 


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Venture Education empowers international education exchange in China through research, projects and consultancy. Our team is filled with people who love making creative ideas happen, are passionate about building community,and care deeply about quality education.


Follow our co-founder Zhubei for insightful dialogues and inspiring stories about education both in school and at home.


Venture Education
We empower education in China.