Join the Teachers in China Community!

文摘   教育   2022-05-24 10:45   北京  

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Venture is really excited to be launching its new community of practice for teachers in China. We’re calling it… Teachers in China. Because, sometimes, you should really just call a thing what it is. 

It’s a free service, building on elements you may already find familiar, and we hope it will provide all of its members with a listening ear, a chance to consult with and communicate with fellow professionals at all stages in their careerscontinued development and learning, and glimpse of what good practice is happening all over China. Register below to be a part of a genuinely vibrant and friendly teaching community. 
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Congregate, connect and support 

each other through Teachers in China.

Scan here to register for free

or press "Read more" below

What we give you



Four engaging online CPD workshops on a new theme every term, delivered  by leading education experts from our partner universities. 


Social impact

We work closely with charities across China. Every month, we share information about one charity, offering opportunities to support, and ways for your school to connect. 

Educating Girls of Rural China



We love our community. Reach out in the group for support from your peers on everything from pedagogy to travel tips, teaching resources to wellbeing. 



Venture Education regularly releases reports, one-pagers and summaries on all aspects of education in China. You’ll get up-to-date access to our research and market insights. 


Freebies and discounts

Working alongside the best small businesses in China, we provide TIC teachers with flash discounts and freebies from your soon-to-be favourite places!


Flash pub quizzes

Who doesn’t love a quiz? Sporadic Fridays at 5.55pm, our community quiz will go live! Share your knowledge of the weird and wonderful, bathe in the adulation of your peers and win prizes.

What we ask from you


Be prepared to respond 

to our surveys.

We support universities around the world with their research and write several of our own research reports, such as our annual teachers in China survey. The data we collect is shared with school leaders and academics in China to help them support teachers and improve education in the country. We’ll also share key findings with the TIC community, so that you can understand the education ecosystem better. 


Keep the community groups 

positive and supportive environment.

Let’s do good things for each other, support each other’s wellbeing, and establish education in China as connected world of positive professional collaboration.

What we promise

Everything we’ve said above is everything this is. We’re not secretly a recruitment firm trying to harvest your data, and we aren’t suddenly going to start making you download a mini-app to buy miraculous health cures. We just think there is both a space, and a need, for teachers in China to congregate, connect and support each other - registering is going to help with the rigour and breadth of what we can offer a community we already know and care about.

 PS. It’s all free! 

Just scan here or press 

"Read more" below to register

About Venture Education

Venture Education empowers international education exchange in China through research, family education, industry events and professional development. We also support international schools with overseas admissions and entrepreneurship and employability education.

  Contact us 

We love education,
we care about what we do,
 we’re passionate about supporting schools, 
universities and teachers in China. 

Venture Education
We empower education in China.