吴元魁 (Yuankui Wu) · 南方医科大学 课程负责人
M.D., Ph.D., Doctoral supervisor. Postdoctoral Fellow, Visiting Scholar of Johns Hopkins University. Teaching Director of the Radiology Department Residential Training Base at Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University. Deputy Director of Medical Imaging Department, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University. In charge of National Quality Course of Medical Imaging and National First-Class Online Course of Medical Imaging. Primary investigator of 1 National Natural Science Foundation project and 3 provincial and municipal research projects.
陈燕萍 (Yanping Chen) · 南方医科大学 团队教师
M.D., Ph.D., Master’s supervisor. Professor Chen has been engaged in medical imaging diagnosis for more than 39 years. She has rich experience in clinical diagnosis and teaching of medical imaging, particularly in the central nervous system and head and neck. She is an expert member of the multi-disciplinary treatment (MDT) in liver tumors, head and neck tumors, and nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University.
严承功 (Chenggong Yan) · 南方医科大学 团队教师
M.D., Ph.D., Master’s supervisor. Visiting Scholar of Maastricht University. Deputy Director of Medical Imaging Department, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University. Winner of Guangdong Province Outstanding Youth Fund. Mainly engaged in medical imaging diagnosis, teaching, and scientific research, focusing on molecular functional imaging and intelligent analysis. Primary investigator of several national and provincial research projects. He has published more than 30 papers in prestigious academic journals, including 10 papers in IF>10 or Top Journals.
杨蕊梦 (Ruimeng Yang) · 华南理工大学 团队教师
M.D., Ph.D., Doctoral supervisor. Deputy Director of the Radiology Department at The Second Affiliated Hospital, South China University of Technology. Director of the Key Laboratory of Molecular Imaging and Clinical Translational Medicine in Guangzhou. Outstanding Young Medical Talent in Guangdong Province. Guangzhou City High-level Health Talent. Primary investigator of three National Natural Science Foundation projects and ten provincial or municipal research projects. She has published over 30 SCI-indexed papers in prestigious academic journals.
谭相良 (Xiangliang Tan) · 南方医科大学 团队教师
M.D., Ph.D., Master’s supervisor. Mainly engaged in neuroimaging research and teaching. Primary investigator of one National Natural Science Foundation project. He has published over 23 academic papers in both Chinese and English, with over 16 SCI-indexed papers in prestigious journals.
刘静 (Jing Liu) · 广州医科大学 团队教师
M.D., Ph.D., Master’s supervisor. Postdoctoral Fellow, Visiting Scholar of Johns Hopkins University. Mainly engaged in abdominal imaging and magnetic resonance molecular imaging. She has participated in and hosted 4 national and provincial research projects, and published more than 20 papers in prestigious academic journals.
向佩 (Pei Xiang) · 中山大学 团队教师
M.D., Ph.D. The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University. Mainly engaged in medical imaging diagnosis and scientific research of the musculoskeletal system. She has published several SCI-indexed papers in prestigious academic journals.
林欢 (Huan Lin) · 南方医科大学 团队教师
M.D., Ph.D. Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital, Southern Medical University. Mainly engaged in CT and MRI diagnosis and teaching. She has published 8 SCI-indexed papers in prestigious academic journals.
张静 (Jing Zhang ) · 南方医科大学 团队教师
M.D. Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University. Member of Liver Cancer Prevention and Treatment Committee of Guangdong Primary Medical Association. Youth member of Liver Cancer Professional Committee of Guangdong Hepatology Association. Mainly engaged in the teaching and research of abdominal imaging.
崔丹婷 (Danting Cui) · 南方医科大学 团队教师
M.D. Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University. Mainly engaged in teaching and research of medical imaging of cerebral and cardiovascular diseases. She has published several SCI-indexed papers in prestigious academic journals.
曹海媚 (Haimei Cao) · 南方医科大学 团队教师
M.D. Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University. Mainly engaged in research and teaching of medical imaging of the digestive system and the musculoskeletal system. She has published 7 SCI-indexed papers in prestigious academic journals.
2. 南方医科大学医学影像学专业先后被评为广东省名牌专业、国家特色专业、国家一流专业,先后建成广东省精品课程、国家级精品课程、国家级精品资源共享课、广东省一流课程、国家级一流课程,先后获得省级和教育部教学成果一等奖和二等奖。
3. 鉴于国内缺乏优质的医学影像学全英课程,我校教学团队联合3所高校共同建成本课程。
1. Understand the development history of medical imaging techniques.
2. Understand the application scenarios and safety issues related to common imaging techniques.
3. Know well about the general principles of selecting appropriate imaging techniques.
4. Know well about the imaging features and diagnostic points of common diseases in various systems.
1. 重视基本概念、基础知识和基本理论。
2. 以问题为导向,重视学以致用。
3. 以点带面,建立清晰和科学的知识体系框架。
第一章General Introduction
General Introduction
●1.1Preface of Diagnostic Medical Imaging
1. Medical Imaging Equipment 2. History of Medical Imaging 3. Clinical Application: Differential Diagnosis; Treatment Response Evaluation
●1.2Brief Introduction of CT
1. Definition of CT 2. Common Methods of CT Examination 3. Merits of CT Examination
●1.3Brief Introduction of MRI
1. Basic concepts 2. Common MRI sequence 3. Advanced MRI sequence
●1.4Medical Imaging Examination: Safety Issues
1. X-Ray Radiation 2. Radiation Protection 3. Safety of MRI 4. Safety of Contrast Agent
●2.1Lobular Pneumonia
1. Classification of Pneumonia 2. Clinical Manifestations 3. Pathology 4. Imaging Features: Tree-bud sign; Emphysema or Atelectasis 5. Comparative Imageology
●2.2Infiltrative Pulmonary Tuberculosis
1. Clinical Manifestations 2. Classification of Tuberculosis 3. Pathology 4. Imaging Features: X-ray; CT
●2.3Central-type Lung Cancer
1. Definition 2. Clinical Manifestations 3. Imaging Features: Triad sign of obstruction, Transverse S sign
●2.4Peripheral-type Lung Cancer
1. Definition 2. Clinical Manifestations 3. Imaging Features: Eccentric cavity, Vacuole Sign; Lobulation; Spiculation; Pleural indentation; Bronchovascular convergence sign
●2.5Pulmonary Embolism
1. Definition 2. Clinical Manifestations 3. CT pulmonary angiography 4. Imaging Features: Filling defect, Mosaic sign, Pulmonary infarction; Perfusion defect
●2.6Pulmonary Aspergillosis
1. Etiology 2. Classification 3. Imaging Feature: Nodule; Cavitation; Halo sign; Air-crescent sign
1. Definition 2. Classification 3. Imaging Feature: Pneumothorax line 4. Lung Compression Ratio
●2.8Aortic Dissection
1. Definition 2. Pathology 3. Clinical Manifestations 4. Classification 5. CT features: Peeled intima; Double-lumen
●2.9Coronary Heart Disease and CTA
1. Risk Factors 2. Classification of Plaques 3. CAD-RADS 4. Complement Evaluation: Positive remodeling; Hypo-density plaque; Napkin ring sign
第三章Skeletal System
Skeletal System
●3.1Long Bone Fracture
1. Definition 2. Classification 3. X-Ray feature:Fracture line;Bone fragment;Bone deformation 4. Four common fractures: Colles’ fracture; Supracondylar humeral fracture; Femoral neck fracture; Humerus surgical neck fracture 5. Healing of Fracture
●3.2Lumber Disc Herniation
1. Definition 2. Pathology 3. Clinical Manifestations 4. Classification 5. MRI Manifestations
●3.3Spinal Tuberculosis
1. Clinical Manifestations 2. Pathology 3. Imaging Manifestations 4. Differential Diagnosis
1. Clinical Features 2. X-ray Features and Classification 3. MRI Features
●3.5Rheumatoid Arthritis
1. Clinical Manifestations: Small joints; Bilateral 2. Pathology: synovitis 3. X-ray Features 4. MRI Features
●3.6Ankylosing Spondylitis
1. Clinical features: Male predominance; HLA-B27 positive 2. Pathology 3. X-ray Features: Rectangular vertebra; Bamboo-like vertebra 4. MRI Features
●3.7Meniscus Injury
1. Clinical manifestation 2. Classification 3. MRI features
第四章Digestive System
Digestive System
●4.1Esophageal Foreign Body
1. Clinical Profile 2. Pathophysiology 3. Barium cotton fluoroscopy 4. CT features
●4.2Esophageal Carcinoma
1. Clinical Profile 2. Pathology 3. Barium study: Small niche; Filling defect; Mucosa destruction; Intraluminal niche 4. CT: extension and metastasis
●4.3Gastrointestinal Perforation
1. Clinical Profile 2. Imaging features: free gas under diaphragm
●4.4Gastric Ulcer
1. Clinical Profile 2. Pathology 3. Barium study: Niche; Collar sign; Narrow-neck sign; Mucosa-gathering
●4.5Gastric Carcinoma
1. Pathology and Classification 2. Barium study: Filling defect; Intraluminal niche; Fixed narrowness 3. CT: Extra-gastric Extension
●4.6Hepatic Mass(1)
1. Clinical Profile: HBV infection 2. Pathology 3. CT: Quick wash-in and wash-out 4. MRI: Pseudo-capsule 5. Portal vein and bile duct invasion
●4.7Hepatic Mass(2)
1. Clinical Profile 2. Pathology 3. CT features: Centripetal filling 4. MRI features: Light-bulb sign
●4.8Hepatic Mass(3)
1. Clinical Profile 2. Pathology: Double rings; Triple rings 3. CT features: Wall and septum 4. MRI: Target sign
●4.9Acute Pancreatitis
1. Clinical Profile: Elevated amylase 2. Pathology 3. CT features: Swollen and effusion
●4.10Pancreatic Carcinoma
1. Clinical Profile: Jaundice 2. CT features: Double-tube Sign; Hypovacular; Extensive invasion
第五章Urinary and Reprodutive System and Breast
Urinary and Reprodutive System and Breast
●5.1Urinary Calculus
1. Location 2. Classification: Positive; Negative 3. Radiography 4. Intravenous pyelography: Hydronephrosis; Filling defect 5. CT
●5.2Renal Cell Carcinoma
1. Clinical Profile 2. Pathology 3. Radiography 4. Intravenous pyelography 5. Digital subtraction angiography 6. CT features: Hypervascular 7. MRI features
●5.3Female Reproductive System
1. Clinical Profile 2. Pathology and Staging 3. CT Features 4. MRI Features
●5.4Ovarian Carcinoma
1. Clinical Manifestation and Staging 2. Pathology 3. CT Features 4. MRI Features 5. Differential diagnosis
●5.5Prostate Tumor
1. Anatomy: Peripheral zone 2. Clinical Profile: PSA 3. Tumor Staging 4. MRI features: Low T2WI, High DWI, Quick enhancement
●5.6Breast Cancer
1. Clinical Profile 2. Mammography: Microcalcification 3. Ultrasound 4. MRI
第六章Head and Neck
Head and Neck
1. Clinical Profile: Infants and young children 2. Pathology 3. Tumor Staging 4. CT features: Calcification 5. MRI features 6. Differential Diagnosis
●6.2Grave's Ophthalmopathy and Inflammatory Pseudotumor
1. Clinical Profile: Exophthalmos 2. Pathology 3. MRI features: muscle belly
●6.3Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
1. Clinical Profile 2. CT features: Bone destruction 3. MRI features: Intracranial Invasion 4. Differential Diagnosis
●6.4Thyroid Disease
1. Normal Imaging Anatomy 2. Thyroid Adenoma 3. Thyroid Carcinoma 4. Goiter
●6.5Parotid Gland Tumor
1. Normal Imaging Anatomy 2. Mixed Tumor of Parotid Gland 3. Warthin Tumor 4. Malignant Parotid Tumor
●7.1Cerebral Hemorrhage
1. Definition 2. Clinical Manifestations 3. Pathology 4. CT features: Acute; Subacute; Chronic 5. MRI features
●7.2Intracranial Aneurysm
1. Etiology 2. Pathology 3. Digital subtraction angiography 4. CT features 5. MRI features: Flow void
1. Clinical Profile 2. Pathology 3. Clinical Feature 4. MRI Feature: Edema; Enhancement; Mass Effect
●7.4Brain Metastasis
1. Pathology 2. Clinical Feature: The elderly 3. MRI Manifestation: Corticomedullary Junction; Edema; Enhancement
●7.5Suppurative Brain Abscess
1. Infection Route 2. Pathology 3. Clinical Feature 4. MRI Feature: High signal on DWI
●7.6Craniocerebral Injury
1. Clinical Profile 2. Classification: Epidural Hematoma; Subdural Hematoma; Brain Contusion/Laceration 3. CT: Preferred imaging examination
●7.7Acoustic Neuroma
1. Clinical Profile: Cerebellopontine angle syndrome 2. Pathology 3. MRI Manifestation: Heterogenous enhancement