今天当我们谈论巴以冲突时,我们总会回到一些“历史节点”:1948年、1967年、1973年,三次中东战争围绕巴以问题展开;1987年、1999年巴勒斯坦两度爆发“因提法达”,大规模抗议以色列占领;2023年10月7日,哈马斯向以色列发动袭击,巴以新一轮冲突爆发……我们常会列举一些“关键数据”:在第一次中东战争这场“大灾难”期间,超70万巴勒斯坦人被迫流离失所,超400座巴勒斯坦村庄被毁;去年爆发新一轮冲突以来,加沙地带超90%的人口流离失所,超3.9万人死亡,超9.1万人受伤……我们把巴以冲突放置在新闻和历史里,包裹在文字和图像里,制成结构化的他者,冲突的发展好像“井然有序”。但我们似乎很难真正体认巴以冲突下人们的日常生活,很难想象这场持续时间超过75年的国际冲突中人们还在做着哪些具体的努力。和平实验室成员不久前在以色列与巴勒斯坦考察。借助一手的信息与资源,我们近期推出“巴以前线对话”系列活动,帮助公众了解这场复杂的冲突。活动将邀请来自巴以前线的活动人士、学者、文化工作者等相关人士,探讨巴以政治的困局和前景、巴勒斯坦民众的生活与夙愿、巴以冲突中的环境与文化保护工作等等。8月14日,本系列的开场活动中,在公共卫生和青年领导力方面深耕多年的巴勒斯坦活动人士穆罕默德·阿西达(Mohammad Asideh)将谈论巴勒斯坦领导层目前面临哪些分歧和挑战,如何挖掘与支持青年力量,中国在中东和平进程中有哪些潜在的发力点。PeaceLab is launching an activity series on the Israel-Palestine conflict called "Frontline Talk". This series will invite activists, scholars and cultural workers to discuss the political dilemma and prospects of the Israel-Palestine problem, the lives and aspirations of the Palestinian and Israeli public, as well as the myriad social issues impacted by the conflict, including cultural preservation, environmental sustainability, gender equality, and community development.In the opening event of this series on August 14, Mohammad Asideh, a Palestinian activist who has first-hand experience in public health and youth leadership, will talk about what internal challenges the Palestinian leadership is facing, how to identify young leaders and support them, and how China can engage effectively in achieving the Middle East peace.
◼ 穆罕默德·阿西达,国际医疗组织“罗萨娜计划”的巴勒斯坦地区执行董事和全球传播主管,巴勒斯坦青年领导力培养机构“齐马姆创新与发展组织”董事会成员。曾负责管理巴勒斯坦前总理萨拉姆·法耶兹的竞选活动。拥有新加坡国立大学和巴黎政治学院的公共政策硕士学位。Mohammad Asideh is the Executive Director of Rozana Palestine and the Director of Global Advocacy. He serves on the board of Zimam for Creativity and Development. Previously, he was the OneVoice Regional Director in Washington D.C. and later managed the election campaign for former Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. Mohammad holds a master's in Public Policy from the NUS-Singapore and Sciences Po-Paris.
◼ 吕晓宇,青年作家、学者,英国牛津大学博士,曾供职于联合国。现任北京大学国际关系学院助理教授,研究方向是国际冲突与和平。长期进行评论和非虚构写作,作品见于《单读》、《小说界》、洛杉矶书评中国频道、《三联生活周刊》、澎湃新闻、《卫报》、《外交家》等。出版有《利马之梦:晓宇的拉美笔记》、《水下之人》。Dr. Xiaoyu Lu is an Assistant Professor at the School of International Studies in Peking University and was a Research Fellow at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre at the Australian National University. He received MSc and DPhil degrees in Politics at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, and previously worked at the United Nations Development Programme. His research focuses on international conflict, development and political anthropology.
◼ 北京时间8月14日(周三)19:00
Aug 14, Wed., 14:00 Palestine Time / 19:00 Beijing Time
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