在“伊斯兰国”极盛时期之前,欧洲就已经出现了一种令人不安的趋势——青少年和年轻人悄然走向圣战主义。尽管他们只占欧洲穆斯林多元社群的一小部分,但随着ISIS在叙利亚和伊拉克的崛起,他们的存在迅速成为突出的政治和安全问题。反穆斯林种族主义与圣战主义陷入相互激化的恶性循环,加深了欧洲社会的分裂。托马斯·施米丁格是一名政治学家、社会文化人类学家,在维也纳大学和库尔德斯坦赫维勒大学任教,进行了多项关于宗教极端主义的研究,包括狱中圣战分子研究。10月15日晚,他将结合圣战主义者的具体案例,对圣战主义在欧洲的发展、圣战主义激进化引发的政治话语进行分析。Before the "Islamic State" reached its peak, an unsettling trend began to emerge in Europe -- adolescents and young adults were quietly drifting towards jihadism. Though they represented only a small fraction of Europe's vibrant and diverse Muslim communities, their presence quickly became a growing political and security concern as ISIS took hold in Syria and Iraq. The radicalization fed into a troubling cycle in which anti-Muslim racism and jihadism began to fuel each other and exacerbated division within European society.Political scientist and social and cultural anthropologist Thomas Schmidinger, who teaches at the University of Vienna and the University of Kurdistan Hewlêr in Iraqi Kurdistan and has conducted several studies on religious extremism (including on jihadists in prison), provides an insight into this phenomenon and the political discourse surrounding the phenomenon.
◼ 托马斯·施米丁格,政治学家、社会文化人类学家,研究领域包括宗教极端主义、库尔德研究以及欧洲和中东的穆斯林社群。施米丁格目前在维也纳大学和上奥地利应用科技大学担任学术职位,在伊拉克和土耳其多所大学任客座讲师。他同时也是奥地利库尔德研究学会秘书长,学术期刊《库尔德研究》编委会成员。Thomas Schmidinger is a political scientist as well as a social and cultural anthropologist, holding a lecturing position at the Vienna University's Institute for Political Science and at the University of Applied Science Upper Austria. Schmidinger is secretary general of the Austrian Association for Kurdish Studies and member of the editorial board of the international peer-reviewed journal Kurdish Studies.Since 2014, he has been working on various research projects at different research institutions on topics related to jihadist radicalization, Muslim communities in Europe, and the Middle East. The focus is on Kurdistan, Syria and Iraq, as well as religious minorities in the region.
◼ 茉莉,法国社会科学高等研究院在读博士,专注叙利亚库区女性运动研究。Yasmin Huang is currently conducting her PhD in sociology at EHESS (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences). Her doctoral research explores the real situation and tangible contributions of women in Rojava to gender equality and female emancipation in the complex socio-political landscape.
◼ 北京时间10月15日(周二)20:00-21:30
Oct. 15, Tue., 20:00-21:30 Beijing Time
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海报设计 | Yancy
文案 | 刘馨茹
编辑 | Hadi