讲座预告 | 战争中的投资:“一带一路”对冲突国家意味着什么?

文摘   时事   2024-09-13 10:19   湖南  

活动背景 Intro

冲突地带的复杂情况如何影响“一带一路”倡议的落地实施?外部投资对当地政治稳定性的影响究竟如何?以大型基础设施投资为显著特征的“一带一路”倡议能否带去一种中国式的“发展和平”?在9月18日晚的线下讲座中,艾沛思博士(Dr. Pascal Abb)将以巴基斯坦和缅甸为例,探讨“一带一路”倡议对冲突国家带来的变革性影响。
Since its inception more than ten years ago, China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has attracted significant attention for its transformative impact on geopolitics, international developmental aid and the environment of member countries. A comparatively understudied aspect is the clustering of BRI investments in conflict-affected states. 
Here, the BRI’s impact is potentially even greater, but highly ambiguous: on the one hand, it is providing much-needed development financing to countries with unattractive risk profiles, thus potentially contributing to their stabilization. On the other, this influx of capital risks exacerbating antagonisms over resource distribution and project control, creating additional grievances resulting from a lack of oversight, and reigniting conflicts along existing political fault lines. 

This talk will explore the BRI’s transformative impact on conflict-affected states through the examples of Pakistan and Myanmar.

嘉宾简介 Guest&Host

主讲人 Speaker

◼ 艾沛思,法兰克福和平研究所(PRIF)高级研究员。他聚焦于对中国问题的研究,关注崛起中的中国如何应对全球冲突环境,新近开展了有关中国如何适应海外冲突风险的研究项目。最新研究成果包括论文《是否存在中国式的“发展和平”:以“一带一路”倡议对冲突国家的影响为例》、论著《中国、巴基斯坦与“一带一路”倡议:一个先行国家的经验》等。

Dr. Pascal Abb is the coordinator of the research group “Regime Competition” and a senior researcher at PRIF with a focus on China. His research centers on how a rising China engages with global conflict environments, most recently in a project on Chinese adaptation to overseas conflict risks. His current publications on this topic include "Is there a Chinese “Developmental Peace”? Evidence from the Belt and Road Initiative’s Impact on Conflict States" (Journal of Contemporary China, 2024) and China, Pakistan and the Belt and Road Initiative: the Experience of an Early Adopter State (Routledge, 2024).

主持人 Host

◼ 吕晓宇,青年作家、学者,英国牛津大学博士,曾供职于联合国。现任北京大学国际关系学院助理教授,研究方向是国际冲突与和平。长期进行评论和非虚构写作,作品见于《单读》、《小说界》、洛杉矶书评中国频道、《三联生活周刊》、澎湃新闻、《卫报》、《外交家》等。出版有《利马之梦:晓宇的拉美笔记》、《水下之人》。

Dr. Xiaoyu Lu is an assistant professor at the School of International Studies in Peking University and was a research fellow at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre at the Australian National University. He received MSc and DPhil degrees in Politics at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, and previously worked at the United Nations Development Programme. His research focuses on international conflict, development and political anthropology.

参与方式 Details

时间 Date

◼ 北京时间9月18日(周三)19:00-20:30

Sept. 18, Wed., 19:00-20:30 Beijing Time

地点 Venue

◼ 北京大学国际关系学院C108(无需报名,校外人员可联系北大学生或教职工预约入校)

Room C108, School of International Studies, Peking University

语言 Language

◼ English

注意事项 Note

◼ 请尊重嘉宾及主办单位对本场活动音像内容拥有的版权,不要私自对活动进行录音、录像及传播。

Please respect the audio-video copyright of the speaker and the organizer, and don't record without permission.

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文案 | 崔浩彤

编辑 | Hadi


