加入我们 | 香港理工大学建筑能源及自动化研究室现招博士后研究员及研究助理

2022-04-11 16:49  

香港理工大学【智慧能源研究院】和【建筑环境与能源工程学系】所属【建筑能源及自动化研究室】现招收Postdoctoral Fellow、Research Associate 、Research Assistant若干名,开展香港创新及科技支援计划项目“Smart Data-Driven Building Management Framework for Environmental and Sustainability Applications”(730万港币)的研究工作,上述职位均提供具有竞争力的薪资。有兴趣申请的同学可将个人简历发送给肖赋(Fu Xiao)教授。

Join us! You are welcome to contact:

  • Prof. Fu Xiao


Postdoctoral Fellow: 

Applicants for the Postdoctoral Fellow post should have a doctoral degree or an equivalent qualification in the fields of building environment and energy engineering, thermal engineering, building physics, building automation or built environment, and must have no more than five years of post-qualification experience at the time of application. Preference will be given to those with rich experience in using AI/machine learning algorithms or Unity technologies. 

Research Associate: 

Applicants for the Research Associate post should have a master's degree or an equivalent qualification in the fields of building environment and energy engineering, thermal engineering, building physics, building automation, built environment, data science or information and computing science. Preference will be given to those with research experience in data analytics, including data mining and machine learning, or Unity technologies. 

Research Assistant: 

Applicants for the Research Assistant post should have an honours degree or an equivalent qualification in the fields of building environment and energy engineering, thermal engineering, building physics, building automation, built environment, data science or information and computing science. Preference will be given to those with research experience in data analytics, including data mining and machine learning or Unity technologies.








https://www.polyu.edu.hk/hro/docdrive/careers/postspec/22032320-22.pdf (或点击阅读原文)

编辑 | Cloris

1. 科研论文 | GEIN:基于机器学习的针对所有建筑类型的可解释基准测试框架

2. 科研论文 | 基于贝叶斯方法的水冷式冷水机组流量测量不确定性的量化

3. 科研论文 | 基于模型预测的调度策略以解锁和优化面向多服务电力市场的建筑能源灵活性

1. 学术新闻|王盛卫教授和肖赋教授入列全球前2%顶尖科学家
2. 学术新闻|恭喜王盛卫教授及其团队获得香港研究资助局重大项目(CRF)资助!
3. 学术新闻 | 肖赋教授获批国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”项目

香港理工大学 | 建筑节能及自动化研究室