科研论文 | 多微电网间电力交易比较研究:基于混合博弈论的考虑电动汽车的异构建筑社区点对点交易

文摘   2024-09-03 14:22   中国香港  

Comparative study on electricity transactions between multi-microgrid: A hybrid game theory-based peer-to-peer trading in heterogeneous building communities considering electric vehicles



Applied Energy
Volume 367, 2024


分布式能源在建筑领域的渗透率不断提高,加上交通行业电气化政策的不断完善,对电网的成本效益和可靠运行提出了挑战。本研究利用基于混合博弈论的点对点(P2P)电力交易范式和传统的使用时间,对由考虑电动汽车(EV)的异构建筑社区组成的多微电网之间的电力交易进行比较研究 Peer-to-grid(P2G)范式下的分时电价(TOU)策略。首先,基于混合博弈的P2P框架,结合非合作博弈来确定代表不同建筑社区的多个微电网之间的内部电力交易和价格,并提出了合作博弈来确定同一微电网建筑物内的交易和收入分配。然后,该研究探讨了这种方法在微电网内实现高效和可持续电力交换的有效性。通过综合分析,考虑动态电力需求和技术经济因素,结果表明基于混合博弈论的P2P范式相较于在P2G范式下TOU策略具有显着优势。所提出的方法可以改善能源供需平衡,增加能源自主权,公平的收入分配,并减少对公用电网的依赖。同时,利用电动汽车和灵活负载作为能源灵活性资源,进一步增强系统的灵活性和对需求波动的响应能力。研究结果为通过促进能源共享和增强电网稳定性来提高能源效率和支持向更加分散和有弹性的电力系统过渡提供了参考。


The ever-growing penetration rate of distributed energy resources in the building sector, coupled with the ongoing improvements in electrification policies within the transportation industry, has posed challenges to cost-effectiveness and reliable operation of the utility grid. This study conducts a comparative study on electricity transactions between multi-microgrids comprising heterogeneous building communities considering electric vehicles (EVs), utilizing a hybrid game theory-based Peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity trading paradigm and a traditional Time-of-use (TOU) strategy under the Peer-to-grid (P2G) paradigm. Firstly, a hybrid game-based P2P framework, incorporating a non-cooperative game for determining internal electricity transactions and prices between multi-microgrid representing different building communities, and proposed a cooperative game for determining transactions and revenue distribution within the same microgrid's buildings. Then, the study investigates the effectiveness of this approach in enabling efficient and sustainable electricity exchange within microgrids. Through a comprehensive analysis, considering the dynamic electricity demand and techno-economic factors, the results demonstrates that the hybrid game theory-based P2P paradigm offers significant advantages over the traditional TOU strategy under the P2G paradigm. The proposed approach enables improved energy supply-demand balancing, increased energy autonomy, equitable revenue distribution, and reduced reliance on the utility grid. Meanwhile, utilizing EVs and flexible loads as energy flexibility assets further enhances the system's flexibility and responsiveness to demand fluctuations. The findings provide references for promoting energy efficiency and supporting the transition towards a more decentralized and resilient power system by fostering energy sharing and enhancing grid stability. 

Photovoltaic battery (PVB) system 光伏电池系统
Microgrid 微电网
Diversified building communities 多元化建筑社区
Electric vehicle 电动汽车
Game theory 博弈论
Peer-to-peer (P2P) trading 点对点交易


图1 原型建筑与建筑群关系示意图

图2 建筑社区能源负荷系统建模示意图

图3 不同电力交易范式下的分层管理策略框架:(a). 多微电网与多元化建筑社区的博弈关系;(b). 能源管理战略的三层框架

图6 电力交易机制及多微电网优化调度与交易示意图

图9 夏季、过渡季和冬季典型日三种不同微电网的发电和消耗分布

图14 P2G和基于混合博弈P2P模式下多微电网和多元化建筑社区总购电成本分布

图17 基于混合博弈的P2P范式下多微电网系统内部电力交易价格分布


编辑 | Kenneth
供稿、审核 | Wei Liao

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1. 数聚香江 智话能源 | 2025第一届国际数智能源大会
2. 加入我们 | 香港理工大学建筑能源及自动化研究室现招募2025年博士研究生
3. 科研之余 | PolyU BEEE系与ISE系"羽毛球友谊赛"圆满

香港理工大学 | 建筑节能及自动化研究室