学术新闻 | 香港理工大学智慧能源研究院 RISE Distinguished Lecture Series

文摘   2022-11-07 15:15  

85th PolyU Anniversary RISE Distinguished Lecture Series

We would like to invite you to participate in the upcoming online lecture. Colleagues of RISE and in PolyU and friends outside PolyU are all welcome! Don't miss the chance!

Details of the upcoming online lecture:

Title: Resilient and Fully Decarbonized SmartRenewable Energy Systems

Speaker: Prof. Henrik LUND, Aalborg University

Date : 16 Nov 2022 (Wed)

Time : 4:00 – 5:45 pm (HKT, UTC+8) 
Venue : Online via Zoom

编辑 | Cloris

1. 科研论文 | 下一代高温数据中心研究和技术——现状及展望

2. 科研论文 | GEIN:基于机器学习的针对所有建筑类型的可解释基准测试框架

3. 科研论文 | 基于贝叶斯方法的水冷式冷水机组流量测量不确定性的量化

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香港理工大学 | 建筑节能及自动化研究室