学术新闻 | 研究团队在Cell子刊《Cell Reports Physical Science》发表论文

文摘   科学   2023-10-20 10:03   中国香港  

The global energy impact of raising the space temperature for high-temperature data centers


Cell Reports Physical Science

Volume 4, 2023

2023年10月18日,研究团队在Cell子刊《Cell Reports Physical Science》发表了题为“The global energy impact of raising the space temperature for high-temperature data centres” 的研究论文。论文链接为https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-physical-science/fulltext/S2666-3864(23)00444-7

《Cell Reports Physical Science》是全球著名Cell出版社旗下新晋高水平高影响力的综合期刊,旨在发表物理、化学、能源科学、材料科学以及交叉学科领域中的重大研究进展。


数据中心的高能耗已经引起全球的广泛关注。高温数据中心作为一个基本解决方案可最大限度地降低冷却能耗。高温数据中心采用不同的冷却机制,使得无冷机的数据中心成为可能,并推动数据中心从依赖冷机过渡到完全无冷机的冷却模式。本文报告了高温数据中心的环球节能效益,并根据环球气象数据和现有服务器性能数据,对其在降低冷却能耗和服务器功率上升的相互关联进行了客观深入的分析。并在此基础上,提出了未来适应高温环境的“理想”和“推荐”服务器的发展量化指引和目标。研究表明,若将空间温度升至41摄氏度,全球几乎所有陆地区域均可实现全年百分之百自然冷却。我们因而定义此温度为 “环球自然冷却温度”。与目前常用的22摄氏度的空间温度设定相比,运行在此环球自然冷却温度下数据中心可降低高达百分之五十六的冷却能耗。


Ever-increasing energy consumption of data centres is a growing global concern. To tackle this problem, high-temperature data centre is proposed as a fundamental solution. It adopts a different cooling mechanism and makes ‘chiller-free’ data centres possible, facilitating the transition from chiller-based cooling to completely-free cooling in data centres. Here we report the global energy impacts of adopting high-temperature data centres and critically analyse the trade-off between cooling-energy savings and server power rise using the worldwide weather data and server performance data. Quantitative guidance and targets are established for developing ‘ideal’ and ‘recommendable’ servers, considering the server performance associated with the thermal environment. When raising the space temperature to 41°C (namely, the 'global free-cooling temperature'),nearly all the land area can achieve 100% free cooling year-round globally. Operating at this space temperature, up to 56% cooling-energy savings could be achieved compared with operating at a current typical space temperature of 22°C.


Data center

Free cooling

Energy saving

Global impact

Server development


Figure 4. Global maps of annual free-cooling ratio at different space temperatures

(A) At a baseline space temperature of 22°C. (B) at 27°C (upper limit of current recommendation). (C) at 32°C (upper limit of Class A1). (D) at 35°C (upper limit of Class A2). (E) at 40°C (upper limit of Class A3). (F) at 45°C (upper limit of Class A4).

Figure 5. Global maps of cooling-energy savings with reference to baseline space temperature 22°C

(A) At 27°C (upper limit of current recommendation). (B) at 32°C (upper limit of Class A1). (C) at 35°C (upper limit of Class A2). (D) at 40°C (upper limit of Class A3). (E) at 45°C (upper limit of Class A4).


审核 | Prof. Shengwei Wang
编辑 | Kenneth
供稿 | Yingbo Zhang

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