One long-distance flight consumes fuel which a car uses in several years' time, but they cause the same amount of pollution. So some people think that we should discourage non-essential flights, such as tourist travel, rather than to limit the use of cars. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
环境与空气污染的例题主要涉及三方面要点,低碳出行(low carbon travel),植树造林(greening project)和新能源技术(new energy technologies)。
从现实利益的角度出发(from the standpoint of practical interests),飞机作为一种重要长距离行程的交通工具,是全球化趋势的体现与标志(signature of globalization),限制非必须航班出行的标准很难界定,而且会给经常搭乘国际航班的乘客带来很多不必要的麻烦,让相关国家的经济难以维系。
有关部门应制定长远性、系统性的方案(forward-looking and systematic plans),如替代燃油车、转换经济发展模式,进一步践行绿化项目;同时公众应自觉加强环保意识(enhance eco-friendly consciousness)来改善城市空气质量。
The troubling air quality has raised eyebrows for dozens of people. They all scratch their heads figuring out plausible ways to reverse the trend. Some of them pin the worsening crisis on frequent flights. From my perspective, international travel isn't the culprit and freeing more car use won't do the trick whatsoever.
Firstly, poor air quality is a hard-wired problem many countries are tackling painstakingly. Many factors have led to this conundrum. On one hand, economic development has induced many manufacturing sectors to work around the clock, irrespective of crucial environmental-friendly standards. The toxic gas they emitted has made key parameters of urban air quality plunge. On the other hand, the expansion of metropolitan areas have eroded masses of forests, wiping tress and plants from the earth. With the restorative capability of our nature impaired, the greenhouse gas vehicles, planes and machinery equipment produce have no outlets to be recycled. That's why the incidence of respiratory diseases in populated areas have soared in recent decades.
With many determinants at play, some environmental experts want to address the elephant in the room first and cut the number of commercial flights, since planes spend way more fuels than automobiles. Nevertheless, it's by no means a slam-dunk approach. In what manner should we define nonessential travel? The trend of globalization entails that people go to other nations for work, study, migratory or even cultural reasons. They have distinct purposes and meanings in people's lives and prioritizing one over the other would incur drastic opposition from flight-takers. What's more, while tourist travel might sound trivial and frivolous to environmental activists, it brings substantial income for local tourism and service industries. Once people are not granted enough freedom to visit hot tourist spots, what are the odds of these regions continue to thrive economically? Besides,limiting flights won't help reduce the rising carbon dioxide produced by automobiles. Granted that private vehicles use gas a lot less, countries and cities all over the world have far more cars than planes, and the average possession of cars per household in many developing nations have dramatically grown year on year. Even we restricted certain flights, the cumulative influence of cars on environment would still be disastrous. So turning a blind eye on the expansion of automobiles is just a placebo, not a feasible solution.
If we want to get down to the problem of air pollution, we need to adopt a forward-looking perspective. One far-reaching strategy is continuing developing energy-efficient technologies. If all types of transportation tools burn less oil, the harmful gases they release would decline tremendously.
Next, we must safeguard the mode of sustainable development. That means all nations should be resolute in carrying out greening projects, returning forestry and unmined lands to nature. Also, If all industries in our society abide by eco-friendly regulations strictly, citizens would breathe in a lot more fresh, salubrious air in daily commutes.
To recapitulate, the limiting of air travel is just a self-deceiving palliative, rather than a cure to the worsening air quality. More sensible means should be handed down from the top, and citizens should be more environmentally-conscious to practice a low-carbon lifestyle.
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