Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school and develop work experience. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
上月19号曾出现过“大学学习越来越难”的例题,当时梳理的“高校课程应结合专业理论和实际技能”的论点在本题也可运用上去,借以证明:大学科学合理的课程安排能够为学生谋求理想工作注入一针强心剂(inject a strong stabilizer into...)。
同时大学期间能够结识各种背景的同学和有才华之人(like-minded peers and talented luminaries),这些可成为今后发展的跳板。大学校园多元化的氛围也可让年轻人的心态更加包容自信(a high-spirited, reassuring mindset)。
最后一个主体段或总结部分可作简单让步,一些技工类、艺术类专业没有大学学历也可就业,但失去系统性、专业化技能库的辅助(without the aid of specialized training)会让将来长远发展的上限受阻。
As many high school students fight tooth and nail to earn a spot in college, many cynics question the relevance of higher education and contend that it’s not the linchpin for having a promising career in the future. While I concede that certain occupations don’t necessarily require a higher education diploma, I still believe that a college education is worthy of students’ commitment and devotion.
To begin with, most professions need expertise and skill sets that are only provided at the level of tertiary education. Take sociologists, for example. The attempt to conduct fine-tooth research involves strategic sampling, cognitive interviews, and quantitative analysis of regression. Neither of these is imparted by high school teachers. Not to mention the fact that more and more sociological queries are intertwined with the works of anthropologists, psychologists, and political science experts. If they want to have a long-lasting, lucrative academic career in the long haul, they ought to establish connections and gather resources very early while they are in college. As a matter of fact, it’s an irreversible trend that legitimate disciplines nowadays require the input of related fields.
The meaning of university studies is not limited to the aforementioned benefits. To a larger extent, a college diploma opens golden opportunities that secondary school education couldn’t hold a candle to. Imagine a garden-variety technician who installs fibre optics for local households. If he lands this career path straight out of school, there is a high chance that he will make a living in this manner for the rest of his life. However, like-minded peers with savvy business acumen would have the wit to run a franchise business in nearby cities. The technical soundness, administrative management, and marketing plan represent sophisticated, multi-layered skills forged through meticulous higher education training.
In summary, there is no shortcut to sustainable development in a professional context. Only through a thoughtful four-year college education can we reap the benefits of the ivory tower and pave a luminous pathway for future success. All we need to ignite the spark of wisdom is patience.