逻辑沙龙 Logic Salon
Johan van Benthem:
Connecting Different Logics: Translation and Tracking
Many members of the crowd of modern logical systems look very different qua syntax and semantics, but how much unity is there when we look 'under the hood' of their engines? I start with some significant examples of translation and other forms of reduction between logical systems, some obvious, some quite surprising. As a special interest item, I will discuss 'tracking' of dynamic updates in different logics, taking the case of logics for analyzing games as a running example.
J. van Benthem, 'Implicit and Explicit Stances in Logic', Journal of Philosophical Logic, 2018, https://pure.uva.nl/ws/files/85565602/Benthem2019Article_ImplicitAndExplicitStancesInLo.pdf
J. van Benthem, 'Tracking Information', in K. Bimbó, ed., Michael Dunn on Information–Based Logics, Springer, Dordrecht, 363–389.
J. van Benthem, 'Game levels, Game logics, Translations, Tracking, and More', working paper, ILLC, University of Amsterdam.
(蒙民伟人文楼 329)