Determinacy of omega-languages: from non-determinism to probability
I will talk about the interface of the determinacy of Gale-Stewart games and automata on infinite words. The Gale-Stewart game is a two-player turn-based game with perfect information. Given a winning set X, determinacy of X asserts that one of the two players has a winning strategy. The winning set X can also be defined by variants of finite automata as a set of infinite words accepted by such automata. I will review several variants of finite automata on infinite words and the determinacy studies along this topic, then introduce our studies on determinacy strength of infinite games with winning sets defined by pushdown and probabilistic automata with various acceptance conditions.Wenjuan Li is now a postdoc at Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. She got her DSc. from Tohoku University. Her research interests lie in mathematical logic and theoretical computer science, especially the interaction of logic, games and automata.
时间:2024年9月19日 (周四) 14:00-15:30
(蒙民伟人文楼 329)
Distributed belief – aggregating potentially conflicting information
In epistemic logic, the knowledge distributed among a group of agents, or the knowledge possible given the information distributed in the group, can be formalized using the intersection modality. Distributed knowledge can potentially be resolved if the information possessed by the group is shared among its members. However, when we consider belief rather than knowledge, the picture is more complicated. The cumulative information possessed by the agents can be contradictory. In such cases, the distributed belief of the group explodes: the group ends up with distributed belief in everything. Similarly, in such cases, resolving using the intersection operation makes the agents inconsistent.
We consider non-explosive alternative definitions of distributed belief, both static and dynamic. For the static case, we offer non-explosive alternative definitions for distributed belief that make use of maximal consistent subgroups. For the dynamic case, we discuss ways of preserving belief properties of individual agents.John Lindqvist is a third-year Ph.D. candidate in the Logic and AI research group at the Department of Information Science, University of Bergen, visiting the JRC for Logic from August 19th until the end of November. His ongoing work investigates dynamic logics for agents communicating and sharing potentially conflicting information.时间:2024年9月19日 (周四) 16:00-17:30
(蒙民伟人文楼 329)