逻辑沙龙 | 耿幽静:关于早期中国论辩结构的探讨

文摘   2024-12-04 15:48   瑞典  

逻辑沙龙 Logic Salon

Joachim Gentz:
Deliberations on the Geometry of Early Chinese Argumentation
Scholars have long been captivated by repetitive and parallel structures in early Chinese texts. They have described, classified and defined repetitive and parallel figures in these texts and offered explanations of the function and operating principles of these figures. This talk critically engages with such explanations and explores new pathways of analysis in this field. In a first part, the talk provides a short historical overview of methods and theories that explain literary repetitions and parallelisms either as a reflection of structures that exist outside of the texts or with regard to their literary effects on the readers. Subsequently, the talk offers an own approach emphasising time and space aspects of repetitive and parallel structures in early Chinese philosophical texts, arguing that such structures construct a spatial dimension in these texts. In doing so, the talk argues, they go beyond what Ricoeur calls the “Model of the Text” and produce textual objects more akin to the spatial mode of visual objects and ritual performances. In its final part, the talk conducts an analysis of visual materials to illustrate how they reinforce, complement, or even inspire novel perspectives on the geometrical logic of repetition and parallelism within texts. It first explores scholarly conceptual discourse surrounding repetition and parallelism in ornamentation before finally turning to an analysis of Han mural art to discuss basic principles of composition in early Chinese textual and visual art and the roles that repetition and parallelism play to construct meaning therein.

  • Understanding Chinese Religions. Edinburgh/London: Dunedin Academic Press, 2013.
  • Keywords Re-Oriented. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2009.
  • Das Gongyang zhuan. Auslegung und Kanonisierung der Frühlings- und Herbstannalen (Chunqiu). 634 pp. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2001.
  • Transcultural Perspectives on Pre-Modern China (vol. 1 of 4 vols., China and the World - the World and China: Essays in Honor of Rudolf G. Wagner, edited by B. Mittler, J. & N. Gentz, and C. Yeh). Gossenberg: Ostasienverlag, 2019.
  • Literary Forms of Argument in Early China. Leiden: Brill, 2015. With Dirk Meyer. (Paperback edition 2016).
  • Religious Diversity in Chinese Thought. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. With Perry Schmidt-Leukel. (Online at Google books). (Paperback edition 2015).
  • Komposition und Konnotation – Figuren der Kunstprosa im Alten China (Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung 29) 2005. With Wolfgang Behr.

联系人余伟俊 yuwj24@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn



   (蒙民伟人文楼 329)


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