
文摘   2024-10-21 17:24   北京  

清 茶 会

Qingyu He:


Boolean dependence logic


Baltag and van Benthem[1] introduced a logic of functional dependence (LFD) with local dependence formulas and dependence quantifiers, which can be seen both as a first-order and a modal logic. In the relational semantics of LFD, the dependence quantifiers become modalities and local dependence formulas are treated as special atoms. In particular, the modalities involving multiple variables correspond to intersections of relations. This leads to the study on the interaction between LFD and Boolean Modal Logic [2] (BML)—a poly-modal logic where families of binary relations are closed under the Boolean operations of union, intersection, and complement.
In this talk, I will present a BML version of LFD, which can express additional notions of dependence. I will provide an axiomatization, including details about its completeness proof. Furthermore, I will extend the framework by introducing conditional independence atoms, and propose an axiomatization for the extended logic.

This is joint work with Chenwei Shi and Qian Chen.

[1] Baltag, Alexandru, and Johan van Benthem. "A simple logic of functional dependence." Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (2021): 939-1005.
[2] Gargov, George, and Solomon Passy. "A note on Boolean modal logic." Mathematical logic. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1990. 299-309.




时间:2024年10月24日 (周四) 14:00-15:30


    (蒙民伟人文楼 329)


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