
文摘   教育培训   2024-08-05 11:27   四川  



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Paris sits at the heart of all things French. On the banks of the River Seine, the city arose at the crossroads of ancient Gaelic and Roman trade routes. It has dominated French culture for almost 2000 years.


★★★ River Seine  塞纳河

arise  v.产生,形成

crossroad  n.十字路口

trade route  贸易路线

dominate  v.支配


Today, with more than 11 million souls, it's 5 times larger than any other French city and home to 1 in 6 of the French population. This is the top tourist destination on earth, more than 30 million visitors every year.


soul  n.(居住在某一地方的)人

destination  n.目的地


Meet Sebastien Foucan, he belongs to a new generation of performance artists. His art is called free running or in French "parkour". It's a ballet over the roof tops and across an urban jungle.


★★★ parkour  n.跑酷

ballet  n.芭蕾舞

urban  a.城市的

jungle  n.丛林


A lot people think parkour is a sport. Yes, it's physical, you know, but for me, is more like an art. You'll find some obstacle, and you just use your body with the obstacle. This is parkour.


obstacle  n.障碍


Plainly, parkour is an art form for the very fit and young. It to ballet what hip-hop is to Bach and Keats. And so it flourishes in the suburb of Avery, an immigrant community 25 miles from downtown Paris.


★★ plainly  ad.简单地

flourish  v.繁荣

suburb  n.郊区

immigrant  n.移民

community  n.社区


The French citizens who live here come from former French colonies in North Africa. Yet the street life of African cities seems far away in a place where the architecture can seem designed to isolate. With unemployment among the young as high as 40%, and crime increasing each year, these ghettoes are a cause of public outcry in France. But for Sebastien Foucan, this quirky cement jungle presented opportunities.


colony  n.殖民地

architecture  n.建筑

isolate  v.使隔离,使孤立

unemployment  n.失业率

★★★ ghetto  n.贫民区

★★ outcry  n.强烈抗议

★★★ quirky  a.古怪的

cement  n.水泥

present  vt.代表


Sebastien and his friends were inspired by the 1960s architecture around them. They didn't find its utilitarian nature depressing at all. They envisioned movement and grace on a great big stage.


inspire  v.鼓舞,启发

architecture  n.建筑

★★★ utilitarian  a.实用的

nature  n.性质

depressing  a.令人沮丧的

★★★ envision  v.想象

grace  n.优雅


Now 32 years old, Sebastien never abandoned his childhood dreams. He kept at it, perfecting his technique, elevating parkour from a trick to a way of life.


abandon  vt.放弃

keep at  坚持

perfect  vt.使完美

technique  n.技巧

★★ elevate  vt.提升


Parkour has enabled Sebastien to bounce right out of the ghetto and into the wider world. He struts for the paparazzi, and stars in commercials and blockbuster movies.


bounce out of  跳出,冲出

★★★ ghetto  n.贫民区

★★★ strut  v.高视阔步

★★★ paparazzi  n.狗仔队

star  v.主演

commercial  n.广告

★★★ blockbuster  n.大片





分享纪录片精彩片段和台词整理,在视听环境里学习词汇和表达,积累各学科背景知识,提升英语学习的乐趣 丨 创作者:许泽传,新东方“集团优秀教师”,四川大学硕士