
文摘   教育培训   2024-07-29 11:56   四川  


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This is Olympia.It began like the many other religious sanctuaries across Greece. But starting in 776 BC, events would take place in this very arena that would give mortals a shot at immortality, and unite the Greeks in the process.


★★ religious sanctuary  宗教圣地

★★ arena  n.竞技场

★★ mortal  n.凡人

shot  n.尝试,努力

★★ immortality  n.不朽的名声


Athletes at the peak of performance flocked here from hundreds of Greek city-states to run, jump, wrestle, box, throw, and compete for the favor of Zeus, the Olympics.


peak  n.顶峰

flock  vi.群集


The ancient Greeks absolutely delighted in beauty and they delighted in the beauty of the physical form, they saw men’s bodies as absolutely as beautiful in a different way as women’s bodies. They oiled themselves with olive oil partly to help get a nice tan but also for the combat sports to make it less easy for their opponents to get a grip on them.


delight  v.使高兴,使快乐

combat  n.格斗,比赛

opponent  n.对手

grip  n.紧握,抓牢


Compared to the hundreds of Olympic events today, Greek competitions were limited to skills useful in combat, running, wrestling, boxing. And while today three teams make it to the podium for bronze, silver and gold, in ancient Greece, one guy is the winner and everybody else is the loser. There’s no second place, there’s no third place. So there’s a whole different ethos, a competitive ethos which runs right through all of Greek life all the time, where they’re striving to be the best.


combat  n.战斗

★★★ podium  n.领奖台

★★★ ethos  n.风气

competitive  a.竞争的

★★ strive  vi.努力,力求


The Greeks had a word for this competitive ethos, agon, as in agony, and it wasn’t confined to the Olympics. Agon is really just an ancient predecessor of somebody telling you now that noting worthwhile comes easy. In lofty pursuits like philosophy or government or literature or whatever it might be, if we’re forced to do our very best in the pursuit of the standard of excellence that’s going to make us better.

希腊人有一个词形容这种竞争风气,agon,也就是剧痛的词源,它不仅限于奥林匹克运动会,agon 在古代的含义实际上是告诉人们有价值的东西都来之不易。在更高层次的追求中,比如哲学、政府、文学等等,如果我们使出全力,追求卓越的标准,那就会使自己更好。

competitive  a.竞争的

★★★ ethos  n.风气

★★ agony  n.极大的痛苦

confine  vt.局限于

★★ predecessor  n.原先的东西

★★ lofty  a.崇高的,高尚的

pursuit  n.追求

philosophy  n.哲学

literature  n.文学


When it came to putting agon on display, the Olympics weren’t the only game in town. So-called Panhellenic Festivals were held at four different religious sanctuaries across Greece, in Olympia, Delphi, Nemea and Isthmia, alternating annually between each one, which is why the Olympics are only held every four years.

展示 agon 的场合并不仅限于奥林匹克运动会,还有一个称为泛希腊运动会,在希腊的四个宗教圣地轮流举行,分别是奥林匹亚、德尔斐、尼米亚和伊斯特米亚,每年轮到一次,所以奥林匹克运动会是四年一次。

★ display  n.展示 

★★ religious sanctuary  宗教圣地

★★ alternate  vi.轮流

 annually  ad.每年


分享纪录片精彩片段和台词整理,在视听环境里学习词汇和表达,积累各学科背景知识,提升英语学习的乐趣 丨 创作者:许泽传,新东方“集团优秀教师”,四川大学硕士