
文摘   2024-08-24 09:54   四川  




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Located in the northeast of China, the Changbai Mountains is named after its iconic scenery of being perpetually white almost all year long.




name after  …命名

iconic  a.象征性的

scenery  n.风景

★★ perpetually  ad.永久地


These mountains were formed around 2.77 million years ago, after volcano eruptions due to the movement of the earth crust.




form  vt.形成

volcano eruption  火山爆发

movement  n.运动

★★ earth crust  地壳


At the top of the main mountain, there is a crater lake with an altitude of 2100 meters. It is called “Tian Chi" in Chinese, literally meaning Heaven Lake. Its latest eruption happened around 300 years ago.



★★★ crater  n.火山口

altitude  n.海拔高度

literally  ad.按照字面意思地

eruption  n.喷发


Tianchi is the largest crater lake in China, and it is the deepest mountain lake around the world as well. The average depth of water is 204 meters. It has stored over 2 billion tons of freshwater, which is able to supply the population in Beijing downtown for 22 months




★★★ crater  n.火山口

store  vt.储存

freshwater  n.淡水

downtown  n.闹市区,中心区


The winter lasts for 9 months in the Changbai Mountains. Thus, the crest of the mountain is covered by snow most of the time. The depth of the snow is 50 centimeters on average. It is extremely difficult to visit the mountain during the winter. Lake Tianchi only melts in Mid-July due to the cold weather and the water in the lake is flowing for only 30 days every year.




★★★ crest  n.山顶

mid-July  七月中旬


It is always misty and cloudy. According to the locals, people could only see the most imposing scenery here if they have a special mysterious connection with this ‘magical mountain'




misty  a.薄雾笼罩的

imposing  a.壮观的

scenery  n.风景

mysterious  a.神秘的





分享纪录片精彩片段和台词整理,在视听环境里学习词汇和表达,积累各学科背景知识,提升英语学习的乐趣 丨 创作者:许泽传,新东方“集团优秀教师”,四川大学硕士