
文摘   2023-12-15 11:36   四川  


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 You have won a great victory, my King of Kings, no one thought the Trojan beach could be captured so easily.



 A beautiful gift, Triopas. You will be among the first to walk in the streets of Troy tomorrow.



 My father, Neleus, had this urn made to commemorate his victory as the Cyparisseis. I present it to you in honor of an even more memorable victory.


 Thank you. Old friend. Tomorrow we’ll eat supper in the gardens of Troy.



★★★ Trojan  a.特洛伊的

capture  vt.占领

★★ commemorate  vt.用以纪念

victory  n.胜利

in honor of  为纪念

memorable  a.值得纪念的


 War is young men dying and old men talking. You know this, ignore the politics.



 Apparently, you won some great victory.



 Perhaps you didn't notice. The Trojan beach belonged to Priam in the morning. It belongs to Agamemnon in the afternoon.



★★★ Agamemnon  阿伽门农(特洛伊战争中希腊联军统帅)



 Have the beach? I didn't come here for sand. 



 No. You came here because you want your name to last through the ages. A great victory was won today, but that victory is not yours. Kings did not kneel to Achilles. Kings did not pay homage to Achilles.



kneel  vi.跪下

★★★ pay homage to  表示敬意或崇敬



 Perhaps the kings were too far behind to see. Soldiers won the battle.



 History remembers kings! Not soldiers. Tomorrow will batter down the gates of Troy. I'll build monuments to victory on every island of Greece. I'll carve “Agamemnon” in the stone. My name will last through the ages. Your name is written in sand, for the waves to wash away



★★★ batter down  用力打破

monument  n.纪念碑



 Be careful, king of kings. First, you need the victory.



 Your men sacked the temple of Apollo, yes?



 You want gold? Take it. It's my gift to honor your courage, Take what you wish.



 I already have.



★★ sack  vt.劫掠

★★★ temple of Apollo  阿波罗神庙



 The spoils of war.



 No argument with your brothers, but if you don't release her, you'll never see home. Decide.



 Too many people have died, today. Killing is your only talent, that's your curse. I don't want anyone dying for me.



★★ the spoils  战利品

release  vt.释放

curse  n.诅咒,祸根




 Mighty Achilles, silenced by a slave girl. Tonight. I'll have her give me a bath and then who knows.



 You sack of wine!



 Before my time is done. I will look down on your corpse and smile.



mighty  a.强大的

silence  vt.使安静

★★★ corpse  n.尸首




分享纪录片精彩片段和台词整理,在视听环境里学习词汇和表达,积累各学科背景知识,提升英语学习的乐趣 丨 创作者:许泽传,新东方“集团优秀教师”,四川大学硕士