
文摘   2024-07-22 10:02   四川  



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There is a common misconception that depression is easy to spot. Hollywood often depicts it as somebody who is always sad, or looks worn out. But depression isn’t always obvious, which is why so many of us struggle with it silently.


★★ misconception  n.误解

★ depression  n.抑郁

★ spot  vt.发现

★ depict  vt.描绘

★ worn out  疲惫不堪的

★ obvious  a.明显的


You have habitual remedies. Therapy and medication can help with depression. But if you find yourself making extra changes to your lifestyle, then it can indicate that you are struggling more than usual with it.


★ habitual  a.习惯的

★ remedy  n.疗法

★ therapy  n.治疗,疗法

★★ medication  n.药物

★ indicate  vt.表明


You may find yourself exercising more frequently, listening to music more often, or doing your favorite hobbies to distract yourself from the pain you’re feeling. Hidden depression exists when you’re trying to quiet the loud demons in your head.


 distract  vt.使分心

★★ demon  n.恶魔


You have irregular eating and sleeping patterns, people with depression struggle with consistent sleeping and eating patterns. You may find you’re either sleeping and eating too much, or too little. Depression can work in extremes, and slows us down when we get little energy from our irregular daily patterns.


★ irregular  a.不规律的

★ consistent  a.持续的


You are highly philosophical. Do you constantly find yourself seeking a purpose in life? Do you also think about the “what if’s” and have frequent, deep conversations about life and death?


★ philosophical  a.哲学的

★ constantly  ad.时常地


Although you sound very scholarly and smart, there can also be a downside to thinking too much. People with hidden depression have a tendency to ruminate about their uncertainties in life. They usually feel directionless, lost, and scared.


★ scholarly  a.博学的

★ downside  n.不利的一面

★ tendency  n.倾向

★★★ ruminate  vi.认真思考

★ uncertainty  n.不确定的事物

★ directionless  a.没有方向的

★ scared  a.害怕的


You have trouble with abandonment. People with depression understand how much of a burden it can be. I can strongly relate to this. I have a hard time letting people in, afraid that it will be harder for them to be there for me when I need their support. I realize I have abandonment issues, but I’m trying harder to be more vulnerable.


★ abandonment  n.抛弃

★ vulnerable  a.脆弱的


You’re losing your patience. Have you been feeling irritable or angry with others lately? Depression doesn’t always have to look like sadness or dejection. Instead, you might find yourself frustrated and impatient with everyone. If you feel like you’re at your last straw, your depression might have intensified.


★★★ irritable  a.易怒的,急躁的

★★★ dejection  n.沮丧

★ frustrated  a.沮丧的

★★ the last straw  最终使人不堪忍受的事

★ intensify  v.加强,加剧


Do you resonate with any of these hidden signs? We want you to know that you’re not alone, and together, we can fight depression.


★★★ resonate  vi.共鸣





分享纪录片精彩片段和台词整理,在视听环境里学习词汇和表达,积累各学科背景知识,提升英语学习的乐趣 丨 创作者:许泽传,新东方“集团优秀教师”,四川大学硕士